The two of them were very happy.

Karin asked to watch from the side, which was actually a bit cruel. Because the transplant process was not pretty. But both Yumi and Karin insisted on doing so.

"Karin, listen. I never said these words to you after coming to Konoha. Because at that time, I was not sure if you could do it. But now, I can say it.

If one day, you become a strong enough ninja. Remember everything we suffered in Kusagakure. Remember our hatred, remember... revenge."

Aoba's transplant surgery naturally cannot be like Uchiha Madara, who directly pressed a piece of Hashirama's flesh on his chest.

In order to ensure the success rate, the location, size, various auxiliary drugs, and neutralizers made from White Zetsu cells of the transplant need to be strictly controlled.

These tasks are difficult to complete by one person. Of course, he can use shadow clones to form a team. But Kakashi's joining is necessary.

His joining is not just an assistant. It is mainly aimed at Kakashi. Aoba knows that Kakashi only partially agrees with him now. But this is far from enough.

He doesn't need Kakashi to be his obedient subordinate. That is unnecessary and difficult to do. He just needs Kakashi to believe in himself.

There are many ways to make someone believe in you. Aoba is using the simplest one now. Give Kakashi a sense of identity.

I am sharing a secret with you. Doesn't this make you believe me?

"Yumi, because the fusion process requires your mental will to self-regulate to a certain extent. Therefore, we cannot use anesthetics on you.

So, you will face severe pain, loss of control of your body, and even mental collapse. If you can't survive any of these, the operation will fail completely. I will ask you one last question now, are you ready?"

"I'm ready, let's start."

"Very good. Scalpel."


Karin sat on a chair next to her, listening to her mother's screams from a distance. She clenched her fists, and her nails even scratched her palms. But she seemed to be unable to feel it.

She pursed her lips tightly to prevent herself from crying. She was afraid that her crying would interfere with the operation.

It was not until last night that she finally knew that her mother, who had always looked healthy, was going to die.

And the reason she was going to die was because she was bitten too many times by the demons of the Kusanagi.

Karin was still young, and she didn't really understand the concept of hatred at first. Until her mother told her that their feeling towards the Kusanagi was hatred.

And hatred will not disappear unless you go back one day.

At this time, Yumi's body has begun to tremble and partially deformed. The erosion of Hashirama's cells is too strong.

Just because Aoba, a ninja with peak physical fitness and the strength of a jonin, can persist, it does not mean that Yumi can do it.

In fact, Yumi's physical fitness is very good. If she had not encountered everything that happened to Kusagakure and had received ninja training. Her success rate may be higher than Aoba.

After all, the physique of Uzumaki and Senju is the kind that was recently connected. The probability of her successful fusion should be very high.

It's a pity that she has not received ninja training and her origin has been damaged. Her body is full of holes and can't resist the erosion of Hashirama's cells at all.

The transplant has just ended, and Yumi has begun to show signs of collapse.

Irregular wriggling began to appear on the surface of her body, as if some living thing was about to break out of her body.

Those are Hashirama's runaway cells, a runaway phenomenon formed by a mixture of chaotic chakra.

Aoba thought for a moment, gathered a ball of natural energy, and tried to slowly inject it into Yumi's body.

At this time, her body has not really mutated. If it is suppressed at this time, there is still hope.

Natural energy is more dangerous than Hashirama cells in a sense. Therefore, Aoba's actions are very careful.

He tried to use natural energy to suppress the runaway Hashirama cells. But this is actually a very risky move. Because if you are not careful, Yumi will be petrified by natural energy.

Soon, Aoba found that the effect was there, but not as good as expected. And the side effects are also very obvious.

His original idea was that it was Hashirama cells that bore the natural energy. Let Hashirama cells fight against natural energy, and Yumi

It can get a chance to breathe.

But what I didn't expect was that Hashirama's cells corroded Yumi too quickly. It might be because her body was too exhausted.

In just a few seconds, the connection between the two sides was inseparable. The petrification of natural energy was directly fed back to Hashirama's cells and Yumi's body at the same time.

Aoba stopped immediately. If this continued, she would become a stone statue in less than a minute.

After that, he injected Yumi with a life potion. But the life potion was also absorbed by Yumi and Hashirama's cells at the same time. Even Hashirama's cells absorbed more.

Try to inject more White Zetsu cells. There was a little effect at first. But soon it was as if it was immune and no longer had any effect.

Aoba even began to despair. There was not much that external forces could interfere with this operation. He did everything he could. Now it depends on Yumi's own will to resist.

"Yumi, I'm sorry I can't do more. Now it's up to you. Think about your hatred, think about Karin, think about your future. You have to believe that you can survive."

Aoba could feel that Yumi was trying hard to resist. But her resistance was weak. Because her body was still getting worse.

At this time, even Kakashi realized that the operation was about to end in failure.

At this time, the change was prominent.

However, the change did not come from Yumi, but from behind. Aoba turned around suddenly, with the Kusanagi sword in his hand. But he didn't see anyone else, just saw Karin running over.

And that strange chakra fluctuation came from Karin's body.

Aoba hesitated for a moment and didn't stop her. And Karin threw herself directly on her mother.

"Mom, please, don't die, don't leave me..."

Karin's suppressed emotions could no longer be controlled, and she lay on her mother and cried loudly. Yumi's squirming and mutated body seemed to be temporarily suppressed by this strong emotion.

But then, there was a more violent counterattack. Kakashi saw that the situation was not good and was ready to save Karin. Because if Yumi really mutated and turned into a plant, she would kill Karin next to her.

But at this time, Aoba suddenly reached out to stop Kakashi.

"Don't worry, it seems that there is a turning point."

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