The two sides of the tunnel were separated.

Aoba's body appeared in a special space. This is the illusion space created by the Sharingan.

It can't be compared with Itachi's reading. This space is extremely simple, and Aoba can't manipulate time and space.

But relatively speaking, this space is not as dangerous as Tsukuyomi. The most important thing is that the illusion of the Sharingan is launched with Aoba's chakra.

So, he can interfere with this space to a certain extent.

What Aoba has to do now is to reversely invade the spiritual world of the Sharingan through this illusion space.

Of course, a pair of three magatama eyes alone cannot be called a spiritual world. But the power it contains is real. And it has been successfully activated.

This makes Aoba's process of pursuing the origin of the Sharingan's pupil power much simpler.

The invasion process was not easy. Qingye encountered obstacles at the beginning. It was a special mental power that prevented his invasion.

An instinctive power.

Qingye knew that this was the mental power left in the original owner of the Sharingan.

After breaking this power, Qingye entered a strange perspective.

The spiritual world itself is different from reality. It is more idealistic here, even absurd and bizarre.

It is difficult for Qingye to describe the picture he saw. If he had to describe it, he would have seen a puzzle-like existence.

Yin-tun chakra, mental power, and some more abstract power together formed a puzzle.

Qingye understood that this should be the analysis of the pupil power of the Sharingan. However, in the spiritual world, it was presented in an extremely abstract way.

Qingye could understand this abstraction. The only thing he didn't understand was that the puzzle was not complete.

The third abstract power had an obvious gap, which made the whole puzzle incomplete.

Qingye realized that he had approached the deepest secret of the Sharingan.

The Sharingan is very powerful, but it has huge flaws.

After opening the Mangekyō, it is powerful, but it is really unbearable to go blind at any time.

Aoba also has a Mangekyō. Although Kotoamatsukami consumed a lot of his pupil power. But he can still use Mangekyō-level illusions. But he dare not use it casually.

Relying solely on Hashirama's cells, although he can slowly restore his pupil power. But the speed is too slow.

As for operations such as opening Susanoo with one eye, he didn't even try it. His Sharingan is too precious. If he goes blind, it's really not worth it.

However, after a deep exploration of the pupil power of the Sharingan, Aoba has a new understanding of the problem of blindness caused by excessive use of the Mangekyō.

The combination of Yintun Chakra and mental power is the most basic pupil power. People of the Uchiha clan, because of their blood relationship, are born to be able to complete this operation inside their eyes.

But that's all, the maximum Sharingan can be opened is three magatama.

If you want to go further, if you want to go further, you need to add a third force. Qingye called this force the power of the mind. The corresponding name is the eye of the mind of the Sharingan.

It can only be said that although the second generation is not from the Uchiha clan. But the research on Uchiha is still quite in-depth. This description can be said to be very accurate.

Because in Qingye's observation. The last kind of power is the key to triggering the qualitative change of the pupil power of the Sharingan, and finally transforming it into a mangekyo and obtaining various magical abilities.

This power is more abstract than the illusory spiritual power. It is a projection of a person's inner subconsciousness.

Yin escape chakra and spiritual power constitute pupil power. And this kind of spiritual projection power allows the pupil power to sublimate and transform, and project the most desired power in the depths of one's heart in reality. In this way, different Mangekyo Sharingan are formed.

But that kind of spiritual projection power has some defects.

Qingye doesn't know why. It is speculated that the Uchiha clan, as the descendants of Indra, has an impure bloodline and a natural mental or physical defect.

And it is this defect that makes the Mangekyo's pupil power powerful, but the burden on the body is extremely huge.

The intuitive description is that the desired effect of mental projection is a world. But the pupil power of both eyes can only create an independent small space. The missing ones will be converted into a burden on the body.

You know, whether it is chakra, mental power, or the final pupil power. In the end, they all need to be truly released through the flesh.

From this level, Obito

Without Hashirama's cells, his Kamui would not be able to be used many times. From this, it can be seen that although Uchiha is cheating, Hashirama's cells are the real official cheat.

In any case, this experiment is of great significance to Aoba. After learning this, he has thought of many different research directions in the future. But it takes a certain amount of time.

He still needs to deal with some trivial matters at the moment.

The negotiations with Sand Village have lasted for a week. For the two-party negotiations of the second of the five major ninja villages, this is a very normal operation.

In fact, Aoba feels that it is still a bit too fast. Because it is said that the results will come out today. He originally thought that it would take at least half a month.

However, although Tsunade is a woman, she has a hot temper and acts vigorously. She has no intention of dragging it on.

The Sand Village side naturally needs to pay a huge price. They have no money for war reparations, but they don't know how much they have paid for various secret ninjutsu.

The thickness of Konoha's seal book has almost doubled.

At the same time, there is also open trade, giving up a large number of task shares, intelligence sharing, etc. And most importantly, the military alliance with Konoha.

The contract stipulates that Sunagakure needs to provide military support when Konoha needs it. But there is no mention of whether Konoha will recruit more soldiers when Sunagakure needs it.

To put it bluntly, this is a disguised subsidiary contract. Since the signing of the contract, Sunagakure has become Konoha's younger brother to some extent.

Tsunade's strength is completely different from the easy-to-talk Sandagakure. Without Chiyo's appearance, the team led by Maki is no match for Nara Shikaku.

After signing the contract, Maki was in a trance. He even felt like committing suicide right now. Because this contract almost sold out Sunagakure.

Tsunade, who won a great victory, was naturally very proud. After drinking two cups, she went straight to Aoba's house.

"Are you Haruno Sakura?"

"Yes, Lord Hokage. The teacher is not at home." Sakura saw that it was the Hokage and saluted hurriedly.

"Okay, you are Kamikawa Aoba's disciple. I don't remember that guy ever greeting me. And I'm not here to see him this time, I'm here to see you."

"Seek me?"

"In the war not long ago, I heard that you performed the Palm Immortal Technique for a whole day and night, treating more than 300 wounded people?"

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