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"Since the Uzumaki clan, Sarutobi Hiruzen's governing strategy has had problems. In other words, he has almost no clear governing line.

Every change in Konoha was passive. Every time, He tried to solve the problem only after it happened.

From a ninja's perspective, this is understandable. But for a leader, this is unqualified.

As a leader, it is inevitable to fight for power, even It is a sign of maturity. Because the first thing a leader should do is to ensure that his leadership position will not be easily shaken.

However, this kind of power struggle must be controlled within an appropriate range. The bottom line is that the village cannot be used When a person does this, he is not worthy of being a leader. "

"Saurobi-sensei has always put Konoha's interests first... ”

“Uzumaki clan, White Fang, Uchiha…”

Aoba said these three names. But Jiraiya was obviously not convinced.

"It was not only the Kumogakure who destroyed the Uzumaki clan, but also the coalition forces of other ninja villages. Konoha could not directly go to war with other ninja villages."

"... Look at what you said, Jiraiya. Konoha Unable to declare war on other ninja villages? If I remember correctly, Uzumaki and Konoha are in a military alliance, right? Master Jiraiya, would you please explain to me what a military alliance is? "

Jiraiya was silent. Aoba He was speechless again. Because, at that time, it was not Konoha declaring war on other ninja villages. It was other ninja villages declaring war on Konoha. This is the meaning of the existence of military alliances.

Aoba didn't even say the following words That's it. For example, Konoha can avoid direct fighting. Just rescue a group of Uzumaki clan members, take away their heritage, and then merge them into Konoha.

This will kill two birds with one stone and strengthen Konoha's foundation. But the Anbu finally saved one person... one... one...

In fact, it was after the destruction of the whirlpool that Konoha's dominance began to be frequently challenged. I killed your ally, and you didn't even say a word. Of course I'll go a step further and continue to test you. Maybe if I fuck you, you won't dare to resist?

At that time, the ninjas of Kumogakure and Iwagakure The village definitely thought so. Especially Kumogakure.

As the defeated party, but saw through the nature of Konoha. He danced in front of Konoha in various ways. Sarutobi Hiruzen endured it all.

This can also be considered He and Jiraiya have a master-disciple relationship. Because Jiraiya said that ninjas are people who can endure what ordinary people cannot endure. So it seems that Sarutobi Hiruzen can really endure.

"What about Uchiha ? They were preparing to rebel. "

Jiraiya knew that Konoha was too unkind in what happened to White Fang. The lower class people didn't understand. But as a high-ranking official, Jiraiya knew the inside story of White Fang's death. He couldn’t stand watching that.

"Do I need to remind you, Master Jiraiya? The symbol of Konoha is the combination of Senju and Uchiha. It's not Sarutobi, Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, Aburame, Inuzuka..."

" ...Uchiha people are not suitable to be Hokage. They are..."

Jiraiya stopped talking here. Because he didn't completely agree with the following sentence. .

"Go on, say the words that have been circulating in Konoha for a long time."


"Then I'll say it for you, the Uchiha are an evil clan, is that right?"

"Anyway, they No one should rebel." Jiraiya tried to change the subject.

"Then, Master Jiraiya, would you like to tell us why the Uchiha rebelled?"

This question stumped Jiraiya again. He originally wanted to He said the answer on his lips. But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that something was missing. But he couldn't figure out what it was for a while.

"Then let me explain. Because Uchiha has always wanted one of their own to be Hokage. But Konoha never gave it to them. Why not? Because Uchiha is an evil clan. You see, the problem is back to square one.

I Finally, let me confirm, Master Jiraiya. Are you sure that the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama's evaluation of Uchiha is like this? "

Jiraiya remained silent. He had given up debating with Kamikawa Aoba. But in his heart Deep down, I was actually curious.

One was why Kamikawa Aoba knew so many secrets of Konoha. The other was

Yes, how would he explain this matter.

"If you don't know, then let me tell you. The second generation Hokage's complete evaluation of the Uchiha clan is.

This is a clan that has bound its own emotions. They look indifferent, ruthless, and even evil.

But once the Uchiha clan members understand love, their long-bound emotions will be released. When the love in their hearts is released, they will also awaken the power that surpasses the Senju clan.

But too strong love also has certain side effects, that is, the part of the power awakened by the Uchiha clan may go out of control because of this strong love.

The Uchiha clan members who understand love, once they lose the love in their hearts, then they Strong love will turn into stronger hatred.

Their whole personality will change drastically. During this process, the brains of the Uchiha people will produce a special chakra, which will stimulate their eyes and change their eyes, thus becoming the Sharingan.

This is why the Sharingan is called the Eye of Soul Reflection. As the hatred in the hearts of the Uchiha people becomes stronger, their power will also be enhanced.

In addition, most of the Uchiha people are born with delicate minds, so once they awaken this power, they are easily swallowed by darkness and become the "evil clan." "

Aoba's words made Jiraiya and Tsunade silent. Although Tsunade is the princess of the Senju clan, she doesn't know much about Uchiha. It was also the first time she heard such a detailed and specific analysis of the Uchiha clan and even the power of the Sharingan.

Now, even Tsunade began to look at Aoba with that strange look. This guy knows too much.

"Then why did the second generation Hokage move the Uchiha clan to the edge of Konoha and isolate them?"

Because Senju Tobirama is a qualified Hokage. This is also the power struggle I mentioned earlier. Don't forget that he accepted Uchiha Kagami as his disciple.

Although the second generation Hokage was wary of Uchiha, he never thought of destroying Uchiha. He knew very well that Uchiha was an important fighting force in the village. Isolation is OK, but not excessive coercion.

The grasp of the scale in between is the embodiment of the ability of the Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen worked hard to learn from his teacher. It's a pity that he only learned a little bit in the end.

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