Blood and tears fell, Uchiha Itachi stared at the Nanga River below, his thoughts drifting away with the existence of the teacher and friend.


The breeze was blowing gently, and the evening breeze, which should have been gentle, was inexplicably desolate at this moment.

His best friend died tragically, and the one who did it was one of Konoha's high-ranking officials. Although Shisui pointed out the identity of the attacker, he did not ask for revenge for him.

Instead, the goal that he had been striving for was given to him, which made Itachi even more confused.

What is a village? What is a clan? What is life?

Confused, Itachi unknowingly walked to the door of his home, and for a long time he could not push open this familiar yet strange door.

"Brother? You're back. Come practice with me later!"

A clear and tender childish voice sounded behind him. Itachi turned around and smiled at Sasuke, who was carrying a schoolbag and smiling.

"Sorry, Sasuke, I have a mission tomorrow, I'll change it to next time"

"What! Every time it's next time, next time, my brother treats me like a child......"

Itachi thought for a moment, waved to Sasuke, and when Sasuke came closer, he gently touched his forehead.

"Forgive me, Sasuke."

Looking at the angry little face in front of him, Itachi felt relieved, and his gloomy mood eased a little.

Yes, everything he did was not limited to the village and the clan. What he had always hoped for was to let Sasuke grow up healthily in a happy environment and spend a carefree childhood.

As for the darkness of Konoha and the threat of Danzo, as long as he, the elder brother, was alive, Konoha would never dream of endangering Sasuke's life and happiness.

"Let's go, how about the lessons at Ninja School?"

"It's so simple, it's not difficult for me at all......"

At the same time, at Uchiha Shisui's home, since Shisui did not attend the clan meeting last time, members of the Konoha Police Force went to Shisui's home to investigate.

The suicide note that was found also fell into the hands of the police force.

"Hey, you guys said this letter is really Shisui's note, but I still can't believe that Shisui, who made a great name for himself during the Third Ninja World War, would commit suicide."

Uchiha Yashiro saw that there was no one around, and whispered to Uchiha Tetsuka beside him

"I don't believe it either. As for forging a suicide note, there are many suspicious targets in Konoha Village. There are few people who could approach Shisui quietly and assassinate him."

"No, it's not impossible. During the time that Uchiha Kagetsu left the village, there was someone who could make Shisui completely let down his guard and take the opportunity to assassinate him."

At the end of the street corner, Uchiha Inahori hurried over, his expression was extremely subtle, and he had a vague guess.

"You mean, Uchiha Itachi? If it was him, it's not impossible. And since he joined the Anbu, his thoughts on the clan have been strange......."

The three of them decided that Fugaku must not know about this. After all, Uchiha Itachi was his most proud son and a rare genius in the Uchiha clan.

Now, only by starting with Uchiha Itachi could they understand whether this matter was true or false.

"Inahori stared at Uchiha Itachi and paid close attention to his movements, making sure he would not secretly side with Konoha."

After careful planning, the three elite members of the Konoha Police Force left, and secretly contacted people while concealing Fugaku.

Late at night, in the Kingdom of Hot Springs.

As a small country, the Kingdom of Hot Springs also had a ninja village, but after the war in the entire small country ended, the Kingdom of Hot Springs was forced to formally transform due to its outstanding scenery and hot springs, as well as the budget cuts by the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Hot Springs.

Now, the Kingdom of Hot Springs has become a famous tourist destination, with the title of 'Ninja Village That Forgot the War'.

Everything sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

Unfortunately, everything in the Kingdom of Hot Springs is good, but the only bad thing is that a group of lunatics who use the power of faith to create evil gods are secretly hiding inside the Kingdom of Hot Springs.

It was for this reason that the Akatsuki organization came to the Kingdom of Hot Springs, where all the ninja villages were destroyed, to find the right people.

The warm hot springs washed away the fatigue of the body, and Huayue looked up at the sky, and a dancing paper butterfly fell into her hand.

The words written on it with a special solvent revealed the specific information after coming into contact with Huayue's spiritual energy.

"Uchiha Shisui was ambushed by Danzo and eventually died in Nanga River. Why is he willing to be blinded by his own ambiguous cognition in his family who claims to be a genius?"

He smiled lightly and waved his hand to signal the paper butterfly to fly away. He had already warned Uchiha Shisui, but unfortunately he was still stubborn and suffered the consequences. He chose to commit suicide, at the cost of his own life, and entrusted it to a child who was not as mature as himself, hoping that the other party would complete this impossible task for him. It was a foolish dream!

"He placed his hopes on other people in the ninja world, but he himself remained stagnant and did not even think about correcting Danzo.......Forget it, why should I try to understand the brain circuit of an Uchiha."

The moonlight was like a wash, and he stood up from the hot spring. His muscles were perfectly symmetrical, and his exquisite and complex strange patterns flashed a hint of inexplicable color.

"Found it, worthy of being Orochimaru, his intelligence ability is second to none in the ninja world."

The figure flashed, and the towel fell from the air. In the bustling hot spring street, no one noticed that the guest in the corner disappeared quietly.

In the mountainous area of Yunzhiguo, lying in a pool of blood, in the strange ritual symbols, the black spear pierced into the heart was pulled up by the motionless"corpse"

"It hurts! It hurts so much......So cool......Really, every time the ritual is performed, it is always a mess. The evil god's appetite is really getting bigger and bigger."

The black and white skin turned into normal human skin, and Feiduan stretched his muscles and bones, preparing to go to the next area to look for a new target.

"Immortal body, what is your body structure like? I really want to dissect you on the operating table and observe the secrets inside"

"The body is immortal, and may have the potential to become a collectible......"

"Recruiting such a guy into the organization will ruin the fate of wealth. My eyes are the most accurate in judging wealth and I have never made a mistake."

One after another, some were irritable, some were gloomy, and some were impatient. Behind Fei Duan, a low and majestic voice echoed in the corner.

"You, an immortal being, have great abilities. Come to my side, we can fulfill all your wishes."

Fei Duan looked around, and a crazy smile appeared on his not-so-smart face.

"Hahahaha, I was just planning to look for a sacrifice three days later, but unexpectedly four strange guys showed up at my doorstep!"

"You guys, do you want to believe in the evil god? As long as you agree, I will let you die peacefully, hehehehe......"

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