The best way to fight is to be a good person.

There is a kind of fighting power in Naruto, called the perfect Jinchūriki. It means that the tailed beast can cooperate perfectly with the Jinchūriki and exert all the strength of both sides.

But in fact, the perfect Jinchūriki cannot fight indefinitely. After fighting to a certain extent, the tailed beast will shrink back and re-condense chakra.

This is the difference between the origin chakra of the tailed beast and the chakra used in battle.

The origin is equivalent to their body, which cannot be used for fighting. Because that is equivalent to a person cutting meat from his body to hit people.

The tailed beast is also a special life, and they can also condense their own chakra like ninjas. It takes a period of recovery after use, and re-condensation is the difference between the two chakras.

Ninjas fighting dozens of kilometers away could hear Shukaku's angry and painful roars.

Outside Konoha Village, Shikamaru's team was chasing Temari and Kankuro.

He didn't really want to carry out this mission. The main reason was that the two guys on the opposite side were not easy to deal with.

But Shikamaru also understood in his heart. It's okay to be lazy at ordinary times. But at this moment, he really needs to do something.

Those two people are in the same team with Gaara, and they must know important information, so he still led the team to catch up.

Temari and Kankuro were not afraid of the team behind them. But the two of them were still running. Because the plan was wrong. They should have cooperated with the tailed beasts to attack the village directly. But now, where are the tailed beasts? Where is Gaara?

Without Gaara, it would be a death wish for the two of them to go to war with others in Konoha Village.

"Damn those bugs chasing us, or we can get rid of them." Kankuro couldn't stand being chased by others.

"No. It's not that easy. Didn't you read the previous intelligence? These three brats are the new generation of Konoha's Pig-Shika-Chou. Even if they are individually combat rifles, they are still very dangerous when combined.

What we need now is to find Gaara or Mr. Maki. Let's find out what's going on."

At this time, Shikamaru behind him also felt that he couldn't drag it on any longer. Because Ino was stimulated by Sakura and worked hard for a while, the talents of the trio were not bad, so their strength was still significantly improved.

"Ino, do it."

"Ninjutsu Heart Transfer Technique."

In high-speed movement, it is actually almost impossible to control the opponent with the Heart Transfer Technique. However, Shikamaru did not ask Ino to do her best. It was enough to interfere with the opponent.

At the moment Ino made her move, Temari, who was at the front, felt a brief dizziness in her head. Although it was quickly relieved. But that moment still made her lose balance and almost fell from the tree.

"Temari." Kankuro turned around to pull her. The two movements back and forth slowed down their escape.

At this time, a black shadow had spread rapidly from the ground.

"Oops." At the critical moment, Kanjiro grabbed Temari and pushed her away. But he was already entangled by the shadow.

"No, this is not the real body." The moment the shadow entangled the opponent, Shikamaru judged that this was not Kanjiro's real body.

At this time, the puppet on Kanjiro's back suddenly cracked, and his real body came out of it.

The puppet line in his hand connected the puppets, and various mechanisms were opened, ready to counterattack.

But at this time, a loud shout came.

"Meat and Egg Chariot!!!"

It is difficult for Kanjiro to describe his mood at that moment. How to say it, the battle of puppeteers is actually very precise. Everyone hides their real bodies and uses puppets to test each other's attacks.

It's like a robot competition on the ring. The main body is standing under the stage. His hand actually restrains Shikamaru.

It's just that Choji's meat and egg tank made Kanjiro feel that the robot competition was going well, but the opponent suddenly drove a bulldozer and crushed the robots on the stage and the ring at the same time.

Is this a ninja?

How powerful is Choji's meat and egg tank? At least in the plot, no one who fought against him chose to meet it. Except for Kakuzu who fought it head-on once. Everyone ran away when they saw it.

Kanjiro watched his puppet with his own eyes, like a toy dismantled by a naughty child, with parts scattered all over the sky. He himself was also hit and flew out directly.

"Wind Style Kamaitachi." Temari unfolded the Seven Star Fan and used a wind style to force Choji and Shikamaru back. Then he tried to help Kanjiro up.

But suddenly there was a well behind him.

Ino's voice.

"Heart Transfer Technique." Temari's movements froze on the spot.

"Don't..." Kankuro knew that the situation was over. He really didn't expect that the two of them would lose so quickly. It can only be said that the Ino-Shika-Chou trio of Konoha, when they really get serious, is not something they can resist at all.

Shikamaru took over Ino's Heart Transfer Technique. He completely controlled the two people. Then Ino and Choji tied them up. This mission was successfully completed.

They were also the first team to complete the mission.

At this time, Naruto and Neji's team were still dealing with Kimimaro.

"Is his speed slower? What's going on? Obviously, the chakra has not weakened. Could it be..."

Ningji noticed Kimimaro's abnormality. He guessed that the other party might have a problem with his body.

"Everyone disperse, don't fight him hard."

Realizing this, the two teams quickly distanced themselves. At this time, Kimimaro also felt that he was about to reach his limit.

Looking up at the VIP seats, Lord Orochimaru's battle has not yet ended. A look of determination appeared on his face.

At this time, the battle between Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen has entered the final moment.

Unlike the original plot, Orochimaru himself did not make much move. He just stood aside and pretended to be cool. This time, Orochimaru's attack frequency was higher.

"Ten Thousand Snakes Formation." The overwhelming sea of ​​snakes covered the entire venue.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was already panting. He had fought with the first and second generations for a long time, and faced two immortal ninjas. He consumed a lot.

At this time, facing the attack of Orochimaru, he was already a little powerless.

"Sarutobi, can you still hold on?"

The Ape Demon King also felt Sarutobi Hiruzen's fatigue. What puzzled him most was that the Third Hokage fought with Orochimaru for dozens of rounds. Why didn't anyone come to support him outside.

It's not that there was none. There were actually a few Hokage guards on the periphery who were not trapped by the Four Purple Flame Formation. But they were only at the level of special jonin. They couldn't break the Four Purple Flame Formation at all.

As for the other elite ninjas of Konoha, none of them were at the scene. Not even one tried to rescue them.

"Hiruzen, what's going on? Why is there no support?"

"..." This question made Sarutobi Hiruzen silent.

Yes, why is there no support? Not one...

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