The two of them had a long and busy life.

After receiving Akai's invitation, Qingye remembered that this period was the graduation season. However, it was not the class of the Twelve Little Strongmen of Konoha, but the class of Tenten, Xiao Li, and Ningci who were one year higher than them.

Among them, Ningci was the first in this class. No wonder Akai was so excited.

And since Ningci and his friends graduated this year, it means that the Twelve Little Strongmen will graduate next year. There was still plenty of time, and Qingye was not in a hurry.

After changing his clothes casually, he was ready to go out for dinner. As a result, he was caught by Yumi.

"This is too rude. Even if you are good friends, there are still Kai's subordinates here. You should also pay attention to your appearance. Come, I'll tidy you up."

Like a puppet, Yumi fiddled with him for more than half an hour. Aoba looked in the mirror. He found that he was indeed much more energetic than before. It can only be said that dressing up is really a woman's talent.

He avoided Yumi's fiery gaze with a little embarrassment. He turned around and went out quickly.

The time that the jonin spent in the village was not as long as imagined. This time, Asuma and Hong were no longer there. Only Kakashi and Aoba came to celebrate for Akai.

"Kakashi, Aoba this way."

Akashi's loud voice was heard from a long distance. Aoba lowered his head slightly to prevent others from seeing his embarrassed expression. Kakashi, on the other hand, seemed to be accustomed to it. He didn't blush at all.

There were three young people with Kai. Naturally, they were Neji, Xiao Li, and Tiantian.

Neji, Lee and Aoba had never formally met. But Tenten did recognize Aoba.

"Ah, it's you, you're the strange customer... Sorry." Tenten obviously recognized Aoba, the sucker who bought the overstocked goods. But as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt that he was too rude.

"Hehe, it turns out to be you. Your family is in the business of ninja tools, right?"

"Yes, so you are the good friend Aoba mentioned by Teacher Kai. If you come next time, I'll give you a discount."

"Then we've made a deal."

"You three should remember that both of them are very powerful ninjas. Among them, Aoba has fought with the current Raikage twice. And cut off the opponent's fingers twice."

"I know, it's Master Aoba of the Wind Chaser Kamikawa." Lee seemed to be his fan. He blurted out his nickname.

Even Neji on the side was slightly moved. Obviously, Aoba's record of fighting with the Raikage twice is still very important.

"This Kakashi is also famous."

"Konoha's Kopei ninja. It is said that Mr. Kakashi knows thousands of ninjutsu." Neji also joined in.

"It's not that exaggerated, there are only a few hundred."

"That's also very remarkable. I can't master any of them." Lee felt a little disappointed when he said this.

"Well, Lee graduated with a specialization in physical skills. But don't be discouraged, Lee. Youth is capital. As long as we work hard to burn our youth, we will definitely become great ninjas."

"Yes, Mr. Kai, I will..."


This is the sound of Aoba putting a large plate of grilled meat on the table. The reason for so much force is to prevent the awkward crosstalk between the master and the apprentice. Didn't you see that the customers around have been looking back here frequently?

"Let's talk while eating."


Seeing that the atmosphere finally returned to normal. Aoba was also relieved. While starting to grill the meat, he took out three boxes.

"Nice to meet you. This is a little gift from Kakashi and I. We have been researching some medicines recently. These are some of our achievements."

Aoba knew that Kakashi would not prepare any gifts because of his personality. So, he included him to avoid embarrassing Kakashi. And during this period, Kakashi did participate in some research work with him.

The boxes of Ningci and Rock Lee both contained two bottles of potions.

"I don't know much about the soft fist. But when performing missions, I have also cooperated with the ninjas of the Hyuga family several times. As far as I know, the load on your wrists when practicing the soft fist is very high, right? Years of practice can easily cause some hidden injuries to the wrists."

"I know some medical ninjutsu and the making of medicines. This is a medicine I made specifically for joint fatigue and dredging meridians.

It doesn't take a lot, just a few

Rub it on your hands, and you will soon feel the obvious effect. You can try it now. "

Ningci dropped a drop on his wrist with doubt. Soon, he felt a cool feeling penetrating his wrist.

He was still young, and the hidden injuries were not serious. But he could clearly feel that the potion moisturized the meridians in his wrist and made the chakra flow more smoothly.

This is not a simple matter of repairing injuries, it can even speed up his training of soft fists. These inconspicuous potions are much more valuable than imagined.

Xiao Li does not have the subtle perception ability of Ningci. He just felt that the bruises on his body healed quickly, and it was very comfortable to cool.

"This is too expensive. "

The Hyuga family naturally has its own secret medicine to assist in cultivation. However, it is extremely expensive, and generally only the main family is qualified to use it. For someone like Neji, it is naturally out of the question.

And the two large bottles that Aoba gave to the two of them. If they are used properly, they can be used for a long time. This is a huge help to both Neji and Rock Lee.

This potion is naturally not something new. It is simplified from the life potion. Aoba cannot just take out the life potion casually.

But he spent a lot of time diluting the life potion and then re-refining it. He successfully integrated part of the vitality into the potion. In the end, he got the current potion that is specifically used to assist in physical training.

According to Qingye's current technical means, one bottle of life potion can make ten bottles of this potion.

The output is OK. However, Qingye does not intend to commercialize it. Instead, he uses it to build his own small circle.

Whether it is Ningci or Xiao Li, they are both very good seedlings. Even Tenten, in the later period, is treated as the protagonist who picks up the artifact when he goes out.

Qingye seems to have not done much in these days. But he has actually done a lot without leaving any trace.

From Uchiha Sasuke, to Uzumaki Naruto, to Kakashi, Yuhi Kurenai, Asuma, Red Bean, and now the three young people.

There will be the next generation of Konoha's Twelve Strongmen in the future.

Qingye is gradually building a circle with himself as the core.

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