"Oh! It's interesting! Hehe~~" Seeing Naruto's state, Chen's mouth was slightly tilted, and he whispered.

It was agreed that I would pull the network cable today, but no one came, so I came to the Internet cafe again. Although it is very noisy, we still have to stick to the code for a few chapters. Let's watch it first! …

Chapter 99: Reappearing Monthly Reading

After Naruto's tail turned into a beast, Chen still didn't feel the slightest tension, let alone a human pillar, even if it was a real Kyuubi, for Chen, who already had an eternal kaleidoscope, it was a pet-like existence.

"Is the tail beast transformed? It's a bit interesting. I took advantage of this opportunity to collect the nine-tailed chakras too!" Thinking of this, Chen took the tail beast chakra collector out of the space again.

At this time, the opposite Naruto spoke again and said: "You are no longer the Chen you used to be. Now you are just a simple betrayal."

"Really? So what are you going to do?"

"So, I won't be merciful anymore, I will catch you back to Konoha anyway!"

"Bang! Don't be ashamed, if that's the case, then come on! Let me see how much you have to make you so confident."

Naruto didn't talk any more, only saw him, roaring and rushing towards Chen again, because the chakra on his body was too strong, so every time Naruto took a step, he would step on a small pit on the ground, and his aura was stronger than before. Got a lot.

However, in the face of the menacing Naruto, Chen did not panic, sneered, and kicked Shikamaru at his feet in the direction of Naruto, causing Shikamaru to let out a scream. But Naruto, who was still very imposing, saw Shikamaru hit him, was shocked and stopped sprinting. He jumped up to catch Shikamaru, and when he raised his head angrily, Chen's whereabouts had already been lost.

"Be careful behind!" Although Naruto did not find Chen's trail, Kankuro, who was lying on the side, could see clearly. When Naruto caught Shikamaru, Chen had already rushed to Naruto at an extremely fast speed. Behind him, Kankuro immediately reminded Naruto.

"What?" Hearing Kanjiuro's exclamation, Naruto turned around subconsciously, and what he saw was a fist that was getting bigger and bigger. When he didn't react, Chen's fist hit his face.

This punch used strange power, so Naruto was knocked out directly.

"Damn it!" Shikamaru, who had just been rescued by Naruto, yelled angrily when he saw Naruto being knocked into the air. His hands had formed a seal. He just wanted to activate the shadow secret technique on Chen, but he didn't have Chen's speed. Quickly, Chen kicked and flew out again. At this time, Shikamaru was seriously injured and was unable to get up for a while.

"Damn, this guy has become stronger again. How could he progress so fast? This is not a battle of the same level at all." Shikamaru spit out a mouthful of blood, looked at Chen and said with a wry smile, and said in his heart: "Uchiha Chen He's strength is too strong, we can't be his opponent at all, it seems we can only outsmart it!" Then his mind quickly turned, flashing a series of strategies, but they were all denied one by one.

At this time, the Naruto who was knocked out changed again, and a huge chakra burst out of him again.

"Naruto..." Even Shikamaru was shocked after seeing what Naruto looked like now.

I saw Naruto's limbs lying on the ground at this time, two sharp fangs revealed on the corners of his mouth, and a roar resembling a wild beast in his throat, and the biggest change was the chakra on his body. The red chakra that was originally wrapped around him has now completely wrapped him into a transparent chakra coat. What is even more surprising is that behind him, a tail formed by chakra is swinging. write.

"Haha, a tail has already burst, but it's still far!" Chen still looked relaxed after seeing Naruto's change, and said with a light smile.

"Roar~~" Naruto roared and rushed towards Chen once again, this time the speed has been significantly improved, and this time Naruto is not simply a straight sprint, but constantly changing positions, wanting to confuse. Chen's sight, but under Chen's kaleidoscope writing wheel, these actions were only futile.

When Naruto jumped behind Chen, thinking that he had seized the opportunity, he instantly raised his paw (palm) to cut the back of Chen's head.

Although Chen turned his back to Naruto, Chen seemed to have eyes behind, tilted his head, and escaped Naruto’s attack. When Naruto saw that his attack had failed, he immediately jumped away from Chen’s Be around, and then continue to switch positions, wanting to find opportunities again.

"System, in Naruto's current state, can I extract the nine-tailed chakra from him?"

"Answer to the host: The concentration of Chakra on Ren Zhuli is not enough, so it can't be extracted. It's best to force him out of the four-tailed state."

"Siwei? It seems that we need to give him some stimulation!" Chen's mouth was slightly tilted, Chen turned his back to Naruto and then deliberately exposed a flaw to induce Naruto to attack.

Naruto really took the bait, and after seeing Chen revealing a flaw, he seized the opportunity and struck Chen again.

"Hey~~ Good time!" Chen turned around immediately after Naruto's attack was about to come close, and then looked at Naruto with a sneer. After Naruto saw Chen's expression, the secret path was not good, and he just wanted to escape, but it was too late.

