Frieza lowered her head and looked at him, "I don't understand what you Saiyans think. It was like this in the beginning. Annoying guys, I have no interest in continuing this kind of boring battle."

"I want to destroy you and this planet together, and that Saiyan guy will also die, so that all the Saiyans in the world will disappear, and the Super Saiyans will always be a dream."

At this moment, Frieza was about to attack Sun Wuchen. He looked ahead and saw a very bright shadow reflected on the water. "It's not the sun, what is it?" Frieza looked up and saw that there was a sun in the sky. Round object.

Sun Wuchen knew that he had already exposed his stuff, and his heart was very nervous. Frieza looked at the thing above, and was very nervous in his heart, and was also very puzzled, "Then...what is that? Is it an energy aggregate?"

At this moment Frieza remembered. Just now, Sun Wuchen had been holding his hands to the sky, "Could it fellow...", and Wukong had already absorbed enough of their energy.

Wukong is already healed here too, "Okay, you guys should stay a little angry too, it seems that it's finally revealed, you all leave it to me, don't come over anyway."

Now the welfare is still confused, "Did he make that thing? How can he still have such power", and now Sun Wuchen is also very nervous.

"Sorry, even if you use the vitality bomb now, you will definitely be avoided, and the vitality bomb is not enough to defeat Frieza, beast!"

Frieza saw through all of this, "Do you want to attack me? Despicable guy, it's a pity that you can only ask for trouble." Wu Chen was panicked now, his eyes flashed, he jumped out of the water, and rushed. Frieza slapped over.

Frieza caught Sun Wuchen's fist, "Hahahaha, sorry", and at this moment, Frieza pointed her finger at Wuchen's face, and when he was about to attack, Wukong also rushed over.

Before Frieza could attack, Wukong kicked Frieza's face, kicked him in the distant river, and fell to the bottom of the river. At this moment, Wukong looked at Wuchen and said, "Wuchen, Hurry up and finish the vitality bomb."

At this time, Wu Chen stood up again, holding his hands to the sky, Wu Kong was beside him to help him care for his hair, and then let Wu Chen gather energy, "Hurry up, Wu Chen, with my strength, the previous sneak attack has been exhausted. Do your best."

After a while, Frieza rushed out, "It's still wandering nearby, you **** Saiyan, I must destroy you."

Chapter 1138: The Convergence Stage of the Vitality Bullet

Now Frieza is very angry in the air, "They are all sneak attack guys, annoying flies", and now Wu Kong is looking at Wu Chen, and his heart is very nervous.

"Isn't it all right? Sun Wuchen, is the vitality bomb not finished yet? Frieza is completely angry", but now Wuchen is also very struggling, " seems that it will take time."

But Wukong can’t wait, "Hit out, go out soon", but Wu Chen always feels that it’s impossible, "No, it’s a little too close." At this time, both the Nemek star and the outer planets are gathering energy on Wuchen’s side. .

Now Wu Chen's vitality bomb is getting bigger and bigger. Wukong saw that the situation was not good, and then flew into the air. Wukong came to Frieza and looked at Frieza nervously.

Frieza looked at Wukong's embarrassed look, and felt very proud, "The half-dead people are coming to die", but Wukong is ready to fight, "If I am going to die, try to find out."

Tianjin Fan and the others also saw Wukong's intentions, "Does Wukong intend to sacrifice himself? The sneak attack just now probably has used up most of his energy. Wukong bet on his own life, delaying time for Wuchen to complete the vitality bomb."

At this moment, Klin couldn't stand it anymore and rushed directly. Piccolo saw that he was about to rush out, and immediately grabbed his foot and pulled him back, "Klin, you can't go, Wu Chen, come on! "

At this time, Wukong had already completed the maximum combat state, raised his abilities to the limit, sent out Qi Yuan Light Wave Slash, and slashed directly on Frieza's body. Frieza did not avoid it, but caught it. This attack.

Frieza's attack turned into immunity directly. Frieza said to Sun Wuchen, "It's useless, your attack is very ineffective to me now, and your power is too weak."

Wukong got angry when he heard this, and made several more attacks in succession. Frieza didn't mean to avoid it, but stayed where he was waiting for Monkey King's attack, but it was not good to keep attacking Frieza like this. provoke.

It was obvious that Frieza was angry. Although Wukong's attack was useless, it would inevitably cause damage to his skin. Frieza was very angry and flew directly behind Wukong and grabbed his shoulder. ?"

Grabbing his shoulders, pulling back, kicking his abdomen, and sending out a huge attack on his back with his elbow, "It looks like you are in a hurry to die."

Wukong is struggling very much now. Seeing Wuchen below is still raising his hands, it seems that Wuchen hasn't finished gathering yet, "Wuchen, hurry, finish the vitality bullet."

Wu Chen watched from below as Frieza severely wounded Wu Kong in the air, and felt very unbearable in his heart, but his first task now was to complete this vitality bomb.

