He knew that his opponent would not attack without a purpose, but now he had to fight. The Flying Thunder God Technique mastered by his opponent was a devastating blow to the Sand Ninja.

"The puppet master's natural enemy? Big words are not just for the lips, Uchiha's little devil, come on!"

Crack, crack, crack!"......

The ten people of Chikamatsu were divided into groups of two or three, and they spread out in the surroundings in an instant. The bound puppets spread their arms, and shells continued to attack, but were blocked by Xuanwu. The billowing smoke and dust dissipated along with the fire. Chiyo stared closely and noticed the sarcasm in the deep eyes of the three-eyed demon fox mask that only revealed two eyes.

""South Dipper Immortal, North Dipper Immortal, Seal!"

In an instant, the strange purple light column completely blocked the movement of the ten people in the near-matsu. The Death God in the Nine-Faced Beast swung his sickle and brazenly cut off the chakra thread at the connection. His expression changed drastically. Chiyo continued to swing the light blue chakra thread, but the Death God kept swinging his sickle and completely cut off the chakra thread controlled by Chiyo.

"Sorry, Wind���Advisor Chiyo, the nine-faced god of death of Subaha, can completely take away the chakra. For a puppet without a puppeteer to control it, it is just a beautifully constructed toy, nothing more......."

A clear, tender, and malicious voice sounded in her ears. Chiyo turned around subconsciously, and what came into her sight were many Sand Ninjas lying on the ground, unable to move.

"You have lost this battle. There are yellow flashes on the battlefield of Kikyo Mountain. Your defeat is doomed. But it still makes me feel uneasy......."

The panting under her feet became more and more obvious. Maki opened her eyes with difficulty, but could only see her smooth white chin through the gap. Chiyo was about to move, but the other nine-faced beasts surrounded her in an instant, blocking her in place. The nine-faced beasts that had not yet revealed their abilities forced her to stop and pause, and her wrinkles became deeper.

"Nine-faced Subaha, the natural enemy of the puppet master? What a remarkable little devil. Why did the Uchiha who didn't use the Sharingan to fight hide his face?"

"Being too famous as a ninja is not a good thing after all, but since you are curious, I will make an exception this time. After the war, maybe we will deal with each other again. After all, we are a neighboring country, and a future ally."

Under the mask of the three-eyed demon fox, a fresh and refined, childish face made Chiyo silent for a long time, and finally turned into a sigh. She was shocked by Uchiha Kagetsu's youth, and also felt the rapid passage of time. Her own aging was reflected at this moment.

"How old are you?"

"At the age of 10, I just graduated from school and was forced to the battlefield. The life of a ninja is really cruel. Little money, a lot of work, and far from home. It's so troublesome."

After getting the exact answer, the Sand Ninjas who couldn't move were shocked to numbness. The expression on their faces when they looked at the figure was completely like looking at a monster.

"A 10-year-old genius ninja. Konoha's ninjas are really full of talents. Among the three ninjas, there is the living slug girl, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Yellow Flash, and now you, the instant body Kagetsu"

"Although I don't want to encourage others, the newcomers of the Sand Ninja are......"

"This has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to comment on the ninjas of the Wind Country. You guys keep an eye on the ninjas of the Sand Ninja. Nanto Sage, Hokuto Sage, and the God of Death will stay here."

"Don't tell me you can't do this little thing, Konoha's Chunin and Jonin."

With a sharp look, he scanned the surroundings and no one could meet his gaze. As the commander of the front line, Meicun Yejuan endured the discomfort and asked

"The Uchiha clan emblem, are you from the Uchiha clan? You have already defeated the enemy, where are you going?"

"Kikyo Mountain, that's the main battlefield, but the Sand Ninja and Kumogakure have actually reached the heart of the Land of Fire. They are obviously Chunin and Jonin, but surprisingly useless!"

The merciless mocking words immediately made many Konoha ninjas stationed on the battlefield angry, but looking at the many Sand Ninjas lying on the ground, they could only swallow their broken teeth.

Isn't it just that he is a little younger, has mastered more ninjutsu, and has learned Flying Thunder God, so is he so arrogant?

"Forget it, guarding the hostages is a small matter that I can always do. My mission is to suppress the battlefield. Other things have nothing to do with me. I am leaving."

The figure disappeared, leaving behind a group of Konoha ninjas who looked at each other with shame on their faces.

"You two, who is this guy? Is he a master of the Uchiha clan? Who gave the order to transfer that brat here?"

The series of questions made the two Chunins stunned for a while, and then they confessed everything they knew. After listening to them, everyone fell into deep self-doubt and felt that they were living a dog's life.

"A Genin who just graduated this year? You must be joking! Is Flying Thunder God Technique a ninjutsu that Genin can master? There is a limit to jokes."

"Is this the order of Lord Orochimaru and the Third Hokage? Lord Orochimaru's disciple, Orochimaru accepted a disciple?!"

"After fighting with the AB combination of the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, they escaped unscathed and saved more than 30 Genin. Do you think you are writing a novel?"

Faced with the accusations of the crowd, the two young Chunin wanted to cry but had no tears. They were telling the truth. Why should they be accused by their companions? Did they have to jump into the Nanga River to prove that what they said was true?

"A rare genius in decades? Uchiha Kagetsu is a terrifying genius with a formidable talent. If he were a ninja from the Sand Ninja, I wouldn't have to fight for my life with my old bones."

"It seems that he is going to rush to the battlefield of Kikyo Mountain. How are you going to deal with this Uchiha genius? Luo Sha, Ye Cang......"

Chiyo's face was gloomy. If the Sand Ninja and Kumogakure won, Konoha would have to pay a heavy price.

On the contrary, if Konoha won, it would end in a complete victory, and the Sand Ninja and Kumogakure would have to pay a heavy price.

‘How long are you going to wait before you take action? The two great masters, Ohnoki, took great pains to appease the death of the Third Raikage and made the three major countries temporarily unite. This is really an excellent diplomatic method.’

‘However, the alliance is only a temporary measure. When Konoha is seriously injured, the alliance will collapse. When will you attack the alliance? Ohnoki. '

The old man's cloudy eyes have already seen the true face of the allies. He subconsciously glanced at the strange purple barrier under his feet, and black lines appeared on his forehead.

"Troublesome barrier, Nine-faced Supoha, really a troublesome spell, does each summoned beast have different abilities?......"

Two flowers bloom, each with its own beauty.

At this time, on Kikyo Mountain, azure blue and bright yellow flashes continued to fight each other. The heads of various famous families in Konoha were fighting with various enemies, and the battle situation was in a tense state.

"Where is that Uchiha bastard brat? Yellow Flash!"

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