After an unknown amount of time, Kakashi finally opened his eyes.

Touching his swollen head, Kakashi sat up from the ground.

"Well, where is this going?"

Kakashi looked around, the dragon veins are still dragon veins, but they are very different from the previous ones.

"It seems that the time shuttle was successful, but whether the time is right or not, I'm afraid it still needs to be confirmed."

Kakashi glanced at the dragon veins beside him.

The dragon veins at this time have not been sealed, and it should be at least seventeen years ago.

The energy of the dragon veins lost a lot of energy due to Kakashi's crossing, and at this time it was no longer able to support the energy needed to cross again.

"It seems that it takes at least a year to stay in this place to be able to use the dragon veins again."

In the original time and space, the dragon veins spent a lot of energy because of Kakashi's crossing, and the dragon veins of this time and space at least received Kakashi, so the energy consumed is much less.

"Get out of here first."

Kakashi whispered and left the place immediately.

In addition to the dragon veins, the oncoming sun is dazzling.

\u003ccenter\u003e\u003c/center\u003e "It seems that it is morning, so I need to find someone to find out what era is modern."

Kakashi said, chakra surged under his feet and galloped away.

Into the desert, Kakashi walked towards the original direction of the country of fire.

Although the geographical environment is somewhat different, the general direction is still the same.

Kakashi's firepower was full, and after half a day, he came to the border of the country of fire.

Standing on a tree, Kakashi looked into the distance.

"This should be the country of fire."

Kakashi closed his eyes, and the silver-white curse mark on his back turned suddenly.

"Fairy Mode! On!"

The red eye shadow instantly covered Kakashi's face, showing the characteristics of the fairy mode.

In an instant, all Chakras within a radius of five kilometers appeared in Kakashi's mind.

"Huh? Three kilometers ahead, someone is fighting."

Kakashi's eyes lit up, faded from the fairy mode, and ran in that direction.

In the woods, a boy of about ten years old was fighting against three middle-aged ninjas alone.

"Little devil, you can't run away!"

"Damn!" The young man scolded secretly, holding the Kuwu in his hand tightly.

The teenager originally ran out to play secretly, but he didn't expect that he would encounter an enemy.

And it's still the top three!

Although the young man is quite confident in his own strength, but at the same time against the top three Shangnin, even he is not enough.

"It seems that I can only do my best."

The teenager gritted his teeth, and the chakra in his body ran fast.

The three Junin couldn't help laughing when they saw this.

"Little devil, are you just relying on you to resist? You really don't know whether to live or die! Give up your resistance, let us catch you back, and maybe you can save a little life, otherwise, I'm afraid you will die here at a young age."

"Impossible! The word "surrender" will never appear in my life!" the young man said fiercely.

"Humph! Since you are courting death, then we are welcome. As long as your head is still there, we will get the information we want."

After a Joinin finished speaking, he pulled out his long sword and said, "Leave this brat to me."

"Hey, Qinghua, can you do it? This kid is not easy." Another Shangren said.

"Don't worry, it's just a ten-year-old kid. Even if he is from that family, how can he be so powerful? Let me see if the blood of which family is more delicious."

Qinghua said, showing a cruel smile, and quickly approached the boy.

Although the young man was startled, he did not panic, and looked at the approaching person solemnly.

"Little devil! Go to hell!"

Qinghua shouted angrily, and the long knife in his hand slashed towards the young man.

Watching the blade keep approaching him,

There was no fear in the boy's eyes, but full of calmness.

This kind of expression is absolutely impossible to appear on a teenager.

This kind of expression shows that this young man has a vision far beyond his age.

This kind of thing is called talent!

Just when the blade was about to slash the young man's head, the young man stepped back suddenly, dodging the extremely fast knife, and then the Kuwu in his hand stabbed towards Qing Hua's neck fiercely.

Qing Hua was startled and quickly raised his knife to resist.


Kuwu stabbed on the blade, but the young man did not have the slightest remorse. Instead, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said softly: "Tu Dun! Tu Long Spear!"


Qinghua was shocked, only to see the next moment, several earth spears suddenly rose from Qinghua's body, stabbing Qinghua's body!


Qinghua wanted to fight back with the knife, but was tightly grasped by the teenager.

"Let me go!" Qinghua shouted angrily, but the boy didn't give in at all.

Just when Qinghua was in despair, the other two Shangin started!

"Wind escape! Wind cut!"

The gust of wind formed a sharp blade that directly cut off the earth spear and blew it towards the boy at the same time.

The young man has already withdrawn and pulled out the Kunwu resistance.

But the wind pressure was so great that the teenager flew out and hit a big tree not far away.


With a grunt, the young man spit out a mouthful of blood, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

"Failed to succeed!"

Qinghua breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Saved."

"Qinghua, don't be stubborn, this kid's strength is not ordinary, he just completed the earth escape in an instant, he is really talented."

"It's really amazing. It's worthy of being a member of that family. However, the better the talent, the more damned it will be. Otherwise, when he grows up, we will be unlucky."

"Yes, today he will surely die!"

The three Jōnin formed an encirclement, encircling the boy in the center and slowly approaching.

The young man smiled bitterly. He was really proud of himself. There were three Shangnin besieging him together, and he was so careful.

Originally, the teenager wanted to take advantage of their carelessness and kill someone first, but now it seems that there is no chance.

"Anyway, even if you die, you have to pull a few backs!"

There was a ruthless look in the boy's eyes, and the Chakra in his body turned sharply.

At this moment, a figure descended into the sky and landed in front of the young man.

All four were stunned.

"Who are you?" Qinghua asked.

"It has nothing to do with you, you have two ways to go now, die, or get out." Kakashi said in a cold tone, and the momentum on his body was released without reservation.

In an instant, the four present felt great pressure.

"So strong!"

This was the only thought in the minds of the four at this time.

"This friend, this is the matter of our water demon family, are you sure you want to intervene?" Qinghua said fiercely.

"The water demon family? I haven't heard of it. However, if you don't roll, I'll let you know how sharp the long knife in my hand is in the next second."

Qian Ting in Kakashi's hands suddenly appeared, with a terrifying bloody aura.

This is a killing knife!

The three Jonin looked at each other, looking at Kakashi with fear.


This is the common thought in the hearts of the three at this time.

"let's go!"

In an instant, the three made a judgment, because they felt the breath of death in Kakashi.

Intuition tells them that this man, they can't afford to offend.

Seeing the three walk away, Kakashi looked at the boy in front of him.

"This uncle, you are amazing." The boy looked at Kakashi with admiration.

The young man could clearly feel that the person in front of him had no malice towards him.

"Your name is?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, and then said: "As for the last name, I can't say it because of some relationship, my name is Hashima!"

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