"Ah, it's okay, it looks like you solved it over there?"

"Almost, be careful, that guy is here again!"

When the two were talking, the six tubes behind Chonggo ejected a ball of white flames, like a propeller, making Chonggo's speed reach the extreme, and rushed to the two people in front of him again, screaming a punch. Hit the past.

"You get out of the way, I'll deal with him!" Darui said to Xi, and rushed to Shigeo with a beheaded sword, and fought with Shigego.

At this moment, the Lei Ying who had been fighting with Chen was suddenly repelled by Chen and flew out, then smashed into the ground fiercely, smashing the ground with cracks.

"Nani? Lord Raikage!" Seeing Raikage's condition made Xi feel shocked. In his opinion, it is impossible for anyone to repel Raikage frontally. However, the current situation has broken his cognition. . The kid named Uchiha Tatsu not only shook Raikage head-on, but also knocked Raikage that he thought was invincible, which made him unable to reflect for a while.

"Unexpectedly able to repel Raikage-sama in this state, this Uchiha Tatsu..."

After blasting Raikage into the air, Chen shook his hands that were already numb, and said in his heart: "Damn, Raikage, this monster, I didn't expect that the physique is so strong, and the strength of the physical body can already be able to overcome the strange power. The boxing is comparable! The Shadow of One Village is really not that easy to deal with, it seems that you have to show some skills!"

I saw Chen's eyes condensed, and a gray chakra exuded from his body, wrapped around him.

"Damn kid!"

The knocked-out Raikage stood up again from the ground, and the anger in his heart was already beyond surpassed. The Thunder Chakra exploded once again, forming a large impact, blowing away some of the gravel under his feet.

I saw Raikage gritted his teeth at this time, and the Chakra on his body reached the extreme.

"Can you push Raikage-sama to this level? Uchiha... really is a genius!"

After Raising her aura to the extreme, Lei Ying roared and rushed towards Chen again, and because of the thrill of Lei Dun, the speed was even faster than before. In the blink of an eye, she rushed to Chen's face and simultaneously lifted Raising his right arm entangled by lightning, he suddenly hammered Chen down.

"Lei Dun. Heavy current burst!"


There was a loud noise, accompanied by a few slight sounds of broken bones, and the place where Chen stood under his feet was all cracked, and Chen's feet plunged into the surface. Facing the heavy explosion of Lei Ying, Chen didn't seem to be hurt, because at this time he was wrapped in a pair of gray bones, and Chen was not injured by the heavy explosion of Lei Ying.

It turned out that after Raikage once again increased the momentum of his whole body, Chen used Suzuo Nenghu. When Raikage's heavy current burst was about to hit him, he instantly condensed Suzuo and blocked Raikage's heavy blow. However, Raikage's attack was too powerful, causing Tatsu's Suzuo to have some cracks after suffering the heavy current explosion.

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter 146: Zhan Yunyin

In Lei Ying, he used a heavy current detonation to move towards Chen, but Chen did not dodge, but directly used Susao Nohu to resist Rai Ying’s attack. However, Chen underestimated Rai Ying’s strength and looked highly at Xu. Suzuo's defense, I didn't expect that Suzuo, who is known as the strongest defense, was cracked by Raikage. Although Chen's Suzuo did not enter the mature body, it was just a skeleton, but Raikage's toughness can also be seen. NS.

"Unexpectedly... I actually carried the heavy blow of Raikage-sama! What is that skeleton?" Xi Xi saw this scene on the side, shocked in his heart, and felt bad at the same time.

On the other hand, because Darui's strength is only for the elite, and he was hit in the shoulder by Shuiyue before and injured. Now he is obviously not the opponent of the quasi-shadow strength Shigeo, and can only wield the decapitation knife. It can stop Shigego's attack, and there is no chance to fight back at all. At present, the situation is very unfavorable for them, because both Raikage and Darui are at a disadvantage.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the enemy to be more difficult to deal with than expected. We need more manpower. With such a big movement, why haven't the Anbu people arrived yet?"

Just when Xi'an was anxious, Lei Ying took action again, and saw that he saw that the heavy flow explosion failed to hurt Chen, and raised his fist again, and suddenly blasted on Chen's Suzuo, although he could not break Suzuo's defense, but beat Chen back.

"Hmph! Attacked me so many times, this time I should fight back!" Chen Leng hummed, a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels staring at Lei Ying, the right eye was suddenly covered with bloodshot eyes, and a pool of blood flowed from the eyes. come out.


Seeing Chen's strangeness, Lei Ying suddenly felt a crisis, as if something bad had happened, so he stared at Chen solemnly.


Suddenly, the abnormal change suddenly emerged, and a black flame emerged out of thin air at the location where Raikage was located. At the moment when the flame just appeared, Raikage felt a deep crisis in his heart, so he thought quickly. To avoid, but it is a bit late!

Although Chen released Amaterasu very quickly, it even appeared in an instant, making it too late to defend. But Raikage is not a fuel-efficient lamp. At the moment of alertness in his heart, he didn't want to go directly to the side. Although he didn't know what Chen wanted to do, his instinct told him that if he didn't avoid it, he would definitely do it. There was life-threatening, and intuition wouldn't lie to him, so he didn't think much about it, so he hid from the side based on intuition.

