"Ninjas are meant to risk their lives to complete their missions. Since you are afraid of death, then give up your identity and live in humiliation."

His tone was cold and merciless. The current Hatake Kakashi gave people a certain cold and gloomy feeling, as if he was eager to prove something.

"How strange! Kakashi's father, Konoha White Fang, chose to give up the mission to protect his companions. This is not something you can say to a fellow villager."

With a smile on his face, Kakashi's pupils trembled and his expression became inexplicably cold.

"Kakashi, shut up, don't say such things before you step onto the battlefield, and you too, Uchiha Kagetsu."

Minato glanced around and stopped his gaze on the brown-haired girl behind Kakashi, his expression changing into the same smile as before.

"Lin, I'll leave Kakashi and Obito in your care. Keep it safe. If there's any danger, I'll come as soon as possible."

"Minato-sensei, yeah! Just leave them to me without worries."

Nohara Rin, with short hair and a smiling face, nodded repeatedly, took the hands of Uchiha Obito and Kakashi, who looked worried, and ran out of the village.


"No need, this idiot and the weak girl over there haven't fallen to the point where they need to be rescued by others. I am the same, I am leaving." He rejected Minato's kindness. If he rushed to the battlefield and discovered the existence of the Black Nine-Tails and the Mangekyō Sharingan, the information would most likely be leaked to Danzo.

"Really? Be careful. If you are careless in the battlefield, the result will be tragic. You are just a Genin who is participating in the battlefield for the first time. If you encounter danger, just run away."

"Ah, this may sound true, but it still makes me angry. You really don't know how to comfort people."

Their eyes met, and in Minato's surprised eyes, everyone disappeared at the gate of Konoha Village.

"Alas, I am despised. Kids nowadays are really........."

"Don't worry about this little thing anymore. The battlefield in the Wind Country is the real tough battlefield. The opponent is Chiyo who is good at using poison. Without Tsunade's help, it will be quite difficult to deal with."

"After all, the Third Ninja World War broke out because of the disappearance of the Third Kazekage."

Nara Shikaku analyzed in a low voice that now, apart from Orochimaru, who was still in the village, the only one who was qualified to deal with Chiyo, the puppeteer, was the disciple of Jiraiya, who was also one of the Three Ninjas, Namikaze Minato, known as the 'Yellow Flash'.

"There is no other way. Facing the other party's suspicion, Konoha can't let the ninjas of the Sand Ninja Village continue to move at the border. We are also leaving. Don't worry anymore. Your students are already excellent ninjas."

Akimichi Choza, who is also a teammate, comforted him. Aburame Shiwei, who was silent on the side, nodded slightly. His black sunglasses made it impossible to see his inner thoughts.

"I hope so, right? I always have some ominous premonition in my heart. After the last battle, will the Cloud Ninja Village really give up?"

I can't help but worry, but I can't waste a second on the battlefield. Several Konoha jonin also rushed to the border of the Wind Country.

Two flowers bloom, each with its own beauty.

In the border of the Fire Country and the Lightning Country, in the border of the Moon Country, in the forest surrounded by mountains and dense forests

"Listen carefully, this mission is just reconnaissance. The Cloud Village and Konoha fought many times at the beginning of the war. Now both sides choose to restrain tacitly, but there will still be friction."

"Most of you are just Genin who have just graduated from the Ninja School, and there are also a few Chunin who have mission experience. Remember to follow orders on the battlefield."

The main person in charge of the safety of a group of ninjas, Sarutobi Hina, warned sternly, and his eyes stayed on Uchiha Kagetsu for quite a long time.

"Now, disperse to your respective positions. Once you find any traces of enemy ninjas, you must not fight to the death. Disperse!"

Each team dispersed in a circular pattern. The three-person team that Huayue was in was completely different from the ordinary freshmen. They were rarely assigned to a reconnaissance area close to the battlefield.

‘Tsk, revenge? Or intentional? It's really troublesome. Just check it out. The current Raikage of Kumogakure should be the Fourth Raikage Ai and his partner, the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki Killer Bee. They are two troublesome guys. '

Inside the spacious tree trunk, Huayue, Hongdou, and Xiyan quietly hid in it. Although the three of them are now the size of children, it is still very difficult to leave space for free movement.

"Hey, Huayue, is it really okay for us to hide here and not do the mission?"

"You're being long-winded, stupid Red Bean. This is a battlefield. No matter how careful you are, it's not too much. If it's just a reconnaissance mission, you only need to use them."

"Hai, Xu, You, Shen, Wei, the art of spiritual communication, Nine-faced Subaha."

In the shock of Hongdou and Xiyan, the light of the spiritual communication art flashed and disappeared, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Spiritual communication, are you going to use the spirit beast to do the task for us? When did you sign the contract with the spirit beast, stingy guy?"

""Hush, idiot, if you speak too loudly, others will find you. This is a battlefield, and there is no guarantee that there will be any scout ninjas on the other side."

Huayue warned in a low voice, which caused Uzuki Yugao to smile silently, and the uneasiness in her heart gradually faded.

She is a melee ninja, and Hongdou only knows fire escape ninjutsu and is not good at scouting. I didn't expect that this guy who looks unreliable at all is good at this unexpected psychic technique. I really didn't see it.

Hongdou and Yugao stared at each other in the tree stump, Huayue closed her eyes and rested, and nodded softly after a long silence.

"Luckily, there are no Cloud Ninjas in this area."

"Great! I can finally speak loudly. Hey, what is your spiritual beast? Let me see it quickly......."

Before Hongdou could finish cheering, a white and strong little hand directly blocked her mouth.

"Stupid, it's hard to guarantee what method the enemy uses to conduct reconnaissance. If the enemy catches your voice, it will be a big trouble."

Time passed by, and when it was almost time to gather, the three of them quietly left the tree hole.���As soon as I arrived at the meeting place

, I heard Kakashi's cold voice:

"Team 7's subordinates Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Obito, and Nohara Lin have completed their investigation, but have not yet discovered any movement of the Kumogakure Ninja."

"Team 10's subordinates Uchiha Kazuki, Mitarashi Anko, and Uzuki Yugao have not yet discovered the enemy's movements."

Seeing Kazuki return second only to Team 7, Kakashi frowned slightly, but still chose to remain silent. As the teams returned one by one, Sarutobi Hina nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, today's mission is complete. Rest in batches and continue night reconnaissance."

"Whoever is there, come out!"

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