Naruto: The Strongest Chakra

Chapter 611 Threat! ?

"Despicable, is this what you do as the [Four Emperors]!? You can be considered a king like this!?"

Hina's face changed, and she scolded as she watched Chiba.

Chiba didn't get angry when he heard this, but just shrugged.

"Interesting speech, where am I despicable!?"

"You use me to blackmail Ain, isn't that mean...this is what the third-rate pirates do!"

"Threat!? You think too much-I didn't intend to use you to threaten her, not letting you go back, because you are likely to do bad things. You didn't realize that you can talk to me so easily as a prisoner. It's incredible. Huh!? If you switch to other can try to be a prisoner!"

As Chiba said, a curve of disdain was formed at the corner of his mouth. Hina was dumbfounded, speechless!

Hina couldn't refute it at all. The prisoner received such a treatment, which was completely unprecedented. If he were to be another pirate, he would probably be half-dead first.

Not only did Chiba fail to do so, he didn't even do it in detention, which is incredible.

Hina and Ain may find it unbelievable, but in Chiba's view, that's the case.

captive! ? Don't be kidding, Chiba is not even interested in the captives with their little three-legged cat skills.

Simply put, Chiba didn't put them in his eyes at all. Will the dinosaurs catch the ants and shut them up carefully! ?

Obviously, no.

Hina was silent, and Chiba still had a smile on her face.

Both of them were dumbfounded by Chiba's words, and they almost caught up with Naruto's mouth.

After speaking, Chiba didn't know where he took out a container with an eye in it.

Chiba walked up to his Wood Style clone and replaced her with that eye on the spot.

I can see that Golden Lion and others have a tingling scalp!

Let's start f*ck! ? It can be used directly after the eyes are buttoned down! ?

However, after the Wood Style clone was replaced, the new glasses moved back and forth, and it was no different from before.

Golden Lion Jinbei and others were petrified instantly.

"Fuck... it really works!"

They suddenly discovered that Chiba's methods were really endless, and they couldn't understand them at all. They didn't know what weird things he would come up with in the next moment.(Read more @

"Well, Ain, I wish you a pleasant journey!"

Chiba smiled and patted Ain on the shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, Chiba's Wood Style clone came to Ain's face, and the newly replaced eyes instantly began to spin, transforming into an unknown magic circle.

Immediately after that, a majestic pupil power burst out from that eye, and the space where the Wood Style clone and Ain were located was suddenly distorted.

The space was twisted into a spiral shape by that pupil force, and then the two people immediately disappeared into this twisted space.

"Eliminate, disappear..."

Hina murmured as she looked at the two people who disappeared.

It was amazing, she felt like she was dreaming!

It's another clone, another transformation, and then another change of eyes, it's like a fairy tale, it's amazing.

"You, who are did you do it!?"

Hina looked at Chiba, this man was so magical that no one could see him through until now.

"Didn't you know me? Uchiha Chiba... nothing more!"

After speaking, Chiba directly turned and left. Before leaving, Chiba paused.

"Kalifa, just throw Whitebeard II down, it's useless!"

"Yes, boss!"

Kalifa recovered from the shock just now, and immediately received the order to walk in front of Whitebeard II, directly dragging his body that had been scorched by Anilu, and walked outside.

"As for the others, what should you do! Hancock... you go back first, I will find you later!"

Hearing this, the Empress nodded with a smile on her ruddy face.

"Well, my concubine knows it!"

The crowd dispersed immediately, Hina froze in place, and only then did she react after a while, looking at the back of Chiba leaving, her face blank.

What's up! ? It doesn't matter to yourself! ?

Aren't you a prisoner! ? Just leave it here! ? Aren't you afraid to run away! ?

Hina was completely confused and didn't know what Chiba was doing.

"Isn't it a good opportunity to escape now!?"

Hina grumbled her eyes and murmured.

However, his face suddenly changed, and then he thought of running away! ?

Where to run! ? Here is 10,000 meters high in the sky, but below is the vast sea, and the entire island is suspended in mid-air.

Even if she stepped on Moonwalk and broke her foot, she would definitely not be able to run.

"Wait, wait...what are you putting me here, Hina is very angry!!"

Hina was furious, looking at Chiba's leaving back, and then chasing after him.

Chiba didn't have time to take care of Hina at all. Ain's power is the most important thing. The real power of the regressive fruit has to be slowly unleashed now.

Now the World government has not discovered the use value of Ain Fruit at all. If it is discovered, it is simply incredible.

Think about it, what a shock it is that you can plunder the power of other people's Devil Fruit. As long as you grasp the ability, the world government can continuously cultivate combat power.

This is simply a producer of capable people!

Once this ability was announced, it would definitely cause a storm named Destruction. Thinking about it now, in the original work, Ain and Zephyr didn't even discover this ability. It was a fluke, otherwise the world would have been messed up early.

Therefore, for convenience, if the clone is really exposed, you can take Ain and leave calmly.

Chiba even took out Uchiha Obito's eyes!

As long as you have Kamui Hollow, even if you go to Naval Headquarters for a lap and then come out, no one can do what about him!

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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