"You!" He took a deep breath, bit his lower lip with his white teeth, and his face was gray and worn out. The remaining charm disappeared, and the whole person had a little more charm like a sick Xi Shi.

"What do you want to do in order to let them go?"

"It all depends on your performance." With a hint of teasing in his eyes and his black hair scattered casually, he looked up at the lazy-looking man in front of him and secretly made up his mind.

"I hope you can keep your promise."

After a while, Ma Buyi, who was secretly making seals, became distracted and was completely unable to condense chakra.

"You want to take advantage of the opportunity to use the Heaven's Sentence Technique to temporarily transfer me, or use the powerful space distortion to tear my body into pieces? This little trick is much more cautious than you."

The fog was shrouded again. At this time, the Konoha Village was quiet. Only the main house of the Hyuga clan was still brightly lit.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Hyuga Hiashi had a serious expression, like the most severe mentor, urging his daughter in front of him to keep attacking him.

"Powerless, powerless, powerless! You are the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan, and you are the one who will protect the Hyuga clan in the future. Your strength determines the fate of the Hyuga clan. How can you be so weak!"


Little Hinata, who had just celebrated her third birthday, tried her best to attack her father, but still could not get his approval. It was not until the second half of the night that little Hinata was allowed to rest, but Hyuga Hiashi was full of worry and frowned.

"There are only four months left until the third day of March next year. If Hinata loses to Neji, doesn't it mean that the talent of the Hyuga branch family surpasses that of the main family?"

"This is also helpless. The strength of female ninjas is naturally weaker than that of male ninjas. Although the soft fist method is a close combat ninjutsu that attacks the enemy's body, it still requires strength."

"In this world, the only ones who can crush male ninjas in terms of strength are the legendary three ninjas, who have world-class medical ninjutsu and powerful super strength."

The elder of the Hyuga clan nodded slightly, with a trace of sadness inexplicably in his eyes.

The existence of the main family and the branch family was originally to protect the precious bloodline limit of the Hyuga clan and maintain the status of the Hyuga clan as a famous family in Konoha.

But now, the bird in the cage has been cracked by outsiders. What is the difference between the main family and the branch family of the Hyuga clan? Even the talent of the legitimate son of the Hyuga branch family amazed even this elder.

At the age of four, he can use the Eight Diagrams Sixty-four Palms and seal the sixty-four chakra points of the human body in one breath. Although he has received the secret techniques of others, some clan members cannot achieve such exquisite control even if they have enough chakra.

Thinking of this, the elder sighed faintly. The Hyuga clan was divided into two. They knew who the culprit was, but the main family did not even dare to think about dealing with it. It was really in decline.

In Hinata's bedroom, the careful little maid treated Hinata's injuries and couldn't help but whispered to her

""Miss, starting tomorrow, the people who will take care of you will be replaced by the main family. You must remember to take good care of yourself. Being a ninja does not necessarily mean you will be happy."

Hinata looked up and saw that there were fewer people in the original Hyuga clan in recent times. From what people were saying, they were all moving to the other side of the village.

"Sister Xia, are you leaving too?"

Hinata Xia, with short dark green hair and a gentle smile on her face, said nothing. She knew that the child in front of her was kind-hearted, but she was still a member of the branch family after all.

"I'm sorry, Miss Hinata, all the members of the Hyuga branch family will move away soon. You will understand these things when you grow up. Remember to take care of yourself."

One by one, the eyes were full of dissatisfaction. Hyuga Xia turned and left under the gaze of many main family ninjas.

"Tsk, you shameless traitor, you forgot your fate."

"If you hang out with someone like Uchiha, let’s see what happens to you!"

"Forget it, say less. Wait until the third of next month to prove the difference between the main family and the branch family with strength."

The look in the main family's eyes said it all. Anyone who suddenly escapes from a comfortable life will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable, especially when the"servant" who used to be domineering and commanding has suddenly become a competitor. No one can stand it in their heart.

Just as people's sorrows cannot be communicated, the work that the Hyuga branch family usually completes falls on the ninjas of the main family. The workload has increased several times for no reason, and there are naturally a lot of complaints behind their backs.

Hinata Xia, who was alone, silently packed her luggage and subconsciously stroked her forehead behind the forehead protector. She was a little dazed for a while.

Without the restraints of a bird in a cage, what awaits her is still the same fate. Recalling the solemn instructions of the head of the branch family, she was also a little hesitant.

"Xia, our branch family was able to escape fate thanks to Uchiha Kagetsu's magic, which destroyed the bird in the cage and freed it."

"Even if he is so powerful that he is almost a god, he is still a human being. For the sake of all the people in the branch family, please stop being enslaved by the main family."

Hinata Hiashi bowed solemnly, which made Hinata Xia embarrassed until now. Although she was still young, she had been taking care of the eldest daughter in the main family for a long time, and she also understood the current situation more or less.

‘Alas, what kind of person could he be? Shunshin Gengetsu, known as the most talented ninja in Uchiha by the ninjas in the village, I hope he is not too perverted. '

Gritting her teeth and mustering her courage, Hinata Xia rang the doorbell of the huge courtyard in front of her.

With a creak, the door slowly opened, and the front yard that came into view was a garden full of various flowers that were not in season.

"Welcome, who are you?"

Hinata Xia subconsciously looked at the girl in front of her who was not much older than herself. She had purple hair, beautiful features, and a pure and not coquettish temperament. Her courage immediately sank by half.

"Um, I am the maid sent by Lord Hinata to take care of Lord Kazuki's daily life. My name is Xia. It's our first meeting. Please give me your guidance!"As soon as the words came out, Hinata Xia saw the girl in front of her who was younger than herself. After her face changed, she revealed a complex and helpless expression.

"Alas, that guy only knows how to flirt with other women all day long. He can't restrain his own aura and even complains about the people in his own house......."

Knowing that she had said something wrong, Xi Yan looked at the timid maid in front of her and motioned her to follow.

Along the way, the fragrance of flowers filled the air and the path was quiet. Hinata Xia quietly observed the surroundings, but heard the girl leading the way in front of her say

"Don't be so reserved. If they don't accept you, the Hyuga branch won't feel at ease. That's what that guy said. Tsk, he's clearly just being attracted by your beauty."

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't be so blunt, the moonlight is nice today, how about enjoying it together?"

A strange man's voice sounded, Xia looked up quietly, and the bright smile and the faint fragrance of plants in her eyes made her blush.

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