It is a pity that although he reacted quickly and escaped the fatal injury, Chen originally wanted to light Amaterasu on him, but at the moment when Amaterasu appeared, Raikage dodged aside, just to hide. After Amaterasu, the speed of Amaterasu was too fast. Although Raikage escaped the fatal blow, his left hand did not have time to escape Amaterasu's attack range, so it should have been lit on the chest. Amaterasu, as a result, was spotted on Lei Ying's left palm.

In an instant, Lei Ying's entire palm was covered by the sky, and it was even spreading to his arms.

"Damn, there is a problem with these black flames!" Seeing that his palm was on fire, it had even spread to his forearm, no matter how he suppressed it with Chakra, it was useless. Seeing this, Rai Ying made a decisive decision and directly used his right hand to hold his left forearm. Chopped it down.

"Master Raikage, how could it be... unexpectedly..."

At this moment, dozens of Yun Ren with masks appeared in the distance. After a few ups and downs, they came to the battlefield and surrounded Chen at the same time. This seemed to be a member of the dark part of Yunyin Village, Chen Neng. I feel that each of them possesses the strength above the special Shangren, and some of them have reached the level of elite Shangren.

"Damn it, Anbe is finally here!" Seeing Anbe's appearance, Xi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly ran to Lei Ying, and said worriedly: "Lei Ying-sama, your arm..."

"Xi, don't talk nonsense, stop the bleeding quickly, and must not let Uchiha Tatsu leave alive!" Raikage interrupted Xi's words aloud, and ordered.

"I understand!" Xi did not speak any more, stretched out his hands, and then condensed a green chakra on his hands, treating Raikage's broken arm. And while helping Raikage heal, he secretly said in his heart: "So strong! I didn't expect this Uchiha Tatsuta to be so strong, even Raikage's left hand was destroyed by him, the black flame just now, could it be the kaleidoscope's ability to write round eyes? Amaterasu? That seems to be Uchiha Itachi's ability! I didn't expect that Uchiha Itachi's younger brother Uchiha Tatsuno would also have this ability. Is it because of brothers? But, how to say, this is our cloud Inside the hidden village, no matter how powerful Uchiha Tatsuno is, it is impossible for him to escape from the hidden village in any case!"

Chen didn't do anything after seeing Yunyin's Anbu arrived, and the people in Anbu saw Chen didn't do it, they also didn't attack first, but surrounded Chen, staring at him vigilantly, waiting for Lei Ying The command.

Raikage stopped bleeding under Nishi's treatment, separated the members of Anbe, walked to Tatsun, glared at Tatsun, and shouted: "Uchiha Tatsun, I didn’t expect I underestimated you, but today, no matter what, I can’t let you Leave Yunyin Village!"

Chen did not pay attention to Lei Ying’s words and looked at the surroundings. At this time, he was already surrounded by Yunyin’s dark part, while Shuiyue was slashed by a large knife entwined with thunder and lightning, and seemed unable to move, although He could liquefy, but it didn't seem to go so smoothly. It took so long to liquefy his legs.

And Shigego, who fought against Darui, was still in the upper hand, but after the people of Anbe appeared, he was already in desperate situation. He could only parry, and gradually became weak. It was only a matter of time before he was defeated.

Chen secretly said in his heart: "Is Yunyin's secret part? And looking at the quantity and strength, it is not so easy to want to leave! In that case, let me make a big fuss!"

Then Chen showed a stern expression on his face, staring at Lei Ying and said: "Don't let me leave Yunyin Village? You will find how stupid your decision is!"

I saw Chen disappeared in place after speaking, and then appeared next to Shuiyue, kicked Shuiyue's knife away, and disappeared again before Shuiyue hadn’t reacted, and appeared next to Shigego. Then he brought Shigego to the side of Shuiyue, and at the same time ordered Shigego to release his curse.

Although Shigego's personality will change drastically after entering the curse seal state, but for Chen's words, he seems to dare not defy, and he obediently lifted the curse seal state and restored his original appearance.

"Boss, what should we do now?" Shuiyue also reacted at this time. After seeing that she was out of trouble, she immediately stood up from the ground, then picked up the big knife kicked off by Chen, and put on a defensive posture, vigilantly. Looking at Yunyin's ninja who had surrounded the three of them in front of him, he asked Chen in a panic.

"Huh! If you are going to make trouble, then make it a bit bigger, and I will make them regret leaving me behind! You two, stand firm for me!"

Chen sneered, then quickly formed seals in the suspicious eyes of Shuiyue and Shigeo, and then suddenly pressed his hands to the ground.

"Psychic art!"

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter 147: Nine Tails

"Didn't you say that you won't let me leave Yunyin anyway? Then I will step down to Yunyin Village today!"

Chen did not find a way to escape after pulling Shuiyue and Shigego out, but quickly formed seals with both hands in the eyes of everyone's doubts.

"Psychic art!"


A cloud of smoke emerged out of thin air, completely blocking the sight of everyone in Yunyin Village, and they couldn't see the things in the smoke.

Suddenly, a huge chakra emanated from the smoke, full of ominousness like a wild beast. The faces of the ninjas in Yunyin Village changed. You don't need to look at it to know that there must be something difficult in the smoke. thing.

Sure enough, their guess came true, and a fiery red paw suddenly stepped out of the smoke, followed by a loud roar from the smoke. At the same time, as the smoke gradually dissipated, a huge monster appeared in front of Zhongyun Ren.

Looking at the huge monster in front of him, not only the ordinary Yun Ren, but even Lei Ying was shocked, and his eyes were full of disbelief!

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