The azure lightning flashed in front of him in an instant, and a sword as sharp as Kusanagi's sword pointed directly at his throat. Just as it was about to touch his figure, the Fourth Raikage's hand was blocked by the equally powerful and sharp sword.

"The same speed and strength as before. Since you have given me your hand, I will borrow it without hesitation. Summoning Technique!"

With bloodshot eyes, the Fourth Raikage looked at the fingers that were supposed to be put together, which were gradually turning into the seal of the Summoning Technique.

"Idiot! Bastard! I won't let you escape this time, I'm the only one who can't stop you."

From the mouth of the Ushio who had transformed into the complete Eight-Tailed Demon, balls of ink turned into human shapes and surrounded the two from all directions.

"Sealing technique? Southern Dipper Immortal, Northern Dipper Immortal, seal."

The barrier reappeared, and the enchanting purple light sealed the ink. The Azure Dragon and the Vermillion Bird opened their mouths, and the wind and fire merged.

"Flame Release: Stormy Dance."

The golden sand waves and the sea of fire washed over them. The appearance of the Nine-Faced Beast made Luo Sha, who was standing by to watch, frown slightly.

"A summoned puppet? No, it's a summoned beast, a very difficult summoned beast. Who is that Uchiha clan member? Is it a high temperature that can melt even gold dust?"

"The Uchiha clan is indeed a famous family in the ninja world. Do they have such a killer hidden? Uchiha Fugaku, you are hiding it very well."Fugaku had a blank expression on his face, neither admitting nor denying, but he subconsciously began to compare in his heart, whose child was the one who was fighting with the Fourth Raikage?

"Damn Uchiha brat, you actually used my hand to make a seal, how much do you look down on others, you bastard!"

"Then use a technique that does not require hand seals to end this boring battle. Goodbye, this is a parting gift, the Great Rasengan."

In an instant, the Konoha ninjas who stayed in Mount Kikyo flashed, and Minato Namikaze, who returned from the coast, only took a glance and understood Uchiha Kagetsu's next move.

"So that's how it is. Let's go, Mr. Ding Zuo, Mr. Lu Jiu......"

A yellow light flashed, and all the ninjas in Konoha in the entire Kikyo Mountain were transferred dozens of miles away. Above the ordinary black kunai, it was like a star falling from the sky, shining with dazzling light.

"That Uchiha brat, is he using this trick again?!"

"No, this move's chakra is better than this! Hurry up and let me get out of here!"

An unprecedented sense of crisis filled everyone's senses. The Eight-Tailed Gyu-ghost retracted his entire body into the tentacles and spun wildly.

"Tailed Beast Volume 8!"

Time and space froze at this moment. After a brief silence, the pure white light engulfed the entire Kikyo Mountain.

The sound was silent, and the pure white that engulfed everything quietly dissipated, and the sun shone again.

The Kikyo Mountain that should have existed disappeared at some point, and only the scorching magma and the gold flowing in it could prove the traces of the deep abyss where it originally was.

The aftermath dissipated, and the boiling magma flowed through the surface of the octopus tentacles. The eight-tailed beast climbed out from the depths of the ground panting, looking at the terrain that had long been changed, with a helpless expression.

"Has this ninjutsu completely changed the surrounding terrain? It is completely comparable to the Tailed Beast Ball that we used all our strength to fight for. Is this also the ninjutsu of that Uchiha brat?"

"damn......Damn Uchiha brat, how dare you give Troy to me, damn it!......"

In the boiling magma, the bloodline limit of the Hidden Cloud Village, the magnetic ninja Troy, lay inside the magma and had long lost his voice.

"Too far away from me, even if I wanted to protect him, I had no power. His ninjutsu contained the nature of fire escape, combined with the instant body technique and chakra comparable to that of the tailed beasts."

"He may be the most powerful opponent that your Kumogakure Village will face in the future. He is a member of the Uchiha clan who possesses the Sharingan, but he is most famous for his instant body movement and that weird summoning technique. Even I don't know how to evaluate him."

Obviously, the Fourth Raikage was not in the mood to listen to the Eight-Tails' judgment at this time. The brief alliance not far away, the Sand Ninja's Rasa and Yekura, chose to turn back without hesitation.

The Sand Ninjas they brought were completely wiped out, and Kumogakure lost a bloodline limit ninja. The Battle of Kikyo Mountain was completely defeated.

In order to protect the empty Sand Ninja Village, the two of them could not die here, otherwise the Sand Ninja Village would be in danger of destruction.

"Uchiha Kagetsu, I've got this name in mind. Let's go back to Kumogakure before that bastard Ohnoki finds out about what happened at Mount Kikyo."

"OK, big brother."

With a flash of their figures, Killer Bee and the Fourth Raikage hastily retreated, and the endless war was temporarily calmed down with the disappearance of Mount Kikyo.

At the border of the Land of Fire, in a hidden forest, a group of survivors fell from the sky. Everyone looked at each other in silence.

"Are you safe now? Minato."

Looking at his companions who were all worried, Namikaze Minato smiled gently and nodded slightly.

"I don't know who that child is, but it should be OK. All the kunai I left on Mount Kikyo seem to have been destroyed. It's a really powerful ninjutsu."

"Hong, where is Hong? Master Fugaku, that child should be from the Uchiha clan. There is the Uchiha family crest of the round fan on his back. Where did he go?"

Seeing a pair of eyes staring at him, Fugaku was speechless. He really didn't know that child. If he had known that there was a genius who could use Flying Thunder God in the clan, he would have brought him to the Konoha Police Force to train him carefully.

At the same time, near Mount Kikyo, two figures emerged from the kunai, and the three-eyed demon fox masks that concealed their faces were slowly taken off.

Hong, who had been shocked and numb by a series of changes, subconsciously looked over, and the surprise on her face turned into surprise and uproar.

"Uchiha......Huayue-kun? Is that you?"

"I didn't expect you to be on a mission in such an intense battlefield. Although I know that the graduates of the previous two classes���Members have already stepped onto the battlefield, but I didn't expect that you would be involved, Hong."

For a moment, even Yuhi Hong didn't expect that she would be saved by a Genin who had just graduated from the Ninja School and was two years younger than her.

She was able to get to know Uchiha Kagetsu because Hongdou often took Kagetsu to various dango shops in Konoha to taste dango, and his lazy temperament and good looks made her somewhat impressed.

"There is no other way. The border of the Fire Country has been invaded, and the village can only temporarily withdraw ninjas.......Can you......Put me down first?"

His face was shy and dusty, but it still couldn't hide the blush on his cheeks. His pair of ruby-like, watery eyes met those black and white eyes, but he didn't get the answer he wanted.

"Sorry, you can't just hold on to your injuries. Those are the Tailed Beast Balls of the Tailed Beasts. If you don't go to the hospital for a checkup, it will be very dangerous."

"Already back? Then let’s leave too."

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