The two of them were very close.

Even Uchiha Sasuke, Aoba did not formally accept him as a disciple. Although the two of them are actually master and apprentice. But the status has never been determined.

The corresponding Karin and Naruto are the same.

But Haruno Sakura is different. He accepted Haruno Sakura not only to compensate the heroine in the original work. More importantly, the other party's identity as a civilian ninja and the ability of a top student.

Aoba will need assistants in the future to assist him in various in-depth research. But look at the next generation of ninjas who are closest to him.

In addition to those family ninjas. Only Sasuke and Karin are closest. But Sasuke is obsessed with revenge, and Karin is a pure student.

Don't let them interfere with those research works anymore. Even if you give them a report, these two idiots can't understand it.

Aoba can use shadow clones to assist in some work. But the consciousness of the shadow clone is the same as his. It can only be a pure assistant and can't be a real assistant at all.

Yumi is very powerful. But she has never received an orthodox education. Therefore, Aoba needs to train a truly qualified assistant from the beginning.

Haruno Sakura, who was born in a civilian family and has solid theoretical knowledge, is the candidate he has decided on.

This little girl is actually out of date in the later part of the plot. Even if the author forces the plot, she can't be compared with the two cheaters anyway.

But she can't keep up with those two guys just because she doesn't cheat. It doesn't mean that her ninja talent is weak.

In the original plot, Sasuke and Naruto's aura is too strong, and there are too many stories. So that most people can't notice that if there is no cheating. Haruno Sakura is the real genius among geniuses.

Look at Naruto's growth path.

Since graduation, Konoha's high-level officials have prepared multiple shadow clones for him. Afterwards, Jiraiya taught her personally, and she had the Nine-Tailed Fox in her body, and even the remaining spirits of her parents in her spiritual world, as the final guarantee.

In the later period, the Six Paths Sage personally came down to continue cheating. Except for the invincible move of the Betsutenzuki. Uzumaki Naruto is not even worthy of carrying shoes for Haruno Sakura in terms of ninja talent.

Aoba knew the specialness of this girl. So in this life, Aoba was ready to give her a different path.

The work of the team leader is actually very boring. Because he is just a newly graduated Genin, he can only take some D-level tasks. In addition to cleaning the river, he also picks up garbage in the woods. From time to time, he also has to help the old lady farm.

The key is that in theory, Aoba has to do it together. It's simply outrageous. Aoba was lazy and let a few little brats do the work. He went home to conduct his own experiments.

He practiced Flying Thunder God every day. There was an effect, but it was very limited. It is not impossible to make a certain negative reaction of the body disappear through exercise. But it will definitely take a lot of time and countless repetitive training.

In fact, Aoba's mastery of Flying Thunder God is already very accurate. He can already do it, close-range and accurate continuous flash.

It's a pity that after flashing, there will be all kinds of dizziness and vomiting. In actual combat, it will be a flash and a head.

Therefore, Flying Thunder God can only be used to hurry on the road and get out at the last moment.

And because he has the Sharingan. Aoba's research priority on the Sharingan has also been raised to the highest level.

And Aoba found a good phenomenon. That is, his Mangekyo Sharingan, the pupil power is actually recovering slowly.

The recovery is very slow, at least it is impossible to open the Mangekyo like Obito casually. This should be the problem that he is not of Uchiha blood.

But Hashirama's cells still work. His Mangekyo pupil power can actually recover slowly. According to this recovery speed, Aoba calculated that it will take less than ten years, about two years. Kotoamatsukami can be cooled down.

Two years is unimaginably slow for any eye technique. But if the target is Kotoamatsukami, then Aoba is already very satisfied. This is many times better than the expected cooling period of ten years. Even many of Aoba's plans can be adjusted accordingly.

And this phenomenon also made Aoba realize that there are too many secrets of the Sharingan that have not been mastered by him.

He has repeatedly raised the priority of analyzing the power of the Sharingan. Now it is the highest level of research.

In fact, Aoba originally wanted to transplant Hashirama cells to Kakashi. But Kakashi refused. This guy seems to have some kind of psychological disorder. At the same time, he is now the Hokage advisor, and it is also possible to do this kind of surgery.

Some are too sensitive.

The fact that Hashirama cells can slowly restore the pupil power of the Sharingan also reminds Aoba.

