And everything I saw before my eyes met Huang Fengguai’s guess. At this time, two figures slowly walked from the ruins of the gate. You and I really don't know what to do.

"The Great Sage is joking. It is also a fate to be appreciated by the Great Sage." The two chatted one after another, without paying attention to the Yellow Wind Monster in front of them.

After the smoke dissipated, the monster Huang Feng saw the appearance of the people walking out of it. It was Monkey King and... Lingji! Lingji Bodhisattva?

After listening to Ye Chen’s suggestion, Sun Wukong personally went to Xiaosumi Mountain, invited Lingji Bodhisattva, and asked Ye Chen why he only invited Lingji Bodhisattva. Ye Chen did not mention a word and even put out a pair. The look of a **** stick, said pretentiously.

... "The secret of heaven must not be revealed."

"Naughty animal, do you still want to be presumptuous here?" Ji Ling Bodhisattva said with his hands clasped together in a vague voice. The Yellow Wind Monster was so scared that he could not stand still. Moving Lingji Bodhisattva actually has nothing to do with Tang Seng. These connections are all from Monkey King's hard work, so there is no such thing as Tang Seng.

Gudong, swallowed hard, Huang Fengguai regretted not listening to Zhu Bajie at the beginning, but now that it is in this situation, regrets are useless, just do it forever!

Decisively, a faint and fierce flicker flashed across Huang Feng's face, and a gust of yellow wind spurted from his mouth while raising his hand. The entire cave was enveloped by a yellow gust of wind, and Monkey King was squinted and couldn't open his eyes.

Although Monkey King had his golden eyes open, the strange Huang Feng ignored his eyes and his pupils hurt.

Looking at the Lingji Bodhisattva on the side, it seems that he has not been affected by the yellow sand in front of him. I saw that he faintly took out a blue orb from his waist, murmured a spell, and ran it into the air. Then the violent voice rang from the orb. As the sound resonated, the sound of the squally wind began to be slowly covered up.

In a short while, the yellow sand in the entire cave had been calmed down, and only Huang Fengguai looked at the Lingji Bodhisattva in front of him with surprise.

Taking away the Dingfeng Pearl in no hurry, Lingji Bodhisattva looked at the Huangfeng Monster in front of him without speaking.

Under Lingji Bodhisattva's gaze, Huang Fengguai's mood became more and more uneasy. Finally, under the extremely strong psychological effect, the whole person could no longer support it, and knelt down with sweat on his face.

"You wicked animal, after finally cultivating some Taoism, you have to come out and do evil. It's a pity that I will do it for you. Haven't you come out first?"

As soon as the Lingji Bodhisattva's voice fell, the Yellow Wind Monster slowly curled up together, and then turned into a weasel the size of a lion.

"Bodhisattva, what kind of monster is this?" Looking at the Huang Feng monster like a rat but not a rat, Monkey King suddenly wondered.

"Haha, back to the Great Sage, this evil animal was originally a stingy at the foot of Lingshan Mountain. Only because he ate the lamp oil from the Lingshan glazed lamp and feared that the Tathagata Buddha would blame him, he escaped from Lingshan and came here to occupy the mountain as the king. At first, because he saw that his cultivation was inappropriate, the people on the mountain didn’t make things difficult for him anymore, but he didn’t realize that he was bolder, and he became more and more damaging. Even if the great sage doesn’t find me today, I will take him in a few days. Back to the mountain. After going with the Great Sage, the monster has already been subdued, so go to your master quickly."

Chapter 1495

"Okay, that Bodhisattva, take care." Monkey King worshipped Lingji Bodhisattva very well, and then rushed into the cave mansion to look for Tang Seng.

At this time, the Tang monk was tied to the stone pillar by the big five flowers.

The tree fell down and scattered, and the Yellow Wind Monster had been taken away by the Lingji Bodhisattva. Naturally, the little monsters in the cave did not dare to make any trouble, and began to flee for their lives.

"Master! Master!" After Sun Wukong entered the cave, he bumped everywhere like a headless fly, "Wukong! Wukong I am here!" Hearing Monkey King's cry, Tang Seng woke up from his drowsiness and said dying.

"Master, master, are you okay." With the voice, Monkey King saw Tang Seng who was tied up, and hurriedly went up and untied the rope that bound him.

"It's okay, it's okay." He said it was okay, but his legs began to tremble involuntarily. For the first time in his life, he escaped from the monster's mouth. Tang Seng didn't want to experience the second time in his life, but he didn't. I know, after this kind of real situation, he will have to go through ninety-nine or eighty-one times.

It was enough for him.

"Wukong, thank you so much for being a teacher." Tang Seng said with emotion while holding Monkey King's hand.

Thinking about what I did at the beginning is really chilling. There is no way. I believe in Buddhism, and Guanyin Bodhisattva’s words are like commands. Even if Guanyin Bodhisattva let himself die, he will take his head without hesitation. I went to install stones, but I neglected Monkey King’s feelings. The management is like this. Whenever I encounter something, I always rush to the forefront. I really need to weigh my apprentice and the Guanyin Bodhisattva. .

