On a hill in Konoha, Kakashi sat cross-legged, the silver-white curse mark behind his back shone with a faint brilliance.

After a while, Kakashi opened his eyes.

"The mastery of the Immortal Curse Seal has become more proficient. With the Immortal Chakra stored in it, it should be able to last for a long time. The big battle is coming. Now, I am afraid that there is still room for me to fight against the six-level combat power." Insufficient. Is there any other way to increase strength?"

Kakashi frowned his silver-white eyebrows, feeling a little annoyed.

It is true that it is much stronger now than before, but in the crazy hacking world in the later stage, this level of combat power may still be insufficient.

Kakashi couldn't help but think of the golden light that scattered into his mind before.

Kakashi still didn't see the contents of the golden light until now.

It seems that some opportunity is missing.

Kakashi took out a bell from the ninja bag.

This is exactly the bell that she got from Miko Shion earlier.

"According to the Seven Prisons, this bell is the core of Rashomon, but the mystery of it is still not understood."

Kakashi was a little distressed. It felt like he was sitting on a mountain of gold and silver, but he couldn't use it at all.

That feeling is really too aggrieved.

Kakashi got up, at this moment, a scroll fell out of the ninja bag that was not closed tightly just now.

Kakashi picked it up, and was a little surprised to see the sealed characters on it.

"Is this the Nine-Tails Chakra that was intercepted from the empty body at that time?"

Having said that, I originally thought that the Nine-tailed Chachakra would be useful, but now it seems that it is not very useful.

Although there is a huge amount of chakra with four tails in it, it is not compatible with Kakashi.

Unless Kakashi sealed it in his body.

It's just that in this way, it's really hard to explain how his Nine-Tails Chakra came about.

And this chakra,

For Kakashi today, it is not very important.

His chakra level is not low, otherwise he would not be able to use the fairy mode so skillfully.

The pitfall is the consumption of Sharingan.

Whether in the past or now, the consumption of sharing eyes has always been a problem that Kakashi wants to solve.

It's just that there hasn't been much progress.

With the increase in strength, the consumption of ordinary Sangouyu Sharingan is no longer within the scope of Kakashi's worries.

But Kaleidoscope Sharingan and Eternal Eye, Kakashi still dare not use it lightly.

It consumes too much.

Of course, there is no solution.

One is to inject the intercolumn cell solution.

This has already been used on Itachi.

In general, the intercolumn cell solution does have a certain effect, but it is not as good as the water-stopping effect of directly transplanting a hand.

The effect is only about one third.

But for Itachi, it was enough.

The huge vitality not only cured his disease, but also repaired the blindness problem of Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

But there is an important reason for that, that is, Itachi is a member of the Uchiha clan.

Changing Kakashi, the effect may not be satisfactory.

This is a problem that, for Kakashi, can only treat the symptoms, not the root cause.

Kakashi will not use it lightly until he finds a better way.

In the final analysis, it is still a physical problem.

If Kakashi can improve his physique and perfectly integrate it with Sharingan, these problems will no longer exist.

"Hey, it really is a world of fighting for blood."

Kakashi sighed, and put the scroll of Nine Tails Chakra back into the ninja bag.

Kakashi looked at the bell in his hand, thoughtfully, then took out Kunai, and lightly scratched it on his hand.

Blood spilled, and hands were sealed.

"Psychic art!"


In front of Kakashi, many ninja dogs appeared.

The Eight Ninja Dogs, and the Hell Ten Dogs.

Eighteen Ninja Dogs appeared at the same time, and the scene was quite spectacular for a while.

Parker stood on Blue's head, looked at Kakashi and said, "Kakashi, what's the point of calling us all out?"

Kakashi sat on the ground and said, "Has the funeral of the Seven Prisons been held?"

All the dogs were a little sad when they heard the words.

After the Seven Prisons went to Dog Ting Mountain, it has actually become the leader in the hearts of all the dogs.

Not long ago, the Seven Prisons were summoned, and then died.

The dogs also learned the cause and effect of the matter from Kakashi's mouth.

Although reluctant, they all respect the choice of Seven Prisons.

"Master Kakashi, Lord Seven Prisons, we have already cremated it, which is also what it requested during its lifetime." Dingchun said.

Kakashi nodded, and he could only express his condolences for the departure of this partner.

"Dingchun, I will leave the matter of Quanting Mountain to you from now on. This is also what the Seven Prisons meant before."

Dingchun nodded and said, "I understand."

Kakashi took out the bell in his palm and said, "The Seven Hells said before that this bell is the core of Rashomon. Do you know what else is in it?"

The Ten Hell Dogs looked at each other, and finally Dingchun said: "Master Kakashi, we don't know much about Rashomon, but according to the records of Jigoku Valley, it is the gate of hell. Maybe this bell is the gate of hell. The key to the gate of hell. Or maybe the link to inherit the power of the gate of hell."

Kakashi thought about it.

It seems that it is a bit difficult to get more power from this.

Been to Hell Valley before and nothing more.

While Kakashi was thinking, he suddenly heard a loud noise not far away.


Kakashi was taken aback, what's going on?

Parker moved his nose and said, "Kakashi, it seems to smell like Inuzuka and Akamaru."

Parker still has a good impression of the Inuzuka family who also raise ninja dogs.

"Really? What are these two guys doing?"

Kakashi walked over curiously.

The Ninja Dogs behind him followed suit.

Behind the bushes, Kiba and Akamaru are practicing ninjutsu.

It just doesn't look like it's working.

"Damn, is the power still only this little? This is not enough at all!"

Ya has a dissatisfied face, obviously not very satisfied with the results of practice

"That guy Naruto has grown to that level, but I'm still like this, I'm really not reconciled."

Recalling the scene of Naruto fighting in the distance before, Ya felt even more unwilling.

Although Naruto's grades in the ninja school are not bad, but because of the similarity of his character and tooth, the relationship between the two is good.

They also encourage each other from time to time.

Originally, the gap between the two was not that big, but after graduating from school, the gap between the two grew wildly, and now, I can no longer see Naruto's back.


Kiba punched the ground, and Akamaru yelled at the side.

"Yo, it's a tooth, are you practicing?"

The lazy voice made Fang slightly startled.

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