He previously believed that the pupil power of the Sharingan was the result of the combination of Yin-tun Chakra and mental power. Now it seems that this speculation may be a bit one-sided.

Because Hashirama cells have nothing to do with mental power. The pupil power of the Sharingan obviously also contains more complex secrets.

Aoba is not in a hurry. This is already an improvement. His current strength is enough to deal with the crisis in this period. There is still time, and this kind of research cannot be rushed.

Of course, he is not in a hurry, but there are people who are in a hurry.

The three little brats under him are now beginning to be anxious.

In less than a week, the three little brats were almost collapsed by various D-level tasks.

This is too different from the ninja life in their hearts. Especially for Uchiha Sasuke. Weeding the old lady's garden is impossible to help him defeat Uchiha Itachi and avenge.

He urgently needs to become stronger, truly stronger.

Aoba's teaching is completely different from Uchiha Itachi's extreme pressure. The opponent is the Uchiha clan. All the cards are placed on the Sharingan.

Itachi constantly stimulates Sasuke just to make Sasuke open his eyes. But Aoba is different. He hopes that Sasuke can move forward steadily with his feet on the ground.

Although the Sharingan is strong, don't forget that Itachi is a sickly child. Opening the eyes too early will leave hidden dangers to the body. And excessive stimulation will make a child who was originally good become too extreme.

In fact, Uchiha Itachi also anticipated this. He even planted a hint of protecting Konoha in another Mangekyo of Shisui.

Prepare to use Kotoamatsukami to let Sasuke go back to protect Konoha after he opens his eyes.

To be honest, when Aoba first knew about this operation, he was simply shocked by Uchiha Itachi. He even felt that the first person to be hit by Kotoamatsukami should be Uchiha Itachi.

Because this guy's thinking is simply incomprehensible.

He cooperated with the village, killed the whole family, and left Sasuke to suffer. Repeatedly stimulated his younger brother to open his eyes.

After opening his eyes, let him go back to protect the village? ? ?

Isn't this just asking him to go back to protect his own genocide enemy?

Needless to say, it was all Danzo who did it, the third generation didn't know.

He is the Hokage, how could he not know that the first wealthy family in the village was exterminated. For a civilian, it doesn't matter whether they know about the extermination of the Uchiha clan. But for the Hokage, he didn't stop it, which is equivalent to taking action directly.

This operation made Aoba confused, whether Uchiha Itachi loved his younger brother or hated his younger brother. Anyway, Aoba felt that he could not dream of such a perverted way of torturing people.

The fundamental reason why Sasuke became indifferent and extreme in the later period was that he was stimulated by this funny brother.

Aoba is not a very good teacher. But at least he has the basic three views of a normal person. Under his control, he would at least not allow Sasuke to become as violent and ruthless as in the original plot.

ps: The following is not the main text, but I hope everyone will read it.

On New Year's Eve, the main text ends here. I still have some time, so I will briefly write about my arrangement for this book.

I saw many readers complaining earlier, saying it was scientific ninjutsu or something.

First of all, I admit that there are so-called scientific ninjutsu. For example, the electromagnetic gun is a standard scientific ninjutsu. But that's all.

My setting of the Sharingan pupil power has nothing to do with science. It is purely based on the rules of the ninja world. It will be gradually revealed later.

In addition, some readers complained that Konoha and Uchiha had not researched it for so many years, but the protagonist was allowed to research it, which was obviously unreasonable.

I have to argue here. It's not that I look down on Konoha and the ninja world. The current structure of the entire ninja world has been established for only fifty or sixty years.

In the past fifty or sixty years, there have been three ninja world wars. And then there were various civil strife. In total, the time for real stable development is only about 20 to 30 years at most.

At the same time, what kind of people are the Uchiha? Extreme personalities, powder kegs that explode at any time. Few people have studied the Sharingan in depth. At least it has never been shown in the plot.

There are only two people in the entire Konoha who have the spirit of research. One is the second generation Hokage, who is obsessed with forbidden techniques. The other is Orochimaru, who is obsessed with immortality.

Therefore, no one has ever conducted a systematic and in-depth study of the Sharingan. This also gave me the opportunity to improve and supplement the settings. Isn't this what fan works pursue?

In addition, the Sharingan is certainly very important in this book. But don't forget what the title of this book is. That is the real purpose of my book.

Brain hole.

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