The old man was very happy.

"Very good, then I can tell you the answer directly, it is natural energy."

"Natural energy?"

This word is not unfamiliar to Orochimaru. He is the psychic contract of Ryuchi Cave. Naturally, he tried the Sage Mode of Ryuchi Cave.

But he failed in the end. However, Orochimaru has never given up the power of Sage Mode. He found a boy named Jūgo in a village near Ryuchi Cave.

Jūgo is born with the ability to communicate with natural energy. But it is not stable, and it can even be said to be extremely dangerous.

Orochimaru created the curse seal by studying Jūgo.

Yes, the curse seal actually uses natural energy to a certain extent. But it is only an indirect use. There is still a gap with the complete Sage Mode.

But even so, it can be seen that Orochimaru's research talent is almost like cheating.

"Yes, natural energy. The first generation Hokage, Hashirama Senju, knows the Sage Mode. And it is an unprecedented Sage Mode that is close to perfection.

His body has a strong commonality with natural energy. I'm not sure if it is because of this reason. When the first generation cells go berserk, natural energy can effectively ease the riot. So that the transplanted person can last longer.

But whether it can last to the end is not certain. This can only play a supporting role."

"Natural energy." This result can be said to be beyond Orochimaru's expectations. After all, he himself cannot use this power. So, he didn't think about it. But based on the experience of the previous two transactions, he was sure that Aoba would not deceive himself.

"I understand. So Aoba-kun, what do you want in return for this information?"

"Information on Wood Release." Aoba said without hesitation. "I need all the information on Wood Release Ninjutsu."

Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, and then he understood. Aoba is just a civilian ninja after all. Under normal circumstances, he cannot access the information of Wood Release Ninjutsu.

"Haha, no problem. I will send it to you later. To be honest, Aoba. It is really a waste of your talent in Konoha. You should come to me.

When I left, I collected almost all the information of Konoha. As long as Konoha has it, I have it here. And it is all open to you. How about cooperating with me. The two of us together are enough to change the entire ninja world."

"Thank you for your appreciation, Lord Orochimaru. I will pay attention."

Aoba still gave the same answer. Orochimaru also knew that this was Aoba's refusal. He was actually very curious why Aoba had to stay in Konoha.

Orochimaru didn't believe that Kamikawa Aoba would be so loyal to Konoha. It was inferred that Aoba had stayed in Konoha for some special purpose. It's just that he hasn't discovered it yet.

"I understand. Now let's talk about the second deal. Although Aoba-kun said that I can't meet the most critical condition, I still want to know what the condition is for this lady to succeed?"

"Are you sure, Lord Orochimaru? Even if you have to pay a certain price for it?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"In that case, there's no problem. Listen carefully. The experiment at that time actually failed. Yumi's body has begun to undergo initial mutations.

But Karin saved her. The time when the mother and daughter depended on each other, and the blood relationship between them gave Yumi unimaginable strength and courage.

It may sound a bit abstract. Let me explain it in a more understandable language. Yumi burst out with powerful mental power because of her love and reluctance for her daughter. She forcibly suppressed the mutation of her body and completed the final fusion.

So, the final answer is... love. It was love that helped her complete the final transformation."

Orochimaru felt that Aoba was mocking him, saying that he was a person without love. But he couldn't deny that what Aoba said made a lot of sense.

He didn't study mental power. Because the Sharingan that Orochimaru had been thinking about could only be opened by the burst of mental power. So Aoba's words were not logically problematic at all.

And he was right. Orochimaru really couldn't do it. It was almost impossible for him to have such strong emotions. In a sense, this was a sad fact.

"I see. I understand. Aoba-kun, I need to change my evaluation of you now. You have more than just these secret intelligence. Your research and exploration abilities are also outstanding. I am now

I feel like we are becoming more and more alike.

Okay, Aoba-kun. What do you need me to pay as a trade?"

"A pair of Sharingan."


"I need a pair of intact three-magatama Sharingan from the same person."

"Aoba-kun, I'm sorry that I can't do what you ask. I don't have any Sharingan."

"I know. But Danzo has. There is no doubt that this is a fact we all know. He has a lot of Sharingan. I think with Lord Orochimaru's means and his relationship with him. It shouldn't be too difficult to get a pair of Sharingan."

"......Aoba-kun. I'm curious, you have so many bargaining chips. Why don't you trade with Danzo in person?"

"Lord Orochimaru is joking. I believe you should know very well what kind of person Shimura Danzo is. If I really go to find him, there will only be two results in the end. One is that I kill him, and the other is that he kills me. ”

“Hahahaha, Aoba-kun really understands Danzo. Okay, I agree to this condition.”

“Very good, then, this transaction ends here, Lord Orochimaru.”

Aoba still adheres to the principle of doing less and making fewer mistakes. After three transactions, he ended the transaction directly.

Orochimaru seemed to be reluctant to leave. But he also knew that he no longer had enough suppression power to threaten Aoba. So, he finally left Konoha with a little reluctance.

Aoba stepped forward and checked on Karin who was still in a coma.

“No big problem. It’s the Nirvana Jingshe technique. A kind of illusion that will make people sleepy. Let her sleep. With Karin’s physique, she will be able to solve it by dawn. "

Yumi was relieved and put Karin back on the bed.

Afterwards, she and Aoba repaired and covered up some traces of the fight tonight.

To be honest, ninjutsu is really useful if used well. Repairing houses, walls, and floors. As long as the earth escape technique is used well, all the damage can be restored in less than a minute.

Yumi even used wood escape technique to restore several plants in the yard.

"Yumi, your wood escape technique control has been practiced almost to the point of perfection. When you get the information on wood escape technique, start practicing those advanced ninjutsu. In time, we may all need your protection."

Yumi responded by pushing Aoba into a corner.

"Really? Then I'm going to collect some protection money in advance."

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