Sure enough, it didn't take long. Chen sensed that someone was peeping at him, but Chen did not feel the hostility of the other party.

"Is it from Dashewan?" Chen coldly snorted, and shouted in the direction of the voyeur: "Humph! Get out!" However, the person still did not move, and did not give Chen any face.

"Hey! Toast and not eat fine wine!" Chen was very upset when he saw that the person who came here thought that he hadn't been discovered, and put Chen aside and did not show up. Chen directly sealed the seal with both hands, and then used the man's hiding place: "Fire escape. Howard fireball technique!"

The big fireball with a diameter of two meters attacked aggressively in that direction. Just when the fireball was about to hit the target, a figure suddenly sprang out from where.

"Boom!" Chen Hao's fireball hit the target directly, directly blasting the place where the person was hiding. But that person avoided even though, so he was not harmed. At this time, the person was standing not far in front of Chen, staring at Chen with a sneer.

"Hey~~ Are you the genius Uchiha Tatsuo that Master Oshemaru said? I really don’t understand why Oshemaru-sama always brings some waste back. He is just a nasty stinky boy who dares to be called a genius, what a genius. It's ridiculous. Like you, I can kill a large group of people. Haha~~" The subordinate of Dashemaru was mocking Chen at this time.

"Who are you talking about?" Just when the famous Otonin was still smug, there was a sudden voice behind him, which instantly solidified his expression. Then before he could react, he felt a huge force coming from behind and knocked him out directly.

It was Chen. Chen rushed to the back of Oonnin at an extremely fast speed when that guy spoke badly. The speed was so fast that Oonnin could not see Qingchen's figure. Before he could react, Chen was caught by Chen. Kicked and flew out.

"Puff ~ how is it possible..." Naonin was knocked into the air, fell to the ground, and spit out a mouthful of blood, said in disbelief. After he raised his head with difficulty, he found that Chen did not know when, he had already appeared in front of him, looking down at him with his eyes full of disdain.

"Hey! You should be grateful that you are still useful to me, otherwise it is more than just getting hurt. If you don't have any strength, don't jump out and pretend to be forced. That's my patent!" Chen looked at that lying indifferently Otonin on the ground said: "Oshemaru has changed the purpose of telling you about my coming, right? Where is that caravan now? Take me there quickly."

"Yes... I'm sorry." The Yinren felt the murderous aura emanating from Chen. Even if he had killed a lot of people, he felt terrified. He didn't dare to have the arrogance that he showed just now, and said cautiously. : "Chen... The caravan that Master Chen was looking for has not yet arrived in the Kingdom of Wind. When I came to pick up Master Yingchen, they were camping in a forest. They should be resting. I still have A companion is staring."

"Humph! Take me over."

"Yes. Master Chen, I'll take you there!" Hearing Chen's words, Na Yinren didn't dare to neglect, enduring the pain and struggling to stand up from the ground: "Please come with me!" Then he led the way. Walking in one direction, Chen followed behind him.

Because Na Yin endured the injury, he didn't drive fast. After rushing for a while, Chen said impatiently, "How far is it?"

"Master Chen, please stay calm, we will be there soon."

"Huh!" Chen had no choice but to endure, and continued on his way. Fortunately, not long after, he finally saw a forest.

The famous Yinren stopped and pointed to the forest in front of Chen respectfully and said: "Master Chen, that's the front, and the caravan is resting in the woods in front. Wait for me to contact some of my companions first, Let him talk about the situation inside."


"Yes, Master Chen!" After Na Yinren finished speaking, he didn't know where he took out a small snake and placed it gently on the ground. Then the small snake ran towards the forest on its own. Not long after the little snake entered the forest, a figure emerged from the forest. After a few jumps, he came to Chen's front.

"Oh! It took so long to come back, I thought you were killed by someone, and you can't come back!" The Otonin who had just appeared said jokingly at the previous Otonin. It seems that their so-called partnership is not very good.

Then the Otonin turned his gaze to Tatsun on the other side, Yin Yang said strangely: "Is this what Uchiha Tatsuo Oshamaru-sama said? It's just a stinky kid, Oshamaru-sama asked me to obey his orders. Hey. ! Little devil, don't think that you can let me listen to you if you have Lord Oshemaru's order, don't be kidding! I..."

