The sky was dark, and the moon was hidden in the sky.

Outside the Konoha Village, two beautiful figures hid in the dense forest, waiting for the response of their fellow villagers.

"Those bastards in Konoha have no intention of releasing them, and there is still no news until now. We have to do it ourselves."

Yukito lowered his voice with a delicate face full of anger, but the anger in his heart could not be extinguished even if he poured out all his strength.

As female ninjas in Kumogakure and of similar age, Ma Buyi was one of her few friends in the village.

As a Jinchūriki, although the people in the village respected her very much, the vague alienation and the look in their eyes when they looked at her in the dark still made Yukito sad.

Because of this, she was eager to prove to the village that she was an excellent ninja, not a monster in people's eyes.

Not only because of her personal relationship with Ma Buyi, but also because it was a shame for Kumogakure that Ma Buyi was taken away. As long as she could wash away this shame, the way the Kumogakure ninjas looked at her would change a little, probably......

On the other side, Samui waited for a long time. Once she entered the mission state, her patience would be extraordinarily sufficient.

A long time passed until a ninja hawk flew out from outside the Konoha Village. Samui issued a cautious order, and after reading the information inside, her expression became unusually indifferent.

"Konoha has no intention of releasing them, so we have to invade Konoha and find a way to rescue Mabui. She is now stationed on the edge of the Uchiha clan."

Yumu's eyes flashed, and she subconsciously recalled the last time she was defeated by Huayue. The touch of that hand seemed to touch her straight beige hair, making her feel a little cold.

"No, if that guy stays in Konoha, we won't have a chance to rescue him. Let the village do something at the border and lure that guy to the Land of Fire before we do it."

After a moment's silence, Samui's eyes suddenly lit up, and he mentioned an old story to Yukito.

"I remember the information I got from the village that Uchiha Kagetsu's teacher was a disciple of Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas who had already defected."

His eyes narrowed slightly, Yukito didn't know what Samui meant, so he signaled her to stop keeping him in suspense and speak quickly.

"Recently, the village has learned that Orochimaru seems to have joined a rather strange ninja organization called Akatsuki, and the last place he appeared was near the Land of Grass."Yukito is not the type of person who can't think straight, and he immediately understood what Samui meant when he heard this.

"Orochimaru is a traitor to Konoha. Once he appears, Konoha cannot ignore him. Now in Konoha Village, the only ninja who can kill the legendary three ninjas is Shunshin Gengetsu, who is as famous as Yellow Flash......."

The two of them discussed it and quickly encrypted their thoughts in code and sent them back to the Hidden Cloud Village.

"Wait, next we just need to wait patiently, as long as Shunshin Gengetsu leaves, even if Konoha sends out hundreds of Anbu, they will not be a match for the Two-Tails!"

Their eyes met, and excitement flashed in their eyes. Once the mission was completed, not only would the shame of Kumogakure be washed away, but they might also be able to get important information from Konoha Village.............

Days passed, and in Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked worriedly at the little Naruto in the crystal ball, his expression was both helpless and sad.

"Every day, apart from eating, sleeping and practicing, he would just be in a daze, and his peers were unwilling to interact with him. Although no one had exposed the Nine-Tails in Naruto's body, the attitudes of adults would unconsciously affect the child."

As the Third Hokage, he had a lot of government affairs to deal with every day. He didn't have time to keep an eye on Naruto, let alone help Naruto integrate into the circle of other children. With the Nine-Tails by his side, plus the talents of Kushina and Minato, it stands to reason that as long as Naruto grows up and becomes an outstanding ninja like Minato, he might be able to control the Nine-Tails in the future.

However, if he continues to be so withdrawn and does not integrate into the group, it is hard to guarantee that Naruto will not develop aversion to the village in the future.

Even if he is the Third Hokage, he cannot Forcing the children in the village to become friends with Naruto, friendship mixed with impurities is bound to have cracks and filth.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen walked to the rooftop and overlooked the Konoha Village below.

When people get old, they will miss the past and think of old times, so they will also lack the proper sense of security.

The actions of the Uchiha clan are like a thorn in the throat, and the dispute between the main and branch families of the Hyuga clan is even more troublesome for Sarutobi Hiruzen. The only existence that can give him a little comfort is the buds that are growing vigorously.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

There was a knock on the door, and a familiar voice sounded behind him.

"Third Hokage, do you have something to talk to me about?"

Looking back, the distinctive round nose, the small sword on the back, and the power revealed in the scarlet eyes made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel a little relieved.

If the power represented by Uchiha Kagetsu is insecurity and chaos, then the Uchiha Shisui in front of him gave Sarutobi the feeling that his old friend Uchiha Kagami from the guard team gave him.

Putting aside the sectarian prejudice and devoting himself to the village with all his strength, although Uchiha Kagami died in the mission, his bloodline still remained in the village.

"Shisui, please tell me, the recent movements of the Uchiha clan have not become strange because of the arrival of the Hyuga branch, right?"

Shisui nodded and reported the situation one by one. When he mentioned the turmoil within the Uchiha clan and was suppressed by Fugaku, his worries became more intense.

"The commotion was suppressed, and Uchiha Huayue did nothing. This is good. Peace is the most important thing. I hope this peace can last forever......."

Before Sarutobi Hiruzen could sigh, Shisui suddenly spoke, causing Sarutobi's slightly improved mood to fall into the abyss again.

"Third Hokage, for some reason, some information has been leaked into the Uchiha clan recently, saying that the traitor Orochimaru has joined an organization outside the village called Akatsuki, and has appeared near the Land of Grass."The long-lost name has appeared again, touching on the past that Sarutobi Hiruzen did not want to recall, but even if he was unwilling to face it, as the Third Hokage, he had to deal with the incident that might endanger the village.

"Orochimaru, that guy is not honest even after leaving the village. Does he know anything about Akatsuki and the Anbu?"

"Akatsuki is just a small, unknown ninja organization, but for some reason, there are rumors that the leader of Akatsuki has the Rinnegan......."

A cold light suddenly flashed from the cloudy old eyes. The Third Hokage frowned, and his eyes were filled with incredulous

"Samsara Eye? The legendary eye technique of the Sage of the Six Paths, is there really anyone in this world who possesses Samsara Eye?"

His mind was full of thoughts, and various plans flashed through his mind. In the end, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed deeply, feeling that his old arms and legs could not withstand the erosion of time.

"Please, Shisui, give this information to Uchiha Kagetsu, he will be interested."

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