"Hey, Master, both of you, my master and apprentice, said that you are not thankful. By the way, it is not my grandson, but the Lingji Bodhisattva who settled the yellow wind this time."

Monkey King waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to say anything.

"Lingji Bodhisattva, where is it?" As soon as he heard that a Bodhisattva arrived, Tang Seng said he would go up and thank him.

"Hey, the masters are all gone, there is no need to go, I think it's getting late, the second junior brother and Ye Chen may be waiting anxiously, I think we should go back quickly."

Monkey King looked up at the red sunset and said softly.

"Alright, go back quickly and don't let Bajie Ye Chen wait too long."

Tang Seng also nodded, took the stick from Monkey King, and walked forward slowly.


"Brother Ye, whether your chicken is cooked or not, the sun is about to go down, and I don't know what happened to the master brother. I didn't save the master if I didn't know."

Although Zhu Bajie kept talking about Tang Seng, his eyes never left the roast chicken. At this time, the two people were roasting a pheasant that didn’t know where it came from. At first, Zhu Bajie was worried about Tang Seng’s comfort. What did he say? He didn't plan to eat it either, but when Ye Chen simply roasted a small fish and stuffed it into Zhu Bajie's mouth, Zhu Bajie, who opened a meaty dish, sat there more positively than Ye Chen, reminding Ye Chen to turn around.

"Hey, Brother Pig, don't worry. The monkey went with Lingji Bodhisattva. Isn't it enough to clean up the little demon?"

"Huhu, it's almost there, come to Brother Pig, and have a taste. I'm not familiar with it."

Ye Chen blew the charcoal club on the grilled chicken, pulled down an extra-large chicken leg and handed it to Zhu Bajie. The already hungry Zhu Bajie's saliva has long been flooded, "Wow, this big oily chicken leg looks delicious."

Chapter 1496

Zhu Bajie first took a hard breath with a pig nose, and he was about to bite it down with his big mouth. Suddenly behind him, I didn't know who gave him a thud, "Oh! Who." The painful Zhu Bajie yelled. Looking back, he found that Monkey King was looking at him with a smile, and Tang Seng also slowly rushed over from a distance.

"Um, Brother Monkey, you are all right, Master!" Zhu Bajie hurriedly threw off the drumstick in his hand and wiped his hand on his wide sleeve robe.

"Hey, you guy, don't throw away the food." Ye Chen picked up the chicken leg that Zhu Bajie had thrown on the ground distressedly, and gnawed by himself after blowing it.

Regarding Tang Seng’s comfort, he was not surprised at all. According to the records in the Westward Journey, if Tang Seng died in the past few difficulties, then the identity of the scholar should be replaced.

"Ye Chen, the master is here, you still have to collect the food in your hand." Monkey King reminded him in a low voice.

It's certain that a monk can't eat meat. Eating meat in front of him is a provocation to Buddhism. No matter how good-tempered a monk is, he can't stand such a thing.

Look at Ye Chen again, as if he didn’t hear Monkey King’s reminder, his mouth full of oil gnawed the roast chicken in his hand, Zhu Bajie looked at that glutton, but rationally told himself, it’s better not to walk the tightrope, or Tang Seng will drive him away again. NS.

"Wait for Ye Chen to finish eating, clean up, and let's go on the road," and what Tang Seng said surprised Zhu Bajie. At this moment, Tang Seng's attitude was different from his previous self. Tang Seng was extremely disgusted with eating meat. , Just like the daytime yesterday, when he saw Ye Chen eating fish, Monk Tang turned his head and left, how come he doesn't care anymore.

"Haha." Ye Chen just smiled at this, too.

But he didn't feel anything wrong, and he still gnawed the chicken bones methodically. Just like that, the three of them watched Ye Chen eat a whole chicken. Ye Chen licked five fingers and touched them contentedly. There was a full burp in my belly.

"Let's go."

Then he stepped forward and took Tang Seng's white horse, leading the way.

There was no nonsense along the way. Seeing that the sky had begun to darken, Tang Seng stepped down from the white horse, "Bajie, Wukong, go and get the firewood early. Let's spend the night here today."

"Okay, master, what, idiot, you go to the woods to find some wood, I will come back from Caidian Ye Guo, the master may be hungry." Monkey King said to Zhu Bajie who was already dozing off.

"Oh, okay, big brother, don't go too far," Zhu Bajie nodded and went into the forest.

At this time, Ye Chen and Tang Seng were left,

Ye Chen ignored Tang Seng and found a stone to comprehend the wordless heavenly scriptures.

"Ye Chen, you seem to have some opinion on me." After a long silence, Tang Seng finally couldn't help but speak.

"How can it be, you are a great mage, don't I dare to have an opinion on you?" Ye Chen didn't even look at Tang Seng and then closed his eyes to rest.

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