"Monthly reading!" A simple word was spit out from Chen's mouth. In an instant, Naruto was pulled into the moon reading space by Chen.

"Here?" Naruto, who had just entered the monthly reading, was also very puzzled and looked around in confusion. As before, there are still many wooden stakes standing in the space of Chen, but the difference is that this time the stakes are not tied to Naruto who was sucked into the moon reading space, but Konoha. In Er Xiaoqiang, the others except Naruto and Sasuke, as well as Gaara and Kankuro from Sagyun, were all tied to the stakes, and they all looked at Naruto with pleading eyes.

"What's the matter? Why are everyone here?" Seeing these people appear, Naruto subconsciously wanted to rush to save people, but found that his body couldn't move.

"No, this is not true. In this case, it must be an illusion!" Naruto closed his eyes and wanted to escape from the illusion, but his body couldn't move. He could only close his eyes and try to wake himself up.

"Naruto, please help us~~This is terrible, please help us~~" At this time, the wailing voices of all the small leaders came from Naruto's ears.

Little tail: 475137322

Code chapter to chapter--! Will just watch it! …

Chapter One Hundred: Persecution

In Chen's moon reading space, Zhong Xiaoqiang was begging Naruto, but Naruto closed his eyes tightly and did not open. He ignored Zhong Xiaoqiang's wailing, and kept chanting: "This is not true. This is just illusion..."

"Haha~~ Naruto, what's the matter with you? Didn't you say that you won't let your companions be harmed? Why don't you come to rescue them? Isn't everything you say is deceitful?"

Naruto, who was closing his eyes, suddenly heard a joking voice in his ear, causing him to open his eyes and stare straight ahead. I saw Chen not far in front of him, watching him playfully.

"Damn, you did all of this, right? All of this is illusion, I won't be fooled by you?" Naruto Chongchen shouted.

"Haha~~ Illusion?" Chen chuckled lightly when he heard Naruto's words, and then he didn't know where he took out a handful of kunai, and then the kunai in his hand shot at Naruto.

Seeing the kunai attacking him, Naruto subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but unfortunately found that his body was still unable to move, and could only watch kunai pierce into his body.


Feeling the pain caused by Kuwu, Naruto screamed, and then looked at Chen in disbelief: "Why... why can I feel the pain, this... isn't this an illusion?"

"What do you think?" Chen didn't explain anything to Naruto, but took out a handful of kunai again and played with it in his hand.

Suddenly, Naruto seemed to think of something, and then exclaimed: "No, this is what Kakashi teacher said...Monthly reading!"

"Yes, you know quite a lot!" Chen didn't deny Naruto's words, but admitted directly, and from the beginning he never thought of being able to hide from Naruto.

"But, even if you know it, what? In this month's reading space, space, time, quality, everything is at my disposal. So here, how are you going to beat me?"

"Huh! I don't need to beat you. Teacher Kakashi once said that in this month's reading space, you can delay up to 72 hours. As long as 72 hours have passed, your monthly reading will be cancelled by itself. Right!"

"That's right! But how do you stick to 72 hours? Hey~~ Also, I can tell you with certainty that my monthly reading is not only 72 hours, but... eternal! As long as I don’t If you take the initiative to release the monthly reading, you will not be able to leave here!” (Although I don’t know whether the single monthly reading released by the Eternal Kaleidoscope Writer Wheel will also be eternal, but it is set here to be eternal.)

"What? It's impossible, don't you want to lie to me!"

"Huh! Believe it or not, what I have to do now is..." Chen didn't bother to talk, but continued to play with the kunai in his hand, and then slammed the kunai on the "Shikamaru" next to him. .

"Ah~~" Shikamaru let out a heart-piercing howl while being stabbed by Kuwu, and then begged Naruto: "Help, Naruto, help me, help me..."

"Damn~~ Illusion at this time! I won't be fooled." Naruto was still unmoved when he heard Shikamaru's wailing, gritted his teeth.

"Yes, this is indeed an illusion technique, hehe~~" Chen grinned, Chen did not pull off the kunai that was stuck on "Lumaru", but changed a handful of kunai again, and pierced fiercely again. On "Shikamaru", the "Shikamaru" screamed and begged again.

"Damn~~" Although he knew it was a illusion, Naruto was still angry!

"Don't worry, there is still a lot of time, don't worry, I won't do anything to you, but okay..." Chen Luo smiled again and transformed into a kunai, and plunged into "Shikamaru" again, Naruto is really Can't bear to look again, quickly closed his eyes.

"Naruto~~Help me! Please, help me~~" Although I can't see my eyes, the screams and pleadings of "Shikamaru" keep ringing in my ears, making Naruto's heart very impatient.

After a while, "Shikamaru" was already pierced with kunai, and "Shikamaru" was dying, but still made a faint voice, always begging Naruto to save him.

"Damn~ you bastard, devil!" Naruto heard the wailing for a while, and it was the wailing of his friend, which made him mentally collapsed, even if he knew it was just an illusion, he couldn't bear it.

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