From below, he could only let Monkey King watch Frieza attack. Wu Chen had no choice but to attack several times. Frieza smashed Monkey King directly to the ground.

Now Wukong is very tired, "Isn't it okay? Wuchen, I have reached the limit", and now Wuchen is also very nervous, "It's almost, I'm almost able to beat Frieza."

At this time, Frieza flew down, fell behind Wu Chen, stepped on Sun Wukong, and stared at Sun Wuchen like this, "As you wish, send you to the west first!"

Just as Frieza was about to launch an attack, suddenly, a few lasers shot over, not the other people, it was Piccolo and them, and a super shock wave rushed over and directly blasted Frieza.

Frieza blocked this attack, and every one of them was very tired when they issued this attack, because they had just transferred energy to Monkey King, and now they have emitted such a large amount of energy, which really consumes a lot.

Wukong didn't know if he was happy or helpless. He looked at Piccolo and the others on the top of the mountain in the distance, "They have used up the last little energy."

Frieza looked at Piccolo and them in the distance, "I didn't expect that there are still flies over there, these are really annoying guys." Frieza was very angry, and she clenched his fist and squeezed out blood.

Frieza said angrily to them, "Let's stop here, I want to destroy you and this planet together", so he put his finger in the sky, sending out a dark light wave, and he slowly ascended.

Wukong was very nervous, "Wuchen, it’s hard to be okay now?" I saw that the vitality bullet in the air was still slowly magnifying, and a lot of sweat was left on Sun Wuchen’s face, and he was still continuing to summon. That power.

"Okay, it's done." At this time, Frieza was still slowly rising. I saw that energy fell from the sky and pressed towards Frieza. Frieza turned to look at it, really. .

In the face of such a powerful force, Frieza did not move, just holding his hands to meet the attack, but this attack was too powerful and may have spread too far.

Now Frieza doesn't have the strength to resist this attack anymore. Anyway, he is very angry, "You **** things... actually have such a powerful force."

Chapter 1139: Use the vitality bomb to attack Frieza

At the moment when it was pressed down, the water area under Frieza slowly expanded. The so-called rising tide and excessive pressure also led to the ability to compress the air, leading to space destruction.

Frieza was directly blown up by the vitality bomb, because the attack power of the vitality bomb was too strong, so that all around it was affected, and they were all blown away.

One by one appeared, the elder lay motionless on the seat, Dandy also lay motionless on the ground, and the blown Bulma was blown away again, and the frog turned into a frog. , Was blown away like Bulma.

The frog, Jinou, was too light, so it blew faster and hit the mountain. Bulma was also blown over and hit the frog directly.

The Realm King also felt this power on Realm King, and he was very excited in his heart, "Too great, Wu Chen killed Frieza, that guy actually killed Frieza, great, great".

Jie Wang was very excited, and he was already jumping up with excitement. Yamucha was also very happy when he received this message, "Great, Wu Chen finally won."

But this resulted in a lot of damage. The stratum skin on Namek had been destroyed by Wu Chen's vitality bomb, causing all the rivers to flow into this huge crater.

It seems to have worn it, and it seems to be filled with water. The surface of the earth seems to have changed, "completely changed", "Where is Wuchen? Where is Wukong? Wuchen and the others are nearby, will they not be affected?"

Piccolo thought for a while, "Should not", then they looked at the endless lake, and kept flowing into the huge hole, "I can't feel their anger", "That's because I didn't I don’t have enough energy!"

Tianjin Fan told Klin, "If there is Wukong, he will be fine." Klin pointed to the distant place, on the small island, there seemed to be some movement.

Suddenly one hand crawled out, it was Wukong, and Wukong crawled out, with a person still dragging on his hand, so Wu Chen was also pulled out.

Seeing the two of them crawling out, they were so happy, "Wu Chen, they are still alive, great, great", "I'm not wrong! They can't die so easily. ."

The two hurriedly used their last strength to fly over, "It's really annoying, I don't have much air, can't fly fast", the two use the greatest air, but the speed is too slow, and slowly floats over.

At this time, Wu Chen also stood up with difficulty. Seeing Klin and the others running over, Wu Chen was also very happy, "Wu Chen, Wu Kong, are you all right!"

Sun Wuchen and the others nodded, and they were relieved, "Klin, I worried you", "It's amazing, that vitality bomb is really big."

Wu Chen told Klin, "Of course, it gathers everyone's wishes in the universe." Klin sat on the ground and said to them with an affair, "This way I can return to the earth in a beautiful way. I thought it would not work." That's it."

Tianjin Fan didn't understand what he meant, so he asked him, "What?" Klin touched his head shyly, "Nothing, I want to try...get married..."

They also heard what Klin said and laughed. After a while, they had enough rest. Tianjin Fan told them, "Let’s go back, and we will be able to reach the earth in five days in my spacecraft."

At this time, Klin was suddenly very nervous, and several of them were taken aback, "What should I do, I even forgot Bulma completely..." At this time, Bulma had landed on the desert island.

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