The two of them were very close, and the two sides were very close.

"What do you want?" It's reasonable to say that Uchiha Itachi is not qualified to make conditions. But the other party suddenly threw out this kind of bargaining chip, and Aoba was willing to give some face.

"Sasuke has endured too many things that he shouldn't have endured. These... are my fault. Kamikawa Aoba, help me take good care of him."


After being in a coma for a day and a night, Sasuke finally woke up completely. After he woke up, the power of the curse seal on his body also shrank back.

"How does it feel?"

"Very special chakra. It may take some time to master it completely."

"It's much better than I thought. This kind of thing can't be rushed."

"I understand. But I can't sense the fragments of Orochimaru's soul now."

"This is even more urgent. I said that the Heaven's Curse Seal is the culmination of all Orochimaru's research. If it is so easy to crack, it would be underestimated.

I already have a plan for this problem. But it takes time to advance. Now, the first thing we have to do is to complete the analysis of the Sharingan pupil power.

Before you joined, I had already completed the separation of the pupil power. The pupil power was separated into mental power, Yin Release Chakra, and spiritual power.

Then I tried to copy the original Sharingan pupil power according to the separated proportions. But failed. All the procedures were correct, but it just couldn't succeed.

I have an idea about this. Perhaps the synthesis of pupil power still lacks a key condition."

"The bloodline of the Uchiha clan?" This time Sasuke was smart. I actually guessed what Aoba was thinking.

"That's right. The Sharingan is a bloodline limit. So, in the final analysis, it should all be related to blood. It cannot be directly synthesized by external force alone. But with your participation, this problem should no longer be a problem."

Although the idea is beautiful. But in practice, it is still extremely difficult. The most critical problem is that Sasuke cannot actively mobilize his mental power and merge it with the converted Yintun Chakra.

Many ninjutsu in the ninja world involve the use of mental power. But most of them are used indirectly. Even the secret techniques of the Yamanaka clan are essentially using Yintun Chakra to indirectly manipulate mental power.

Aoba's ability to manipulate is a benefit for him as a time traveler. For the original residents of the ninja world. Directly manipulating the original mental power is more difficult than S-level ninjutsu.

"This is indeed a problem, but it is not unsolvable. Look into my eyes and don't resist."

Aoba showed his Sharingan, used illusion on Sasuke, and then entered his spiritual world again.

"Don't resist. I'm controlling your body now and trying to replicate the previous operation."

Using Qingye's will and operation, combined with Uchiha Sasuke's body. Qingye bypassed all obstacles. He began to really try to synthesize the original pupil power of the Sharingan.

However, when he tried this operation, he found a very interesting problem. That is, the pupil power in Sasuke's body is very strong. But most of the pupil power is not in the Sharingan. Instead, it is sealed in the brain.

If such a huge pupil power is all poured into the eyes, combined with his multiple violent mental fluctuations, he should be able to open the Mangekyo directly.

But no, these huge pupil powers are locked in the brain. He can't actively mobilize them.

Qingye guessed that this should be the self-protection mechanism of Uchiha that he had inferred before. His body knew that it could not withstand the awakening of the Mangekyo. So it prevented the influx of this part of the pupil power.

And this kind of protection mechanism should be available to all Uchiha. But Sasuke's is more perfect.

Because he is the protagonist, the reincarnation of Indra. The blood concentration in the body should be far higher than that of other Uchiha. It is estimated to be at the same level as Uchiha Madara.

Even this protection mechanism may have been tampered by the Six Paths Sage. After all, if Sasuke awakened too early like Uchiha Itachi, he would have contracted the blood disease and become a sickly person.

He died of the disease before the final battle. Wouldn't the Six Paths Sage's plan be a joke?

Aoba cautiously did not touch the pupil power sealed in Sasuke's brain. Instead, he used his body step by step and began to try to artificially synthesize the original pupil power.

This process is not complicated. But it is extremely difficult. Because the synthesis of pupil power is carried out in the eyes. And the eyes are extremely delicate organs. This is even more true for the Sharingan.

Qingye tried it carefully bit by bit. It took a full half day to finally complete the first test.


First of all, one thing should be confirmed. That is, he successfully used Sasuke's body to synthesize the original pupil power in his Sharingan. Sasuke's Sharingan pupil power has been improved.

But in the process of synthesis, Qingye also confirmed one thing. That is, his inference is correct. The original pupil power can be synthesized by itself. But it can only be in the body of Uchiha. And this original pupil power cannot be transmitted.

It seems to be because of the incomplete pupil power. This kind of pupil power synthesized in the body of Uchiha will be directly integrated into his Sharingan. It cannot be independently operated for other purposes.

In other words, this trick can only be used by Uchiha. He can't use it himself.

This discovery made Qingye feel a pain in the ass. But fortunately, there was a certain psychological preparation in advance. So, it was barely acceptable.

The current situation is very interesting. Qingye can complete the synthesis process. But he can't do it on himself. Sasuke can do it on himself, but he can't do it.

It's really ironic! !

However, this process is still very helpful to Sasuke. He can be said to have experienced how to synthesize the original pupil power in an immersive way.

In this way, the benefit of completing this operation independently is huge. It won't take much time for him to really learn this operation.

Sasuke gained a lot, but Aoba was a little unhappy.

After wasting a lot of effort, all the results were cheap for Sasuke. Although he is his disciple, he is still very unhappy.

The most important thing is that if he can't take the initiative to synthesize pupil power. Then the ten three-magatama Sharingan in his hand will not be so valuable.

The reason why Aoba conducted this research on this topic is that he wanted to try to synthesize pupil power by himself and then inject it into the Sharingan in his hand. Raise the pupil power of the Sharingan in his hand to the limit.

Then inject your own spiritual power to trigger the change of pupil power. Thus artificially create a Mangekyo. Now, this idea is basically declared shattered.

Don't forget that these Sharingans were tossed too hard by Danzo, and the nervous system was permanently damaged. It can't be transplanted into the eyes.

In other words, it would be impossible to artificially synthesize these eyes for Sasuke in the future.

In desperation, Aoba could only activate the backup plan.

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