The training of the Rasengan is simpler than expected. Perhaps he is a master of chakra manipulation, and he completed the basic version of the Rasengan training in just a few days.

But when he wanted to add the wind attribute later, he began to feel pressure.

The Wind Style Rasengan is a ninjutsu at the level of fairy art. Its power is so great that few people or arts in the entire ninja world can block it.

But when this move is really practiced, its difficulty is not comparable to that of ordinary Rasengan.

In fact, the Rasengan is already an S-level ninjutsu. Even if it spreads, not many people in the whole Konoha can learn it. Kakashi barely knows it, but he uses it poorly, not as good as his own Raikiri.

The best in Konoha are Jiraiya and the future Naruto.

The Big Ball Rasengan is a step further. The difficulty is at least 3s level. What Aoba wants is not only to integrate the changes of wind attributes into it, but also to add fairy chakra. Complete a super ninjutsu with the ability to make a final decision.

At least it should be able to beat the Raikage into a pancake head-on.

Secret experiments, ninjutsu training, Aoba's days are extremely fulfilling. Sometimes, Kakashi finds it difficult to understand.

Aoba is already so powerful, but he still works so hard that it's almost crazy.

"Do you really want to be Hokage?"

"Hehe, whether in terms of strength or popularity, I am now definitely qualified to compete for the next Hokage. But look at your tone Kakashi, you have a feeling deep in your heart that I can't become Hokage, right?"

Kakashi sometimes feels that Aoba is annoying, because he always hits you in the heart with a word. It was as if what he said now was what Kakashi wanted to say deep in his heart, but he didn't know how to say it.

How could Aoba become Hokage? He was of the same lineage as the current Hokage, and had no relationship at all. Just based on this, he could not have become Hokage.

"Whatever you think. I just feel that your thoughts are a little different from those of the Hokage."

"No, Kakashi. My thoughts are just different from those of the current Hokage. But don't forget, if I become the Hokage, then my thoughts are the thoughts of the Hokage. But I can answer your original question now. I have never thought about becoming Hokage."

Kakashi looked into Aoba's eyes and nodded. Then he said in a tone that was not sure whether it was relief or disappointment.

"I believe you."

"Really? I answered your question. Now can you answer my previous question?"

Kakashi was a little embarrassed. Aoba's previous question was about what Konoha was.

Kakashi's IQ was not low, and it could even be said to be very high. He naturally understood the meaning of Aoba's words. What he asked was whether the Hokage represented Konoha or the lower class people represented Konoha.

But he couldn't answer this question for the time being. Because he couldn't figure it out.

From the education he received, he should say the Hokage without hesitation. But emotionally, he should say the lower class people.

Two answers lingered in his mind. But he couldn't come to the best conclusion.

"It seems that you haven't figured it out yet. It doesn't matter, just think about it slowly. By the way, the New Year is coming. Three days later, I have an appointment with Akai and others to get together before the New Year. Don't forget to come to the Akimichi family's barbecue restaurant."


After returning home, Qingye went into the laboratory again. But this time, instead of continuing the previous research, he started to fiddle with a few small things.

That day, on the road, Qingye met a familiar figure. The other party was also brightened when he saw him. But he hesitated and didn't know how to greet him.

"Hi, Sasuke. Don't you recognize me?"

The little boy was Uchiha Sasuke. In any case, at this time, Uchiha Sasuke was really a pure victim. In Aoba's heart, he was just a poor little boy.

However, it is not without reason that Uchiha Sasuke was called the second pillar in the later period. This child has a proud and arrogant personality. In addition, he has too many things to bear. As a result, he has personality problems at a young age.

In Aoba's view, Konoha's education is basically a pile of shit, except for the brainwashing. There is no scruple about Sasuke's psychological problems. No wonder this child insisted on looking for Orochimaru in the later period.

It was the teaching level of Konoha, or the arrangement of the upper level, that made his growth rate unsatisfactory.

Uchiha Sasuke actually wanted to see Aoba again. Although he had only communicated with Aoba once. But the climbing and treading water learned from Aoba are extremely practical skills.

Although he is arrogant, he is not stupid. After practicing many times, he immediately understood that this is a very important skill for ninjas.

After learning these two things, he wanted to continue to learn from Aoba. But he was arrogant by nature and didn't know how to start.

And as a senior ninja, Aoba often needs to go on missions. When he returned to Konoha, he was also stuck in the laboratory doing experiments. He wanted to create a few encounters but couldn't.

Recently, near the end of the year, Aoba relaxed himself, so he was able to meet Aoba on the street. The two walked and talked.

"Why didn't you go to school...ah, the school is on vacation, right? I forgot about that. At your age, you should play with your friends more."

"I know, but I don't have time. I need to get stronger, I need..."

"I need to defeat that person, I know. But it's also important to combine work and rest. And I remember that besides defeating that person, you have another goal, right?"

"...Yes. I want to revive the Uchiha clan."

Listening to this sentence from the mouth of young Sasuke, Aoba didn't find it funny. On the contrary, he felt a little sad.

Konoha, Danzo, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Obito, these people jointly created that tragedy, and the consequences were all borne by the child in front of him. Aoba couldn't imagine how this child fell asleep every night.

"Then do you know how to revive the Uchiha clan?"

"Well, as long as I become the strongest ninja, the reputation of the Uchiha clan will naturally be restored."

"Is that so? Is this what you think of reviving the Uchiha clan?"

"Isn't it?"

"Hahaha, okay Sasuke. Let me describe a situation now, think about it carefully. Suppose you complete your first goal and become a powerful ninja.

Then one day, you grow old and die. What do you think will happen to the name of the Uchiha at this time?"

"...It will disappear!!!"

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