Another punch smashed him to the ground.

"What are you doing?"

This time, Sun Wuchen came to him and hit his chin with a punch, which almost smashed his jaw with a terrifying punch.

These brave fists alone shocked many people, and this monster was almost unstoppable.

Almost has an attack power of more than 40,000, but it seems that he can't help the Sun Wuchen in front of him.

He was punched by Monkey King again and hit the sacred tree. The sacred tree that had lost its fruit had begun to wither, and it was all broken.

Before long, this tree will disappear from the world. This is also a historical inevitability.

"Impossible, I cannot lose to you."

"You idiot, you never like to fight, you keep hiding behind, and your fighting skills are not as good as mine."

Sun Wuchen stopped and continued.

"What's more, you are using the fruits of the sacred tree to increase your combat effectiveness, but you are just pulling out seedlings to encourage growth."

"Eight Seconds Proposal?"

"Idiot! Let you see my supreme magical powers."

Passed in an instant, the light flashed, and the sun was shining all over the world, and this guy's eyes could no longer be seen in an instant.

"Fuck the bomb!"

At the moment when Darius was in chaos, a huge ball was sent to his face, like a more terrifying fist, hitting him badly.

This is a skill that admires him, but it has been used by the current Sun Wuchen, and with an attack power of close to 40,000, this skill is extremely powerful.

Although it must stop and consume a lot of Qi, it is absolutely perfect for Sun Wuchen, who can almost have unlimited energy.

The ball hit Darius in the face again, knocking him away.

After attacking again and again, before he fought Darius several times, his face was dripping with blood.

"Could you not slap me in the face?"

"it is good."

Monkey King agreed, pointing a finger in front of his eyes and hitting his crotch.


This is the most painful problem for men. Darius was attacked under his crotch, and the huge apes were lying on the ground and lingering.

Sun Wuchen flew directly in front of his head.

"You guy, this is because, it's just that you haven't been in the battlefield for a long time, and you don't know where your abilities are. The combat effectiveness is very strong, and the skills are too far apart."

When Sun Wuchen said this, a big hand suddenly grabbed him and instantly squeezed his body, causing him to squeeze hard.

This combat power should be more than 50,000, because every price increase can feel unparalleled pain.

With a creaking sound, the bones in Sun Wuchen's body almost broke, but he gritted his teeth and his strength continued to increase.

"If you want to kill me like this, daydreaming."

A roar of air from Sun Wuchen instantly rushed away from the palm of this guy's hand and floated in the air again, the aura on his body was incomparably powerful.

"The power of extinction-15 times the Realm King Fist, you are stronger and I am stronger."

A punch blasted out, smashing the opponent's palm.

The first thousand and twenty-seventh chapter: Dodria the timid

Darius couldn't help it, his arm had disappeared.

All he was left with was howling in pain, and Sun Wuchen gave him another foot and kicked him far away.

"Others' contribution is a very high-level task. I didn't expect it to be so unbearable. I knew that you only had this ability. It would be better to kill it long ago."

For that perfect sacred tree fruit, I waited for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be such a rubbish.


"You can welcome death."

Sun Wuchen rushed forward.

Another place.

"Return everything here to me, don't leave anything, especially the distance."

Dodoria roared angrily there, and encountered some bugs here, which was really angry for him.

The combat effectiveness of those bugs is very low, but much better than him.

But these low-level people really don't need him to do it. If you do everything yourself, Frieza will be exhausted.

And Dodoria found some peculiar signs of life, and immediately flew to the side, and actually found some terrifying monsters near the dark space.

"The Dark Serpent, with a combat power of 21,000."

"Dark lizard, combat power 18,000."

"Dark exterminator, fighting power 50,000."

"My God, how come there are so many monsters in this place? How did those people survive?"

Dodoria is also a greedy person who is afraid of death, and dare not attack these terrifying creatures. Among them, the Dark Exterminator has reached 50,000 combat effectiveness.

Poporia himself didn't have the courage, so he chose to converge his body and mind and leave as soon as possible. It was enough to kill those people first.

The fighting will near the base has reached a white-hot situation. There are explosions and terror everywhere, **** and cruel, and the invincible force of horror continues to arouse explosions there, and even the entire base is shaking.

Boomer has opened all the defense facilities, but these enemies with more than 1,000 combat capabilities are not easy to block at all, and the defense of the base looks too weak.

Had it not been for some Frieza Army's technology to help him defend, people like them would have died long ago.

Whether it was Piccolo Monkey or Klin and others, they tried their best to block it.

Their combat effectiveness has completely exploded, but in fact, even Frieza's army, there are those with 5000 combat effectiveness.

Monkey King and Piccolo did their best to stop a 5,000 combat captain, but the remaining group of wolves and tigers could not be easily resisted by others, and the fighting situation became more and more tragic.

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