The next day, at 9 am.

Konoha training ground, in front of the Forest of Death.

Sasuke's face was gloomy, and the look he gave Naruto was even weirder.

"How on earth do you do things? I asked you to gather intelligence in advance, and this is the result?"

"No matter how I asked, Sister Hongdou wouldn't tell me. She also said that with the strength of all of you, there shouldn't be any problem."

Naruto looked helpless. He had promised to give her meatballs and red bean soup for half a year, but Hongdou was unmoved.

The idea of spying on intelligence basically ended in failure. The only useful information obtained was that at least half of the people would be eliminated. Hongdou refused to reveal any other information.

"It doesn't matter, let's do our best to eliminate the other half. In this forest of death, no one can be our opponent."

Sasuke's face lightened up a little when he mentioned this, and he untied the bandages wrapped around his wrists, exposing the two seals to the air.

"That's true. There aren't many guys who can threaten us in this exam. As long as the three of us pass smoothly, we must protect ourselves, Sakura."

Sakura nodded slightly, wanting to say something, but she didn't know how to start.

Compared with the strength of Naruto and Sasuke, she didn't seem to have made any progress in the past few months. She usually relied on the help of the two to successfully get to where she is today.

"It doesn't matter, I will definitely protect myself, Sasuke-kun......."

"Hi, hi, hi! The teams that are going to participate in the Chunin Exams come to gather here and officially enter after receiving the scrolls. Only the team that has collected all the scrolls of heaven and earth can enter the next level."

At that moment, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they murmured in a low voice.

"So that's how it is. At least half of the people will be eliminated, and it is very likely that more than half will be eliminated. No one knows whether their opponent has the sky or the earth in his hands."

"In addition, you must also judge the difference in strength between your opponent and yourself. If you waste too much time and fail to reach the rendezvous point in time, you will be eliminated even if you have collected all the buildings."

The two looked at each other, and each saw what was in the other's mind.

"Quick victory!"

"Complete it within one day!"

Ninja teams lined up to receive the scrolls. When Naruto and the others entered, Hongdou smiled and handed the scroll of earth to the three of them.

"Don't forget my six months of red bean soup and dumplings. Remember to say good luck to that guy after you pass the exam!"

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly. The adult who cheated half of his mission reward with just one sentence was really as black-bellied as a snake.

"There is no door"

"Hey! Wait, Naruto, how can you be so rude to your elders?......"

Ignoring the chattering Red Bean, Naruto and the others stopped in the Death Forest. With a command, hundreds of candidates entered the examination room together.

"Really, that bastard Naruto, what did he learn from that guy? He turned his back on people and refused to admit it even when he was told in advance that he was going to eliminate half of the people......."

Half an hour after the exam started, Hongdou couldn't help but complain in a low voice and drank the red bean soup beside her in one breath.

At this time, the Konoha invigilator in charge of patrolling suddenly came over with an anxious tone.

"Lord Hongdou, something happened here......."

The smile on her face gradually disappeared. When Hongdou followed the invigilation team and arrived at a corner near Konoha Village, several bodies lay there.

"Lord Hongdou, these candidates from the Hidden Grass Village have been dead for about 12 hours. In addition, their faces have been......"

"Dissolve? The face is dissolved and the skin is peeled off to create a seamless camouflage mask. This technology..."Orochimaru!"

Her eyes turned cold. She didn't expect Orochimaru to dare to appear in Konoha Village. Hongdou waved her hand and scolded him, saying sternly

"You guys! Go and inform the Third Hokage that Orochimaru's movements have been spotted near the Chunin Exam Death Forest. I will personally deal with him."

A sense of anger suddenly emerged in her heart. She had conducted a cruel experiment back then, and even injected the unfinished curse seal into her body before leaving.

If she had not been discovered by Huayue at that time, and if she had not survived, she would have become a withered bone in the grave by now.

‘Damn Orochimaru, I will kill you with my own hands, you bastard!'

Ignoring the invigilator's obstruction, Hongdou angrily rushed into the Death Forest. Before she had walked for long, the fragrance of grass and trees wafted into her face.

"Where are you going?"

"You came just in time. Of course, it is Orochimaru's guys who are going to settle the accounts. This is also your responsibility. The teacher has become a traitor, so naturally it is the disciple who has to settle the accounts!"

Seeing that Hongdou couldn't even listen to a word and was about to pass by, Huayue smiled without saying a word. In the azure barrier, strands of silk threads froze her figure

"Even if you are not a match for Orochimaru now, as long as you continue to use his technique, no matter how long it takes, the result will be the same, futile."

Hua Yue picked up Hong Dou by the waist, lowered her head, and said softly

"Besides, when it comes to knowing Orochimaru, how could you know more than me?"

"What do you want me to do? Just watch and do nothing. Are you kidding me? I want to die together with Orochimaru......."

Before he could finish his words, Hua Yue interrupted him.

"If we die together, it will definitely be you who will die, not Orochimaru. His affairs should be decided by his teacher, not you and me as his disciples. Let's go."

"The purpose of that guy's sneaking in is probably Naruto and Sasuke, so don't worry too much. Now even if they use their full strength, you can't beat them."

After hearing Huayue's answer, Hongdou was stunned for a moment, and the anger on her face dissipated a lot.

"Even I am no match for those two little devils......."

As if she had thought of something, Hongdou asked hurriedly, but the answer she got was just a smile with an inexplicable meaning.

At the same time, in the outer area of the Death Forest, the three-person team that was rushing towards the center stopped, Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, and they all noticed something strange.



With his hands in seals, a scorching heat wave suddenly hit, burning a path in the direction Naruto pointed.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique."

The huge python hidden in the forest was burned by the flames, and the faint threat lingering in the hearts of the two men still did not subside at all.

"Come out, I found you."

Several shurikens intersected and shot out, and in the blink of an eye they were stuck behind a tree hundreds of meters away.

"Very keen perception, excellent shurikenjutsu, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto......Is your scroll the sky or the earth?"

The light purple tongue licked the cracked lips, and a thin figure wearing a bamboo hat and waist-length hair slowly appeared.

The golden and black vertical pupils kept moving on the three people, as if staring at prey, and finally looked at Uchiha Sasuke with eyes full of desire and greed.

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