Among the five great ninja countries, the Land of Water is the most barren.

It is a country composed of many archipelagos. Not only is there little arable land inside, but the upper-level Kirigakure believes in strength above all else, so the way of training ninjas is even more cruel and ruthless.

The Bloody Mist Hidden Village is the bloody training policy that has been carried out since the third Kirigakure and continued to the fourth Kirigakure, and is still being implemented today.

Similarly, the decisions of the upper class will naturally affect the development of the lower class.

For a long time, the people of the Land of Water, who have been devastated by war, have inevitably developed certain rules that have become customary.

Once a child and bloodline with a bloodline limit is found, the relatives who have no bloodline limit will take action and personally wipe out the root cause of the war.

The cold wind is like a knife, harvesting lives invisibly.

White snow is beautiful, but in the eyes of the residents of the Land of Water who are hungry and struggling on the edge of food and clothing all year round, the meaning of white snow is the same as that of the god of death.

The ragged figure huddled beside the garbage dump, the cold snow turning his tender hands and feet red.

The pair of black and white eyes were now dazed and lifeless. A series of shouts rang out, and the eyes turned their sights to see wild dogs chasing away the intruders who had entered their territory.


A childish and apologetic voice came from the face covered by long hair, which further aroused the wild dog's arrogance.

At this moment, a thickly dressed man hurried over, complaining about the damn weather while throwing the garbage in his hand into the trash can.

The figure curled up behind the trash can was ignored by him. In this damn era, even his own family did not have surplus food, let alone the orphans wandering outside.

Who knows that it is the war orphan from the battlefield? What if he rescues a plague god and accidentally involves the lives of his entire family? Wouldn't it be even more worthless! After the man left, the thin figure hurriedly got up and rummaged through the garbage in the trash can.

The wild dog on the side kept howling, revealing its yellow fangs, as if it would rush to the thin figure in front of it and bite it hard. Crunch, crunch.......

The soft snow made a loud noise underfoot, and the wild dog with its fangs and claws bared whimpered and left in disgrace, its tail between its legs.

"Why? Why not just drive it away?"

"What beautiful eyes! Big brother has the same look in his eyes as me......."

Snowflakes were falling, and under the dirty face, a pair of pure and flawless eyes, like gemstones, stared at the complex eyes of black and blood red for a long time.

"Come with me. From today on, your life, your soul, everything about you belongs to me. I will give your life meaning, Bai."

His eyes dropped to the hand that was stretched out to him. It was slender and strong, with flesh on bones.

When Bai stretched out his hand and placed it on that hand, he felt an unprecedented warmth in his heart.

"Yes! I am Big Brother's tool, and I will definitely complete Big Brother's orders. That's enough. Please, don't abandon me......."

The figure disappeared in the snow. No one noticed this tiny scene, and no one cared whether the life of an orphan was gone or not.

For Bai, who had lost everything, this short promise was a new beginning and the meaning of life....................

Three days later, in Konoha's medical department,

Sasuke slowly opened his eyes on the bed. What he saw was not the familiar ceiling, but the smell of disinfectant.

"What happened? Did you have a nightmare?"

Sasuke, who had temporarily lost his memory, got off the bed and walked out of the ward.

Before he reached the nurse's station, he heard two female voices, whispering.

"Have you heard? The Uchiha clan, a famous family in Konoha, was wiped out, and the murderer did not even spare the children and the elderly."

"I never thought that the Uchiha family, who is a famous family, would suffer such a disaster. Now the village has launched a hunt for the murderer......."

"Now, it seems that only the child is left......."

"No way, where is Kagetsu? Uchiha Kagetsu will not be killed, my youth!"

"It seems that Lady Kazuki was temporarily invited by the Hokage to perform a confidential mission, otherwise the Uchiha clan would not be so miserable......."

Several female nurses were chatting, and the topic gradually shifted. Sasuke, who was leaning in the corner, had his pupils shrink, and the memories that he had tried to forget came to his mind.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, how could it come......"

He left the window quickly and rushed all the way to the Uchiha clan, but when he arrived at the familiar street, the seal and no entry on it made him feel cold all over.

Unconsciously, dark clouds filled the sky, and fine and dense rain soaked his clothes.

"Little Sasuke, do you want to eat fish yaki today too?"

The voice of the shopkeeper vaguely echoed in my ears. The uncle reading the newspaper lay in the rocking chair, lamenting the prices and rumors in the village.......

The scene that he used to be accustomed to, now only has cold seals and silent breeze.

With heavy steps, he didn't know how long it had been, when the familiar door of his home came into view, Sasuke's hands trembled slightly, and he slowly pushed the door open.

The home that gave him warmth on weekdays became unusually lonely at this time. He pushed open the quiet room where his father often talked with his brother.

At this moment, there were only two pools of black and red blood in the room, as if to prove that the painful memories in his mind were not false.


The sound from the kitchen gave Sasuke a glimmer of hope that did not exist in his heart.

‘Yes, it must be mom. Mom can't be dead. Mom must be in the kitchen, making my favorite bonito rice and tomato miso soup. It must be like this.......’

Sasuke's pace gradually quickened, and he rushed into the kitchen quickly, calling out subconsciously.



The black cat that sneaked in through the window to look for food was frightened and ran out of the door. The kitchen utensils in the kitchen fell to the ground, and the sound of rain outside the window became louder and louder.

"Your hatred is not enough, your strength is not enough, your capacity is not enough, when you open these eyes, come to me, Sasuke......" why why why......

The heart beat faster and faster, and the bright eyes were gradually filled with bloodshot.

"Just because of this, just because of this reason, I killed my father and mother's family.......Why? Answer me, Itachi!"

Blood dripped from the corner of his lips, and he knelt on the ground subconsciously. Sasuke's eyes changed quietly, and in the depths of his blood-red eyes, the black jade rotated slightly.

Suddenly, footsteps echoed, and familiar yet unfamiliar words came into Sasuke's ears.

"After hearing the news, I wanted to take a look.......There is no one alive. This clean and neat method is chilling."

Looking back with a pair of blood-red eyes, Sasuke's face was full of anger and he shouted

"Why did you come here specially? This is the Uchiha place. Outsiders have no right to say anything, Naruto!"

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