Huayue's expression was surprised, and her casual question immediately froze the atmosphere.

After a moment, Orochimaru's voice was slightly hoarse, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Do you think Minato will be the next Hokage?"

Hongdou was sweating profusely, and kept signaling Huayue with his eyes not to continue. Although he was very strong, he would definitely not benefit from facing the furious teacher Orochimaru.

"Isn't this something that everyone knows? Orochimaru-sensei."

He closed his book, his hand resting on his face, his eyes deep, as if he could see through everything.

"Since the beginning of the Third Ninja World War, he has turned the tide and saved Konoha several times, achieving feats that the three ninjas combined have never achieved. Isn't he a powerful candidate to become Hokage?"

"Or does Orochimaru also want to become Hokage?"

At this moment, Orochimaru, who never stopped working, put down his research and turned around, his eyes deep.

"My most lovely and proud disciple, don't forget that the achievements you made on the battlefield can also be counted as mine."

"That's why you can't become Hokage, Orochimaru-sensei."

Red Bean, who was already sweating profusely, tried to persuade him, and even her cheerful and passionate tone became urgent.

"Shut up, Huayue, how did you become like Lin! Teacher, please don't......"

The cool autumn wind blew into the room through the cracks, diluting the smell of disinfectant slightly, but it could not calm Hongdou's mind.

"When the birds of the sky disappear, no matter how good the hunting bow is, it will be hidden by the hunter. When the cunning rabbit dies, the lackey at the center will be cooked by the master."

"The end of an accessory that has lost its value is either to be treasured or to be killed. Try to make the most of the last bit of value."

"A loyal lackey and weapon is like this, let alone a poisonous snake that is hard for the master to figure out and has the potential to backfire?"

At this point, Huayue paused for a moment, and Hongdou was confused by these words with deep meanings. She has never been good at guessing riddles.

Orochimaru's eyes flickered, but the smile at the corner of his mouth rose more and more, and he was dismissive of these words.

"Wait, what are you talking about? Can't you use more concise words? Riddlers are so annoying!

Seeing Hongdou's confused face, Huayue continued with a smile.

"In this case, let me put it another way. What do you think is the significance of Konoha's training of geniuses?"

Without waiting for Orochimaru to answer, Huayue asked herself

"To reduce the losses of the war, to protect the village and other ninjas, and to end the war as quickly as possible, this is the definition of genius for the village."

"For you who were born in the war, ending the war in time is the most important task. Even if your thoughts are a little dangerous, they will be ignored by your teacher, the Third Hokage."

"However, after the war is over and a new war begins, when a genius who is better than you and more in line with the Third Hokage's wishes appears, your role becomes dispensable."

"Once the war is over, your existence will become a destabilizing factor in Konoha for the village. In other words, you are a threat to the village."

"Whether it's your thoughts or actions, it's the same, isn't it?"

With a smile, Orochimaru looked at the experiment in front of him, the obvious, the hidden, the forbidden techniques that ordinary people cannot touch.......

"For a ninja, skills are everything. When you have mastered all the skills in the world, that is when the truth is about to be realized."

"If you want to become a Hokage, skills and strength are secondary. What you really need is the trust of many jonin in Konoha and the famous families, right?"

The atmosphere was solemn, Orochimaru's eyes flickered, and his inner thoughts kept emerging like bubbles, and then kept bursting.

"Can your eyes see far into the future? Can you see through my thoughts?"

"Your purpose is clear at a glance! Then, if you want to continue your research in this village, you have to bow your head, lower your snake head, and retract your fangs......."

"Let this war never end, right?......"

Orochimaru's cold smile made Hongdou shudder. The teacher who was usually kind but sometimes had a strange smile was the friend who was most familiar with him and skipped classes to go shopping every now and then.......

At this moment, the distance between the two people and me seemed to be very close, but also out of reach, just like the flowers blooming beside the cliff. I wanted to touch them, but I could never take a step forward.

"That is your problem, it has nothing to do with us, but I don't want to go to the border to eat Bingliang pills and face those troublesome old men. Let's go, Hongdou, and the target is the dumpling shop. Let's go!"

Without waiting for Hongdou to object, Huayue and her figure disappeared in an instant. Orochimaru looked calm, and the smile on his mouth gradually disappeared.

"Can't power solve everything? After all, I am still a child, and I have a certain degree of fantasy about the world, hehe"

"The symbol of snakes is rebirth and immortality. As long as this forbidden technique is completed, what is Konoha? What is Hokage? What is ninja?"

Immersed in the forbidden technique, Orochimaru, who can analyze the truth, lowered his eyes, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

"Before that, do you want this war to continue endlessly? Is this what you want?"

"Those eyes, what are you hiding? Unfathomable disciple, does Sarutobi teacher see me in the same way?"

Rarely understanding Sarutobi Hiruzen's feelings, Orochimaru stopped his actions, and the expected reactions continued to appear, everything went as expected. In the bustling streets of Konoha Village, in the unusually popular three-color dumpling shop

"Sure enough, dumplings should be served with red bean soup, don't you want to eat it?"

Red Bean, who was immersed in the dumplings, slowly raised her head, her face blushing inexplicably, as if she noticed her eating habits, but then she forgot about it.

Anyway, this guy has seen it so many times, even if he wants to change, he can't change it, the main point is a broken jar

"If you eat too much, you have to exercise properly later. By the way, I have a ninjutsu that I am thinking of recently. Do you want to help me?"

Facing the long-lost bright smile in front of her, Hongdou hesitated for a while and whispered

"Actually, Orochimaru gave me a snake that can do backflips. Do you want to come to my house to see it?"

The dark eyes quietly rippled. The girl in front of her was uneasy and anxious. She pretended to hold up the teacup and waited for an answer.

"Forget it, how about coming to my house?"

"Eh? Wait, are you in such a hurry?......"

"What's wrong? It's just a test of a new ninjutsu. There's no need to go to your house."

Behind that half-smile, Hongdou was completely defeated and said angrily

"Damn it, I know, I know!"

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