Before the Ming Yin Ren had finished speaking, Chen came to him in an instant with an instantaneous ability, and when he didn't react, he grabbed his neck and lifted him up. Naon endured the pain and stuck his tongue out, unable to speak. Both feet were kicking indiscriminately, but they still couldn't get rid of Chen's hand.

"Tell me, is that caravan still in the forest?"

Naonin Shinobu nodded madly at once, begging Chen to let him go with pleading eyes, but...

After getting the answer he wanted, Chen suddenly increased his strength in his hands, and directly chopped the neck of the famous Otonin. Na Otonin didn't even scream, and was killed by Chen.

He threw the corpse of Otonin on the ground, then turned to another Otonin who had been scared and said with a grin: "Well, since I have reached the destination, it is useless to keep you. Live, don’t pretend if you don’t have the strength in the future, because there will be four people."

"Master Chen, you..." After hearing Chen's words, Na Yinren immediately rushed to something bad, without thinking about it, turned around and wanted to escape. But just after he turned around, there was a sharp pain in his chest, and in the end he saw an arm pierce through his chest, then his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

"Huh! I'm a person who has a lot of grudges. If you offend me, I will definitely let him disappear in this world. To blame, you are so arrogant that you dare to run to me and pretend to be forced." After wiping the corpse with his hands, he ignored the two corpses and rushed directly towards the forest.

Not long after Chen entered the forest, a figure appeared in front of the corpses of the two Otonin.

The man first checked the two corpses, and then said with a sneer, "Hey~~ It didn't take long to die, and they were all killed in one shot. It's so ruthless! Uchiha Tatsuo..."

Little tail: 475137322

Please give me some more time, only two days, because the new employees have not arrived yet, so the boss won't let me go, and the salary hasn't been given to me. I'm sorry everyone! TT...

Chapter 89: Appearance

Not long after Dang Chen entered the forest, he found a place with a flash of fire. When he walked over, he took a look and found that the fire was coming out of a cave.

"Are they in there? Very good! Just grab the old man from the caravan and let him speak out the veins of the Guerel Stone." Chen thought of this, just about to leave, and suddenly saw the cave escaping from that cave. A figure came out and Chen's movements stopped. I saw the man with long yellow hair, wearing a knight armor, and holding an old man in his hand, jumped on a horse outside the cave and walked away.

"Isn't that guy the Tem news in the theater version!... Hey~ interesting! It seems that this can save me a lot of time!" Chen did not immediately follow, because he knew someone would come out soon He leads the way.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a ferret to rush out of the cave, chasing in the direction where Temxun had fled, and three people were following behind the ferret. Those three people are not others, but Uzumaki Naruto, Nara Shikamaru, and Haruno Sakura who had met with Tatsu recently.

"Follow them, and you will be able to find the veins of the Garel Stone! Don't worry, let Naruto and them make a fuss for a while, so that I can take advantage of the fisherman's profit, hehehe~~~" See Naruto After they disappeared from his line of sight, Chen immediately stood up, and then rushed in the direction where Naruto was.

But after Chen left for a while, another figure jumped out, came to the position where Chen was just now, looking thoughtfully in the direction where Chen disappeared, and muttered to himself: "Haha~~ Things have become interesting, I would like to see what the so-called Guerel Stone is, which makes Uchiha Tatsu so nervous." Then this person followed.

This person is the Yakushi pocket sent by Oshemaru to follow Chen. In fact, he came here after Chen just killed the two Otoninhos, but he knew that Chen's strength was too strong, and he was afraid of being noticed by Chen. , So he didn't dare to get too close to Chen's range. And it can be seen from Uchiha Tatsuki killing the two Otonin that Uchiha Tatsuo didn’t care whether they were from Otoshimaru. If he annoyed Uchiha Tatsuo, he would definitely kill him without hesitation. Dropped.

On the other side, Temxun took the old man to a huge palace that was already very dilapidated. After sending out the signal, he took the old man into the palace. After that, Naruto and the others also followed the ferret into the palace. After they all entered the palace, Chen who followed them was not eager to follow, but hid in a hidden place outside the palace.

"Next, wait for a good show!"

