Looking at his father rushing towards him, Might Guy was puzzled.

"Why? Dad, you are just a Genin, why did you rush here?"

Ebisu and Shiranui Genma were even more stunned. Might Guy's father was not a strong man at all, not to mention that the people in front of them were all good players in the Hidden Mist. There was no chance of winning.

"Another Konoha ninja?"

"It looks like the father of the watermelon-headed guy. It's so tragic that the father and son are going to die together. Then let me be kind and send you to leave this world without any pain, using my beheading sword."Biwa

Juzang looked cruel, and the beheading sword in his hand was eager to try. Might Dai, who had not spoken for a long time, showed his usual smile.

"Are there any other reasons? Protecting the things you cherish is the youth and spirit of a man. You must live well, Kai."

"Now is the time for youth to burn. Eight Gates of Dunjia: Open!"

The energy is soaring into the sky, and the vigorous vitality is constantly burning. The emerald green flame and the terrifying �� carat that has condensed into a solid body are blooming with unprecedented light at this moment.

"Run away, Kai! Dad will cover you here!"


"Great chakra, but you don't think you can defeat us, do you? Lightning Style: Raiga!"

Lightning shot down from the sky, and the confusing fog obscured the view. The terrifying lightning brought countless silver flowers and pointed directly at the four people.

The next moment, an undisguised, open and closed physical technique rushed straight at them, instantly kicking away the lightning that was enough to kill ordinary ninjas.

"I will never, never allow you to hurt the new buds that have not yet grown, and I will never allow you to attack Kai. This is the full force of my life, so wake up!"


Boom boom, lightning flashes, and drizzle, sliding down the fox mask.

"Autumn rain? Rare weather."

Walking in the rain, he casually swung the kunai in his hand, and drops of blood mixed with the rain, dispersing the strong smell of blood.

The cold and ruthless figure disappeared on the spot, leaving only a pile of broken limbs and debris.

A moment later, many war-torn and wounded Mist Ninja Team hurried over, their eyes full of pity.

"Damn, it's that guy again. Konoha's environment can actually breed such a monster. No one has even seen his true face. His instant body technique is better than the yellow flash."

"Instantaneous Gengetsu, a genius who killed hundreds of ninjas from various villages in just two months without making any mistakes, is said to be from the Uchiha clan, but no one has actually seen his face, so who knows if it is true or not."

The Kirigakure ninjas all looked solemn and gnashed their teeth. This guy who is good at instantaneous body movement is the natural nemesis of their aimless assault team that is everywhere looking for money.

"It doesn't matter if we didn't find it, didn't we get something good this time?"

The gray-blue-haired man in the lead said indifferently, holding a transparent test tube in his hand, with something soaked in a pale yellow solution, and a pure white pupil in his eyes.

"After much effort and luck, the Byakugan was finally snatched. The Hyuga clan was willing to split into the main family and the branch family for it."

"Now, the Byakugan, known as one of the three great pupil techniques, belongs to Kirigakure."With a different light flashing in his single eye, Kirigakure jonin Ao turned around and said to everyone.

"Immediately notify the Seven Ninja Swordsmen to cover our return to the Hidden Mist Village. This is an important bloodline limit, and we must not let those two instant-transmigration ninjas from Konoha target us!"


The figure disappeared, Qing turned around and shouted

"We set out first, risking our lives to send the Byakugan back to Kirigakure."...........

Near the border of the Land of Fire, at the scheduled meeting place, Uchiha Huayue's eyes turned cold and asked in a cold voice:

"Has Dai not come back yet?"

"Yes, I just saw the back of Dai's child, Might Guy, but he has been gone for a long time and hasn't come back yet. There seems to be a thick fog over there."

Gu Jie's explanation made Hua Yue silent for a moment, and with a flickering look in his eyes, he finally whispered

"Prepare emergency medicines. Dai may have been in trouble. I'll be back soon."

After Hua Yue left, Gu Jie's wrinkled face became uglier. Did the ominous premonition in his heart come true? Could he only pin his hopes on the squad leader?

"Don't let anything happen, Dai. Don't you want to see your child become a jonin?"

At the same time, on the battlefield between the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and Might Dai, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were panting, and the few who were a little careless were even more wounded.

"The onesie bastard, was he seriously injured after just one kick? Visible chakra, simple yet powerful physical skills, who is this bastard? There is no such name in the ninja manual!"

Kurishai Kushimaru's tone was emotionless, and he looked as cold and ruthless as the ANBU mask on his face.

"Konoha's Taijutsu expert, you are worthy of our note, who are you?"

Among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the user of the Explosive Sword: Spray, Muri Shinpachi, shouted, and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen standing in the dust were on full alert.

"Konoha's ten-thousand-year-old Genin, the passionate man whose youth never ends, Might Dai!"

"Might wear it? We remember, next you will die here forever, for respect, we will do it without reservation, Thunder Style: Thunder Dragon Tornado"

"Long Sword Ninja Technique: Earth Spider Seam"

"Explosive Sword Ninja Technique: Fateful Death"

"Swallowed his chakra, Samehada!"

"You must live well and protect your most precious treasure, Kai......."

Just as Might Dai was about to ignite everything and infuse the last remaining chakra into the fatal point, a bit of cold chakra accurately sealed the remaining seven gates of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, and a familiar indifferent voice sounded behind him.

"Didn't I tell you to try to stall for time? If you burn out the last bit of chakra, you will have no hope of survival."

"Team......Captain, you finally arrived......"

The heavy load placed on the body by the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu has brought Might Guy to the brink of collapse, but there is still a way out.

‘Jiu Lama, please, I didn't expect the moves I conceived could be used here. '

The vitality that was so strong that it was visible to the naked eye gathered into golden lines similar to a curse seal, temporarily locking Might Dai's body, and three figures rushed over quickly.

"Daddy daddy!"

"He won't die yet, so let him rest there for now. I have something to talk to these guys about. What did you do to my team members? Bastards."

Among the three, Ebisu, who was very familiar with this voice, looked up blankly, and saw the Uchiha family emblem behind the black cloak, and then he suddenly realized

"Huayue, they are the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist Village, each of them is an elite jonin. We can't defeat them, so let's run away!"

""The art of instant body movement, you bastard, are you the instant body movement magic moon? You are actually a little ghost. Are those idiots who died at your hands idiots?"

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