Making money is not an easy thing. Although Kado's business is big, it is enough for Konoha at present. But it will definitely not be enough in the future.

Relying on the financial support of a group alone is also an unhealthy economic form.

Konoha Village is also undergoing reforms. This time, it is a reform aimed at the commercial area.

The various industries within Konoha Village are actually very complicated.

First of all, the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan are the founders of Konoha. Naturally, they have a large number of industries in Konoha.

In fact, more than half of the original Konoha belonged to these two families. Later, after other ninja clans moved in, they carried out secondary construction, and finally the current Konoha was established.

But even so, the various industries of these two clans are incredible.

What's funny is that in Konoha today, the Senju and Uchiha clans have completely fallen.

The Senju clan gave up their surnames and integrated into the civilian population. But this does not mean that those industries have disappeared.

In fact, in the previous life, Qingye felt incredible when he saw this plot.

You know, the Japanese learned Chinese culture. The sense of identity with the family and surname is very strong. But AB actually wrote such a plot. It's incredible.

Qingye inferred that he should want to create the image of a saint like Senju Hashirama. In fact, he did it.

Giving up his family and surname to fulfill a group of outsiders, this kind of thing can only be done by a saint.

In fact, his operation was extremely stupid. It even brought disaster to the Senju clan members who disbanded.

When the root was established in the later period and Hashirama's cell experiments were conducted, most of the people used were those Senju clan members who gave up their surnames.

At this time, the Senju clan no longer had the protection of the ninja clan. Facing the root, there was no power to resist. You know, the Uchiha clan was so unsociable that Danzo didn't dare to attack the Uchiha clan before they were exterminated.

But at that time, the Senju clan had already abandoned their martial arts and was at the mercy of others. It is true that Hashirama Senju is a saint. But he is also incredibly stupid. He was so stupid that he thought his successor would be a saint like himself.

To this day, the orthodox Senju clan members are basically consumed, just like the Uchiha clan.

The two real wealthy families in Konoha have announced their withdrawal from the stage of history.

But the interesting part is here. Whether it is the Senju clan or the Uchiha clan, there is still one left.

Tsunade and Sasuke are still alive and still living in Konoha. This actually involves a very serious issue. That is, in theory, Tsunade and Sasuke should inherit the legacy of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan.

This statement is not a joke. You know, whether it is Tsunade or Uchiha, they are not ordinary people. They are also the princess and the young clan leader of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan respectively.

This status makes them legally qualified to inherit the heritage of the two ninja clans.

But we all know the result of the original plot. Neither of them inherited anything. Sasuke even had to pay off the mortgage after getting married!!!

How much of this was caused by the author's mental retardation, and how much was caused by some unspeakable factors. No one can tell clearly.

But Aoba is now in this world, and naturally he can't watch this happen.

So, after becoming the Hokage's advisor, he promoted a resolution. Check the heritage of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan.

All the high-level officials of Konoha knew that this operation would definitely explode. But Aoba didn't care, just like when Hyuga Hiashi asked him if he knew what the change would bring. He directly said, I don't care at all.

That's right, Aoba doesn't care how many people are dissatisfied in this process. Because after all this is over, more people will benefit.

This matter was carried out by Shikaku with a think tank. At the same time, the Hyuga clan also sent a team to help.

It's very interesting. When the Senju and Uchiha were destroyed, other families in Konoha got some benefits. But how can I say it? Shikaku is a smart man.

The people of the Nara family have always been cautious. The Nara family also got a lot of benefits back then. But Shikaku anticipated that there might be a day of reckoning.

After all, Tsunade is still here, and her status and strength make her the most suitable person to inherit the Hokage. Once she takes the throne, according to her temper, it is not impossible to settle these things.

So, back then

When Shikaku took over those industries, he paid for them. At least there is nothing wrong with the procedure.

So, he was confident that you could check whatever you wanted, but you couldn't find anything about me. The corresponding Hyuga clan was one of the few ninja clans that didn't interfere.

The main reason was that they were big and powerful, and the traditional strategy of the Hyuga clan was to keep a low profile and protect themselves. So they didn't get involved in the things of the past.

But the two families were like this, which doesn't mean that other ninja clans are like this.

It can be said that in the whole process of division, the means of most of the beneficiaries were not glorious. And all this was done with the tacit consent of the third generation.

This is also the reason why he was able to get the support of almost all ninja clans.

But the reason why tacit consent is tacit consent is because it is an unspoken rule. It cannot be put on the surface.

You said you gave money at the beginning. But the village did not record it in the books, and the financial records did not show that the money was received. The money received was not consistent with the actual value of those industries.

In a nutshell, all these acquisition processes did not comply with the laws of Konoha. This is not a new regulation made by Tsunade. It is a regulation that Konoha has always passed down.

When these old accounts were turned over, Tsunade immediately announced that all illegal transactions found were invalidated.

Those industries with illegal transactions were immediately taken over by Konoha.

Afterwards, Tsunade met with Uchiha Sasuke in the name of Hokage. She said that the village was willing to purchase most of the Uchiha clan's inheritance at market price. It's just that the village can't afford so much cash at present.

Therefore, Tsunade proposed that Konoha Village cooperate with Sasuke. Konoha will use the power of the village to help Sasuke operate those industries. Then Sasuke will get dividends every year. The specific share needs to be discussed slowly later.

Sasuke agreed to this plan and signed the contract, saying that except for the mansion of the Uchiha clan leader, he was willing to hand over all the Uchiha industries he inherited to Konoha for operation.

As for the Senju clan, Tsunade was more direct. As the heir of the Senju clan, she directly expressed her willingness to donate all the inheritance to the village for operation. He only retained a small amount of dividend rights.

In this way, Konoha obtained the control over all the industries of the Uchiha and Senju clans both legally and morally.

Next, it was the real time of reckoning.

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