Sure enough, it didn't take long before there was a slight roar from a distance, and the ground was still shaking slightly. I saw a huge machine appearing in the distance, showing its shape, like a huge moving castle, coming towards the palace at a very fast speed. As the huge creature approached, the roar became louder and louder. , The amplitude of ground shaking is getting bigger and bigger. In just a few minutes, the huge machine arrived in front of the palace, but the machine didn’t seem to mean to stop. Instead, a few huge drills protruded from the front and hit the palace directly, smashing the palace. After opening a huge crack, the machine finally stopped.

After the machine stopped, Chen also walked out of the hiding place, came to the huge machine, and looked at the huge machine in front of him with interest: "This thing is high-tech. I can't think of it in the Hokage world. This kind of thing still exists, but this cumbersome thing is of no use to me, so just ignore it." Then he left the giant machine and walked towards the palace.

When Chen entered the palace, he found Naruto and Shikamaru, they were holding each other against another group, and Naruto seemed to be yelling something. From their conversation, they learned that the group of people with high technology. Their leader is called Hyde, and their purpose is also to obtain the Stone of Guerel. But just as Naruto yelled at them to attract the other party’s attention, the old man who was caught at the beginning quietly triggered some mechanism, and then a huge hole appeared under his feet, the old man and Na Temxun After falling into the hole at the same time, the hole automatically closed again. Immediately after that, the guy named Hyde destroyed the entrance of the cave and ran after him. Naruto, unwilling to show weakness, also jumped into the cave.

As for the outside, only Konoha’s Kamaru and Sakura are left. The villain is Hyde’s two female subordinates, and both parties do not agree. After a fight, Hyde’s two female subordinates are directly crushed by their IQs. , Sakura alone killed one by himself, and Shikamaru cooperated with Kankuro, who had just arrived, to kill the other.

As early as when they were fighting, Chen had entered the huge cave before no one noticed, and fell all the way to the bottom of the cave. After waiting, I saw that Naruto had already fought the guy named Hyde, and the guy named Temxun and the old man were already lying on the ground, apparently seriously injured. I saw that Naruto separated dozens of shadow clones to attack Hyde, but Naruto was not Hyde's opponent. At this time, Hyde was completely different from what he had just now, as if he had undergone a certain transformation. The muscles all over his body were bulging, his skin was gray, and there were four things that looked like a jade for the truth behind him. Naruto's shadow clone had no strength to fight back in front of Hyde, and they were all wiped out by Hyde. Even Naruto's deity was beaten to the ground by Hyde.

"Hahaha~~ I think you should almost give up!" Hyde came to Naruto's body and said with a light smile.

However, Naruto didn't give up because of this. He reached out and grabbed Hyde's foot, struggling to get up again. "Let me give up? Stop kidding..."

"Humph~" Hyde sneered, then kicked Naruto out with a kick. With such strength, Naruto hit the rock wall directly, cracked the rock wall, and then fell off.

"Damn...I won't let you succeed!" Naruto stood up again just like Xiaoqiang who could not be beaten to death.

"What are you talking about over there? I think it's time for you to go to the ideal country, hehe~~" Just when the two wanted to continue the war, they also found out that they didn't know when there was an extra uninvited guest and let them Frozen.

"I said, what are you all looking at me for? You hit you, don't care about me!" Chen said with a smile when everyone's eyes were gathered on him.

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter Ninety: Shots

When Naruto and Hyde were about to teach again, they both discovered that another person had come down from the hole, making them stunned for a while.

"Sasuke...?! You are Tatsun! Why are you here?" After seeing Tatsun's appearance, Naruto was taken aback for a moment, and then subconsciously thought it was Sasuke, but after hearing Tatsun's ridicule, he immediately recognized This person is not his good friend, Sasuke Uchiha!

"Why can't I be here? Do I have to ask you where Uchiha Tatsuh wants to go?" Tatsu sneered Naruto.

Naruto quickly explained to Chen: "I didn't mean that, I was just curious, why did you come here. And..."

Naruto wanted to say something, but Chen reached out and interrupted: "Okay, don't say more, I really don't have the mind to talk nonsense with you, I still have business to do, please do it yourself!" Then he turned around very much. Curiously looked at Hyde. "This guy named Hyde, he should have the Stone of Guerrell on his body!"

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