The first time, the second time.

"Secret Technique. Thousand Killing Water Flying."

In the sky, countless water droplets turned into tiny ice spikes, covering Qingye's body.

A tornado rose beside him, bouncing all the ice spikes away.

At this time, an ice wall rose behind Zabuza.

"Magic Mirror Ice Crystal."

On the smooth ice wall like a mirror, a hand stretched out and dragged Zabuza into the ice wall. Qingye instantly moved and drew his sword.

The sword directly cut through the ice wall. But hundreds of meters away, the reflection of the other ice wall flashed. At the same time, the figure of Zabuza was also reflected.

"Interesting, can the magic mirror ice crystal be used like this?"

Aoba watched from afar as Bai used the magic mirror ice crystal to shuttle Zabuza continuously, and disappeared from sight after a few breaths.

He did not chase after him, but turned back to check on the little guys.

As a result, except for being wet, they were basically not injured.

"Okay, it's getting late, so let's stop here today. Find a safe place to camp and start resting. Then, you three, review today's battle."

The group moved away from the woods where they fought before. Then they settled down. Several little brats began to discuss why today's battle failed.

"This failure was just my carelessness. If that guy dares to show up again next time, I will see if I..."

Reviewing the battle is a bit beyond the scope for Naruto. As soon as he sat down, he started to talk nonsense. As a result, he was punched in the head by Karin.

"Shut up. The three of us could have held out longer. But in fact, in less than three minutes, we were cornered. This shouldn't be the case."

"There was a problem with the tactical arrangement. To be precise, we didn't make any tactical arrangements at the beginning. Naruto suddenly rushed forward, how could I cooperate?"

"What? You actually blame me. It was obviously Sasuke who was too slow."

Seeing the little brats arguing endlessly, Aoba did not step forward to referee them. Instead, he left a shadow clone and left the camp quietly.

Karin was very sensitive. She looked up at Aoba, but did not speak. Instead, she lowered her head and continued to quarrel with the two fools.

Dazna on the side caught a cold from being splashed with water. He huddled by the fire and shivered. The battle during the day really scared him. It was completely different from the battle with swords and knives he imagined.

When the waterfall rushed over, he was scared to death. But he didn't expect that a few inconspicuous children could actually block it. He had never seen such a level of power in Cardo.

At this time, dozens of miles away, in a cave.

Zabuza was lying on the ground, coughing up blood.

"Uh, cough."

Mr. Zabuza, hold on a little longer, the medicine will be ready soon.

"Cough cough, Bai, help me up."

"Mr. Zabuza, you need to rest now."

"Cough cough, I have to get up. He's coming."


"Wind Chaser Uekawa Aoba. He should be here soon."

"Mr. Zabuza, we have gotten rid of him."

"No, you are too naive Bai. During the battle today, he held back. If he had used his sword, I would be dead now. He deliberately spared my life. He didn't even chase you, which means we are under his control."

As soon as the voice fell, footsteps were heard outside.

"It seems to be here."

"Who?" Bai pulled out a kunai and guarded the entrance of the cave. He was extremely nervous. All the traps he set up around him didn't work at all, and he was directly invaded by the other party at this distance.

Two figures appeared at the entrance of the cave. With the help of the firelight, Bai could see that they were wearing the same red-bottomed auspicious cloud uniform. Obviously from the same organization.

Bai originally thought that Mr. Zabuza was right. Kamikawa Aoba chased after him. But after a closer look, neither of them was Kamikawa Aoba.

Two people, one man and one woman. The man was tall and masked. He had the traitorous ninja symbol of Long Nin on his head.

The other one was a young woman. She had a pretty face and lavender hair with a paper flower on it.

The two people had completely different styles. If they were not wearing the same uniform, Bai would find it hard to believe that the two of them were in the same group.

The tall man stepped forward and saw Zabuza lying on the ground.

"Is this the guy? He was beaten like this, a waste. Isn't it a bit bad for such a person to be my teammate."


Zabuza Momochi is not weak. He just met Kamikawa Aoba. He is a master who can fight with the Raikage without losing. "

"Tsk, I have met Kamikawa Aoba before. I beat him and he ran away. Has the current Kage fallen to this level?"

"Don't be careless, Kakuzu. According to our intelligence, Kamikawa Aoba is very likely to hide his combat power. His actual combat power may be much stronger than what he shows."

Zabuza was also confused. He originally thought that it would be Kamikawa Aoba who came. The other party had intended to let him go before. Obviously he had a purpose.

But he didn't expect that it was two unrelated strange guys who came. And it sounded like the other party was here to recruit him.

Although Zabuza was seriously injured. But his vision was not wrong. The strength of these two people must be very terrifying. Bai might not be able to stop one, let alone two people.

"Who are you? "

Kakuzu looked at Haku. A hint of interest appeared on his face.

"This kid's heart seems to be very good. I want to add it to my collection."

Although Haku didn't understand who these two people were, he understood that he wanted to collect his heart.

"Damn it. Secret technique, Thousand Killings Water Flying."

Haku knew that the newcomer was not a good person, so he took the initiative.

"Fire escape, head hard."

Kakuzu was faster, and the powerful fire escape directly blocked the entire cave.

"Mr. Zabuza." Haku didn't dare to dodge and could only take it hard.

But at this time, Haku was really far behind Kakuzu. Whether it was experience or chakra, there was a world of difference.

Kakuzu's real strength was one level higher than Zabuza. Zabuza was considered an elite jonin. And Kakuzu had already stepped into the threshold of the Kage level.

In the Kage level, he was not strong. But it was not something that Haku could fight against now.

"Magic Mirror Ice Crystal. "

Bai summoned six magic mirror ice crystals in front of him. But he still couldn't block Kakuzu's fire escape.

"Water escape, water wall formation." Zabuza forced himself to stand up and cast a spell with Bai, blocking the fire escape together with Bai.

"Enough, Kakuzu, we are here to recruit members, not to kill people."

"Tsk, just barely." Kakuzu withdrew his hand with a little disdain. Obviously, he looked down on Zabuza.

Konan stepped forward.

"As you can see, this is a recruitment operation. We belong to an organization called Akatsuki, specializing in recruiting elite ninjas, and you..."

Konan just opened his mouth to recruit Zabuza and Bai. He heard a voice coming from outside the cave.

"I'm sorry, I have already reserved these two people."

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