The bamboo is simple and looks ordinary, but the fluctuations contained in it surprised Uchiha Huayue, who is still in the sage mode.

"This is?"

"The Book of the Vermillion Moon, the final prophecy about Menma in that opposite world."

The Black Nine-Tailed Fox sat cross-legged, memories flashing through his eyes, and told everything he knew.

"That was when the red moon rose, Menma got the Book of the Red Moon and was about to unify the ninja world......."

"After opening the Book of Vermillion Moon, he was about to see what the prophecy against him was, but after a burst of bright light, this uncle entered your body."

"This volume of the Vermillion Moon Book seems to have something extraordinary in it. Thanks to this book, I was able to pull the sealed half of my body back to my original form."

When Black Nine-Tail said this, Hua Yue became even more interested. She looked at the Vermillion Moon Book in her hand and asked curiously,

"It can pull out half of your body, but what else can it do? Can it also get other things from the limited world of Tsukuyomi?"

However, unexpectedly, the Black Nine-Tail shook his head repeatedly, looking helpless.

"I have also tried to pull other things out of the Book of Vermillion Moon, but nothing happened. It was not until a few days ago when you were receiving natural energy in the Dragon Cave that the book started to change a little."

"But, I haven't figured out what happened yet, and you came here to give me an ultimatum. How did you find out?"

With a smile, Hua Yue answered as a matter of course.

"Nonsense, this is inside my body, of course I know what is hidden inside you, anyway, I will accept this Book of Vermilion Moon for now, and I will return it to you when I figure out its purpose."

The moment her fingers touched the Book of Vermilion Moon, the delicate and complex kaleidoscope moved slightly, as if it was implicated, so Huayue did not want to return it to Black Nine-Tailed for the time being.

"Tsk, it's up to you. If you find a way to use the Book of Vermillion Moon, remember to tell me. I always feel that you, little brat, have something to do with this bamboo scroll."

The figure gradually disappeared, and the light blue heart lake returned to silence again. The Black Nine-Tails sighed faintly and fell asleep in the nest again.

In reality, the ancient bamboo scroll fell into his hands. Huayue was thoughtful, and his figure disappeared at the border of the Land of Earth.

Two flowers bloom, each with its own beauty.

In the Land of Grass, the Iwagakure army led by the front-line commander Dong Siren was fighting a desperate battle with the resistance force of Meicun Yejuan.

The enemy was numerous and we were few, and the Konoha ninja could not compete, so they had to send a signal for help to the Konoha village.

In the Hokage's office, Konoha's top executives gathered together. On the map around the Land of Fire, the battlefields marked everywhere made the Konoha F4, who used to be calm and indifferent, frown.

"After fighting Sand Village, Kumo Village, and Mist Village one after another, has the battle line been stretched too long?"

Mitomon Yan scanned the map and saw the drawbacks at a glance.

"In addition, even if there are geniuses in the village, Orochimaru, Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Kagetsu, and Uchiha Shisui who has just started to show his talent,......"

"But the number of ordinary ninjas is still too high. Even if the young ninjas who have not yet completed the academy courses are allowed to enter the battlefield, they still can't hold on any longer?"

The wrinkles on the old face became deeper and deeper, and Utatane Koharu's worry became more and more obvious. After looking around, he continued

"The key to victory now is to gather Konoha's elite ninjas, just like in the battle of Kikyo Mountain, and use sharp knives to pierce the vital points of the Iwagakure ninjas."

"Who should be sent to pierce the enemy's heart with a sharp knife? Uchiha Kagetsu? He is delaying the Third Tsuchikage, is it really Minato?"

Danzo's face was gloomy. Having been immersed in the highest power of Konoha for many years, he knew better than his old friend how difficult the Third Hokage was in front of him.

To be fair, the military exploits won by defeating the enemy head-on on the battlefield are often more than the so-called diversionary tasks. The reason why Sarutobi Hiruzen did this was probably to establish a strong opponent to compete with Orochimaru for the position of Hokage.

Uchiha Kazuki is now Orochimaru's disciple. Not all of his military exploits, at least some of them should be attributed to Orochimaru.

That's why it was deliberately arranged for Uchiha Kazuki to deal with the Third Tsuchikage. Anyway, it was all diversion, and no one saw whether he fought with the Third Tsuchikage on the battlefield.

At that time, as long as Orochimaru did not go to the battlefield in person in the later period, he could use this to hold him back, so as to create the impression that Namikaze Minato, who had made greater achievements and reversed the situation on the battlefield, would go with the flow and officially become the Fourth Hokage.

"No, Minato still has the mission of fighting the enemy on the front battlefield. Speaking of which, today Minato's disciple, Konoha White Fang's son, officially became a jonin......."

The words were not fully expressed, but the meaning revealed between the lines was self-evident, which made Danzo grit his teeth.

What sharp knife? It was clearly taking advantage of Minato Namikaze's personality, predicting that he would cover for his students and add another achievement to Minato Namikaze's record of military exploits.

"So, where should this sharp knife point to?"

Danzo hinted that Sarutobi Hiruzen finally pointed at the Kannabi Bridge in the Land of Grass, and said solemnly.

"The Kannabi Bridge is an important place for ninja supplies. As long as it is destroyed and a chakra mark is left, the transportation and supply capabilities of Iwagakure can be completely cut off."As soon as the words came out, the two Hokage advisors admired Sarutobi Hiruzen's experience. If the bridge is blown up, even if the enemy uses earth escape techniques, the enemy's movements can be detected by setting up barriers and sensing.

After all, there are only a few ninjas who have mastered the talent of space summoning. Moreover, compared with ordinary summoning techniques, the items that can be stored in the scroll are even more limited.

This method can effectively cut off the enemy's supply and accelerate the end of the war.

"No, it would be too much of a stretch to just let Minato's disciples go. It would be safer to let Uchiha Kagetsu follow up. With his ability, he is more than capable of......"

"No! If Ōnoki were to enter the battlefield, this war would never end. The Second Tsuchikage's Dust Release would be unstoppable without a teleportation technique similar to the Flying Thunder God Technique."

An impeccable reason, a long-term political vision, Sarutobi Hiruzen's vision was as ruthless as when he discovered Orochimaru.

"That's it. The next thing will be handed over to the former Minato class, the soon-to-be reorganized Kakashi class. White Fang's son will not let us down."

Danzo left first, but memories flashed in his eyes. Hatake Kakashi, who was completely different from White Fang, was a young genius who could be regarded as a model of ninja.

However, his talent was lower than that of the emerging geniuses. Why did the geniuses of the Uchiha clan emerge one after another during the war?

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep look at Danzo's back and waved his hand.

"It is said that the original Mizumon class."

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