The liquidation operation, which lasted for more than half a month, finally reached a climax.

On this day, the villagers of Konoha clearly saw that Konoha had gathered hundreds of Anbu members and blocked a residential area.

Most people actually don't know who lives here. Only a few people know that it is the Sarutobi clan that lives here.

Deep in the residential area, there is a compound similar to the Uchiha family.

At this time, the current head of the Sarutobi clan, Sarutobi Hien, was looking at Tsunade and the Anbu in front of him with an angry face.

"Hokage, Hiruzen has only been dead for a few days, and you are so impatient to attack our Sarutobi clan?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was not a fool, and he wanted to use the dead Sarutobi Hiruzen to catch Tsunade. But unfortunately, Tsunade has already completely taken the initiative.

"Sarutobi clan? I'm sorry, this action is not aimed at the Sarutobi clan. It is aimed at a group of dangerous elements hiding in Konoha and pretending to be from the Sarutobi clan."

"..." Sarutobi Hiruzen never dreamed that Tsunade would come up with such an outrageous reason.

"Nonsense. Our Sarutobi clan has been thriving in Konoha for decades. Do you think you can frame us just because you are the Hokage?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was really angry. He could barely understand that Tsunade attacked the Sarutobi clan. But he couldn't stand the fact that he was no longer a member of the Sarutobi family.

But the next second, he was stunned. Because the Anbu next to Tsunade took off his mask. That face turned out to be Asuma Sarutobi.

"......Asuma, you......" Sarutobi Hien seemed to realize something.

Asuma said to Tsunade next to him.

"Hokage, I have counted and counted all the people in the Sarutobi clan these days. These people in front of me... are not on my list."


Sarutobi Hiruzen and the conservatives behind him were stunned. They realized a terrible problem. Tsunade did not come for the Sarutobi family's industries this time. Or not just for those industries.

She came to settle accounts, a real settlement. And I don't know when, the young faction in the clan actually joined forces with Asuma and directly surrendered to Tsunade. Overnight, the powerful elders in the Sarutobi clan were directly expelled from the ancestral home of the Sarutobi clan, and even became dangerous elements! !

The dangerous elements in the Hokage's mouth are not a joke. Look at the Anbu behind Tsunade, that is an elite force directly under the Hokage. In other words, Tsunade is ready to play hard.

Sarutobi Hien trembled and pointed at Asuma, wanting to say something. But his trembling lips could not say anything in the end.

Many conservative ninjas of the Sarutobi clan rushed up and confronted the Anbu of Konoha.

At the same time, many conservatives quietly hid in the corner, as if they could not see me.

Aoba, who was standing behind Tsunade, signaled the assistant next to him to write down the scene in front of him. Those who stood up to oppose the Anbu and those who hid in the corner and did not speak were sorted into books separately.

After that, Aoba walked out of the Anbu team and stood next to Tsunade. His appearance directly made the conservatives lose more than half of their momentum.

There was no way, the reputation of Konoha's number one master was still somewhat effective. At least those conservative ninjas knew in their hearts that they were no match for the Hokage.

Aoba did not mean to take action directly. Although he had done public opinion control. But if he really started a massacre in the courtyard of the Sarutobi clan, it would still be a bit inappropriate.

The main reason is that Tsunade has been in power for too short a time, and this drastic measure will affect the trust of other ninja clans in Konoha in the Hokage lineage.

Seeing Kamikawa Aoba appear, Sarutobi Hien finally realized that the situation on his side was over.

He wanted to shout and fight them. But look around him. Under the leadership of Asuma, most of the young ninjas have joined his side.

Although there is still a lot of combat power on his side. If dragged out, it is also the size of a medium-sized ninja clan. But it is really a bit too much to think about fighting the Anbu led by Kamikawa Aoba.

In the end, Sarutobi Hien knelt down dejectedly.

"Please show mercy, Hokage."

In the end, there was no direct armed conflict, which was what Aoba and Tsunade wanted to see. But it is also necessary to deal with these conservatives.

According to Aoba's suggestion, Tsunade let

This part of the conservatives was split up. Like the Senju clan before, they were integrated into Konoha.

However, the whole process will be monitored by the Anbu. At the same time, not everyone will be split up.

Those who did not come forward directly during the previous confrontation will get a chance. As long as they are willing to join Asuma's branch and recognize Asuma's position as the leader of the clan, they can continue to keep the surname Sarutobi. But as a price, they will be completely tied to the lineage of the Hokage.

In this way, with the strong combat power of Aoba and the reputation of Tsunade, the liquidation operation went very smoothly.

During this period, several small families did not know what was good for them, and the Anbu also saw blood several times. Of course, the people of Konoha did not know this.

They only knew that Konoha was preparing to re-plan the commercial district. A large amount of land and shops that had been taken back to the village before will be open to all Konoha villagers for bidding.

This bidding is naturally not absolutely fair as announced. After all, if it is absolutely fair, how can the civilians of Konoha be the opponents of the ninja clan?

Aoba had already reached an agreement with the major families before, and they would get some benefits as a reward for supporting the Hokage lineage. But the rest, they can't just do it casually.

So hundreds of shops and a large amount of land were leased or sold to the villagers of Konoha in the name of the village.

The village provides various low-interest loan services. Helped many civilians to achieve their own careers.

In this way, the village will be able to receive more rents from these lands and shops than before.

However, these rents are incomparable to maritime trade. But Aoba still promotes this as much as possible. The purpose is to increase the activity of Konoha's economy and create more jobs.

In this way, the development of Konoha's economy will be driven. And this development will attract people from the surrounding Fire Country to settle in Konoha.

These people will bring more consumption and more business opportunities. Such a virtuous cycle will gradually make Konoha out of the category of "village".

Aoba has never demonstrated his ambition for a big change. It's just that the people in this world don't have much experience and can't understand it.

What he is doing now is actually digging into the corners of the Fire Country, or even its foundation. It's easy to kill the daimyo, but if you want the people to adapt to the days without the daimyo, you have to start preparing now.

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