The two of them turned around almost at the same time in mid-air. Obito shot out two wooden spikes. And Aoba responded with a kunai.

The kunai penetrated Obito's shadow without any surprise.


Aoba had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. The next second, Aoba's body disappeared. At the same time, he appeared on the flight path of the kunai.

Flying Thunder God 2nd stage, this move was exactly the move that the fourth generation used to defeat Obito.

Aoba and Obito had been dealing with each other for a long time, just to wait for this opportunity. However, Aoba did not use the Rasengan, but swung the Kusanagi sword in his hand. He chopped directly at Obito's neck.

If possible, he would not mind killing Obito here.

In a flash, the two bodies crossed again. Then they fell to the ground at the same time with ugly faces.

Obito looked ugly because he did not expect Aoba to know Flying Thunder God, and even played the fourth generation Flying Thunder God second stage, almost cutting off his head.

And Aoba looked ugly because he missed. This move that had been planned for a long time not only failed to kill Obito, but also failed to really hurt him.

There are two reasons for the failure. One is that his Flying Thunder God is not proficient enough. After spending so much time, he can barely overcome the dizziness after the Flying Thunder God teleportation.

But the number of times is controlled within three times. No matter how many times, he still can't avoid it. This is also the reason why he didn't dare to use it casually before.

But although he overcame the dizziness. But the operation of locating the high-speed flying kunai and using Flying Thunder God to teleport at the same time is really a bit advanced.

Aoba's nerve reaction ability is already the best. But he still can't perform this move perfectly.

So the timing of the knife was a little slow.

At the same time, after being defeated by the fourth generation using this move, Obito seemed to have done special training and reacted much faster than expected.

Aoba even extended the Kusanagi sword, but in the end it only cut Obito's clothes.

After landing, neither of them made a sound, but stared at each other.

Aoba realized that Obito should have retreated. Now Obito is a real old silver coin. Before his plan is realized, he doesn't want to fight with Aoba.

There are not many things that can threaten Obito at present. Flying Thunder God is one of them.

As expected, Obito saw that he couldn't easily take down Aoba, and he did have the intention to retreat.

But at this time, Aoba turned his head slightly and looked outside the door.

In Sage Mode, he could sense that a large number of Anbu members appeared outside, as well as a team from the barrier class.

They had quickly set up a blockade barrier outside. They were ready to catch the turtle in the jar.

To be honest, the reaction and execution of Konoha Anbu were very good. With this lineup, few people in the entire ninja world could escape. Not even the Raikage.

But it was meaningless to Uchiha Obito.

When Kakashi led a large number of ninjas into the laboratory. All he saw was a mess at the scene.

Kakashi had an incredible expression on his face. He knew too well how powerful Aoba was. He even saw that Aoba was still in Sage Mode. But even so, he couldn't keep him.

This is not the wild, this is Konoha. The other party sneaked into Konoha's top-secret laboratory, fought with Konoha's strongest ninja, and then retreated unscathed?

When did such a powerful person appear in the ninja world?

"It's complicated, I can only say. He has a very special space-time ninjutsu. He can disappear at any time and anywhere, and no matter what method is used, he can't be hurt. Not to mention trapping him."

There were many members of the Anbu at the scene, and Aoba didn't tell the truth.

Until Aoba brought the two children and Kakashi out of the laboratory and came to the Hokage's office, Aoba was about to speak. A voice came from behind.

"It's a space-time eye technique. That person has a Sharingan." The speaker was Sasuke. He watched the previous battle and saw the Mangekyō that Uchiha Obito leaked with his own eyes.

Aoba looked back at him and nodded.

"He's right. And if I'm not mistaken, he is the mysterious Uchiha who appeared in the Nine-Tails Rebellion. And according to some information left by the Root, the other party also appeared on the day when Uchiha was destroyed."

At this moment, everyone in the office was shocked. Shikaku's face suddenly changed

It was a bit ugly.

With his intelligence, he immediately thought of all kinds of complicated conspiracies.

"In other words, that person is Konoha's enemy. And he has been targeting Konoha for many years?"

"That's right. The Nine-Tails Rebellion, the destruction of the Uchiha clan, every time he made a move, it would bring heavy damage to Konoha. This time, if I hadn't been there, all the achievements of the institute might have fallen short."

Aoba was also scared. During this period, he was even a little lax in his defense against Obito. If he hadn't worked overtime until this time tonight, the institute might have been razed to the ground.

"Aoba, do you think there is another hidden story behind the destruction of the Uchiha clan?" It was Tsunade who spoke, and she didn't avoid Sasuke.

This question obviously stimulated Sasuke. He looked at Aoba with some excitement.

"I'm not sure if there is any hidden secret. But I'm sure of one thing. That is, on the night when Uchiha was destroyed, Uchiha Itachi must have had a helper. If nothing unexpected happens, it should be this person."

"...... In other words, this person is also one of the murderers who killed my entire clan?"

"Yes, that should be the case. Sasuke, there are some very cruel facts that I have never told you.

According to the clues we got from the Root. The Root itself also participated in the massacre of Uchiha to a certain extent.

Their goal is the Sharingan. But in fact, the Root did not get many Sharingans in the end. And Uchiha Itachi also did not have time to do this.

At that time, I realized that Uchiha Itachi had another helper that night. That person dug out most of the Uchiha clan's Sharingans. But I was not sure who this person was. Now it seems that it should be this mysterious person."

Sasuke was a little dazed by the huge information. But fortunately, after being tortured by Uchiha Itachi, his nerves are much tougher now.

He adjusted his mentality quickly.

"So, I have two enemies now?"

"It seems so at the moment. Also, Hokage-sama, should we notify Naruto?"

"Notify Naruto?"

"That's right, because according to the current information, the mysterious man should be the mastermind behind the Nine-Tails Rebellion. This means that he is the murderer who killed the Fourth Generation and his wife. So..."

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