The old man was very angry.

Yumi's Wood Release is so strong that she can't control it in a short time. This is normal. She has not received enough ninja training and has no idea about ninjutsu itself. It is indeed a bit difficult to directly control the bloodline limit of Wood Release.

However, Aoba is still a little jealous privately. Although he said on the surface that he doesn't care about Wood Release. But he is talking about Yamato's Wood Release for greening.

Look at Yumi's. The effect of using it unintentionally is comparable to Yamato. If this is developed, it can't reach the level of the first generation. But it feels not much different.

It's a lie that he said he didn't want this kind of Wood Release! ! ! It's a pity that he doesn't have that life.

The laboratory is gone, and there is no hope of rebuilding it in a short time. Although Aoba's laboratory is not big, the things used in it are all top-quality goods configured by Orochimaru.

If those experimental instruments were bought from the market, they would cost at least 200 to 300 million taels. And now Aoba's total wealth is less than 10 million taels.

His ninja tool shop has improved recently. But it will take two or three years to rebuild the laboratory with this.

Therefore, Aoba can only temporarily suppress the idea of ​​rebuilding the laboratory. Put limited energy on Yumi and Karin.

Karin has not changed much since she woke up from the coma. The amount of chakra has increased again. But she can't actively perform the diamond seal anyway.

Kakashi and Aoba also spent a lot of time researching this. But in the end there was no clue. It can only be inferred that Karin is too young. Using the diamond seal will put too much burden on her body.

Last time, she only used one chain and was so tired that she fainted for a whole day in a few minutes. Therefore, her body may have developed a sense of self-protection. Restricting her from using this power now.

After this experience, when she grows up, she should be able to perform the Diamond Seal naturally.

Then there is Yumi.

With such a powerful Wood Release, Yumi naturally needs to master this power as soon as possible. But in fact, this is a bit difficult.

Because of the special nature of Wood Release and Yumi's weak control. There is no suitable training ground in the whole Konoha.

The woods and rivers within the range of Konoha's barrier are all under the observation of the Third Generation's telescope technique. Aoba can't take such a risk to let Yumi train under their noses.

And if you go out, you need to register. It's not impossible, but if the number of times is too frequent, it will still attract the attention of others.

After the three of them discussed for a while, Kakashi finally gave a suggestion.

"In fact, I think your previous suggestion is very good, medical ninjutsu. This is one of the few ninjutsu that Konoha can learn as long as they want to learn it. The simplest medical ninjutsu also requires very high chakra control.

Let Yumi learn medical ninjutsu to exercise her chakra control. As time goes by, she will eventually adapt to her own strength."

"It seems that there is no better way for the time being." Wood escape, especially this level of wood escape, once discovered by Konoha, it will be a big trouble.

Aoba has never thought of destroying Konoha, and he doesn't want to defect for the time being. He still has things to do here. So, it's better to be careful.

However, the number of medical personnel alone cannot fully utilize Yumi's new body.

The body she obtained from this fusion is many times stronger than that of Aoba.

A simple comparison is that Aoba has obtained a body close to the elite ninja of the Whirlpool clan. The amount of chakra and the strength and recovery ability of the body are similar. It can be regarded as the top body in the ninja world.

But Yumi's body is matched with Senju Hashirama. At that time, Senju Hashirama's cells proliferated wildly, almost covering most of Yumi's cells.

In the end, Yumi relied on her spirit and will to forcibly master this power. Even the proliferated cells may not be as good as the original Hashirama cells in the end.

But Aoba deduced that if the power of Yumi's current body is fully released, it should be able to reach 50% to 70% of the level of Senju Hashirama.

It is no exaggeration to say that 70% of Senju Hashirama can almost flatten the current ninja world as long as Uchiha Madara is not resurrected. Nagato with the Rinnegan dares to confront him directly.

However, if you want Yumi to reach that level, it will take a lot of time to train her.

The first goal at this stage is her

Able to initially master the Wood Release in her body.

At the same time, Aoba began to give her various basic ninja training. Climbing trees, treading water, physical skills, etc. But before she mastered Wood Release, he didn't dare to let Yumi learn ninjutsu.

Mainly because he was afraid that she would accidentally bring about a Wood Realm and submerge Konoha.

After Yumi was able to initially control her power. Only then would he start the real advanced training. Let her learn the Wood Release Ninjutsu of the first generation.

But there is still a small problem here, that is, Wood Release Ninjutsu, no matter Aoba or Kakashi, can do it.

"The sealed book of Konoha should contain all the Wood Release Ninjutsu. It can be exchanged with points."

"Don't consider this plan. It's too conspicuous. As long as we dare to choose it, it will definitely attract attention. Sarutobi Hiruzen still has to have some face, but if Shimura Danzo knows about it, I can only kill him."

"......I was just about to say that Shimura Danzo also has information on Wood Release. But you are right, that person is not trustworthy."

"Let's talk about this issue later. If it doesn't work, I will trade with Orochimaru."

Aoba's choice made Kakashi feel very strange. Because he found that in Aoba, Orochimaru's priority was higher than Shimura Danzo. However, Orochimaru was obviously the traitor and the one who was wanted.

"Hehe, how should I put it. Orochimaru is a dangerous guy, very dangerous. But he is also a very pure guy.

He has his own pursuits and is willing to pay a price for them. So, when trading with him, as long as you can ensure that you have the capital to trade, everyone will be happy.

But Shimura Danzo is different. This guy wants everything but doesn't want to pay anything. The best way to trade with such a guy is to kill him when he shows his chips, and then take his chips. Because he will do the same thing."

"Okay, I can't help with this problem." Kakashi said that he was powerless, and Aoba could do it himself.

At this time, Aoba thought of something. He has been promoted to a senior ninja for more than a year. He has done a lot of tasks and has a lot of points in his hands.

These points can theoretically be exchanged for ninjutsu from the top leaders of Konoha. But Aoba has never used it.

"Kakashi, can the Flying Thunder God of the Fourth Hokage be exchanged with points?"

"..." Kakashi looked at Aoba with a strange look.

"You want to learn Flying Thunder God?"


"Then you don't need to exchange, I can do it."

"You can?" Aoba expressed doubt. When did Kakashi learn Flying Thunder God?

"Well, okay. I can't do Flying Thunder God, but I know how to practice it. After all, the Fourth Hokage was my teacher."

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