The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

On the other side, in the VIP seats, Orochimaru finally took off his mask. Revealing his true face.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the unfamiliar Orochimaru in front of him and finally realized a problem. He was really wrong back then.

He shouldn't have let Orochimaru leave. Looking around at Konoha, where smoke was rising, Sarutobi Hiruzen took off his Hokage robe.

"Orochimaru, today, as you wish, let's make a break."

The battle inside the Four Purple Flame Formation began. And the battle outside the formation showed no sign of stopping.

Facing Kimimaro, whether it was the first Hyuga Neji of the previous generation or the first Uchiha Sasuke of this generation, they all felt unprecedented pressure.

Sasuke even felt like he was facing Aoba.

The opponent's speed, strength, and skills were all impeccable. Although he had only shown his physical skills at the moment. But the opponent's weird blood limit could shoot out bones at will.

It really made several young Genin feel uncomfortable.

"This should be the blood limit of the Hyuga clan in the Hidden Mist Village. It is said that it should have been destroyed."

Ningci recognized the origin of Kimimaro in front of him. But it was useless. His Byakugan could see through the opponent's chakra flow.

But Kimimaro didn't have many fancy moves. What stood out was speed, accuracy, and ruthlessness.

Neji and Rock Lee were the two geniuses of Konoha's physical skills. They were the most representative young generation of Goju Kōfu, but the two of them couldn't even get close to Kimimaro together.

"Karin Tenten, you two provide long-range support. I will fight with Rock Lee in close combat. Sasuke and Naruto, you guys act according to the situation."

Ningci quickly formulated a tactic. The two best teams of Konoha joined forces. If they still couldn't take down this strange young man in front of him, he would absolutely not accept it.

Xiao Li directly untied his restraints and increased his combat power to the limit.

Tiantian directly took out four ninja tool scrolls and started to use them. He was ready to let Kimimaro see the local tyrant's fighting style.

And Karin had already made a move.

"Earth escape. Earth prison hall." The four earth walls surrounded Kimimaro in the middle, restraining his movements.

Sasuke and Karin cooperated many times.

"Fire escape, great fireball technique."

The two cooperated, and the great fireball technique hit Kimimaro.

"Ten finger piercing bullet." Kimimaro's voice seemed to be not hurt at all.

Ten finger bones penetrated the flames and shot at everyone.

After several people avoided it, they were surprised to find that Kimimaro had changed. At this time, his whole body was wrapped in white bones. The whole person turned into a hideous monster. He was holding a long sword made of bone in his hand.

The previous Great Fireball Technique did not leave a single scratch on him.

"Look at me, Shadow Clone Technique."

Dozens of Naruto appeared from behind Kimimaro. This kid was not idle during the series of attacks just now. He successfully went around, and more than a dozen shadow clones rushed up with the Rasengan that was not yet complete.

"Willow Dance."

Kimimaro's movements were precise and concise to an extreme. It presented a beauty like dancing. No wonder his techniques were named after various dances.

Naruto didn't even react, and dozens of clones were all blown up in an instant. He didn't even touch Kimimaro during the whole process.

"Such a strong physical technique, even the Byakugan can't see the slightest flaw. No, even if we can see it, we can't keep up with the opponent's speed."

"No, I can." Xiao Li suddenly said firmly.

"Fire Style Great Fire Extinguishment." Sasuke also realized that there was no hope in close combat. Kimimaro was the strongest taijutsu master he had ever seen. So, he switched to ninjutsu attack directly.

Aoba didn't teach much about Fire Style. Because the Fire Style inherited by the Uchiha clan was stronger than those mastered by Aoba.

This is not just talk. Ninjutsu is something that can be different in the hands of different people.

Just like Zabuza's Water Dragon Bullet Technique, there are forty-four seals. The second generation Hokage only has four seals.

Similarly, the name of the Uchiha clan's Fire Style has not changed. But many places have been optimized by the Uchiha clan members.

Although most of the resources of the Uchiha clan were divided up by the village. But Sarutobi Hiruzen still left some for Sasuke. Sasuke has a very complete information on conventional Fire Style Ninjutsu.

Seeing that the opponent was extremely fast, conventional ninjutsu could not hit him at all. Sasuke was the same as Karin,

The attack was a large-scale ninjutsu.

But the next second, the flames were forcibly broken. Kimimaro, who was wrapped in bone armor, rushed out of the flames like a human-shaped Tyrannosaurus Rex and rushed towards everyone.

"Earth escape, sand binding coffin."

"Multiple shadow clones."

Karin and Naruto attacked at the same time.

"Tsubaki Dance." Kimimaro grew countless bone spurs all over his body, and the whole person spun at high speed. He directly crushed the quicksand that tried to restrain him. By the way, he passed through dozens of Naruto's shadow clones.

But as soon as he landed, he felt something was wrong. He looked down and saw that he didn't know when he had been entangled with more than a dozen thin steel wires under his feet.

Tiantian waved his hands, and dozens of shurikens and kunai connected with steel wires flew around. And those shurikens and kunai would actually collide and intertwine with each other in mid-air.

By the way, those steel wires were entangled with each other, forming a complex and messy wire mesh, which bound Kimimaro in it.

This time, Tiantian took the Uchiha style's throwing technique a step further and showed off his ninja tool throwing skills.

The steel wire suddenly tightened, slowing down Kimimaro's movements. However, it was impossible for such a steel wire to bind him. As long as he exerted his strength, he could easily break free.

But the opponent was not fighting alone.

Two kunai did not hit anything, but were caught by Sasuke next to him. As soon as he caught them, Sasuke's hands flashed with lightning. Two electric currents spread along the steel wire to Kimimaro.


Even if Kimimaro could resist, he was shocked. Electric current is different from flames. They ignore the outer layer of defense and spread directly throughout the body.

Kimimaro, who was paralyzed, knelt on one leg. At this time, Neji suddenly approached. The soft fist acupuncture technique hit Kimimaro's body.

This was not easy. Because of the armor on Kimimaro's body. Conventional physical means were ineffective. Fortunately, the core of the soft fist is the chakra ejected from the fingertips, which directly attacks the opponent's meridians.

But he didn't expect that after only three pokes, Kimimaro regained his mobility.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ningci directly defended on the spot.

"Kaiten." Kimimaro's body was bounced away by Kaiten. A green body suddenly appeared in the air.

"Eight Gates of Ninjutsu...Open."

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