The mist gradually thickened, obscuring the few rays of sunlight.

On the border of the Land of Water, near a deserted island, a boy in Konoha ninja clothing led the way and finally stopped where he was.

"Senior Kazuki, I can only send you here. I can only leave the rest to you. Please."

Bowing slightly, Uchiha Shisui looked at the seniors in front of him who were also members of the Uchiha clan. They were all Uchiha, but they were not famous for their Sharingan. It was strange no matter how he thought about it.

"Shisui, you were able to escape from the hands of the Fourth Mizukage, did you really use that? The eye technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan."

With pupils trembling, Shisui looked at Kagetsu in disbelief, with a heavy heart.

How did he find out? Why did he find out that he had opened the Mangekyō Sharingan and gained the twisted power due to the sacrifice of his best friend? Could it be that......

"It seems to be true, it is an ability that is biased towards illusion. Apart from the eye technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan, I really can't think of anything that can quietly change the other party's mind. What is the name of the eye technique?"

Realizing that he was being tricked, Shisui smiled helplessly and chose to confess and be lenient.

"Kotoamatsukami, this is the eye technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan that resides in my eyes. It can make the opponent think that it is my own instinctive choice and change the opponent's will."

"I wanted to ask the Fourth Mizukage to release us all, but this decision would be recognized by Kirigakure at a glance. The leader of our village was under an illusion, so we could only take advantage of the topic they were concerned about."

"The ninja swords of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen......"Instantly transformed into Huanyue."

Seeing the apology in Shisui's eyes, Huayue pulled the corner of her mouth and laughed heartily.

"You are such a troublesome junior. That's all. When I need your help, don't refuse. Goodbye." He disappeared instantly. Shisui subconsciously opened his Sharingan and looked around. Seeing that there was no trace of chakra around, he was even more surprised.

"Disappeared in an instant? This is the Flying Thunder God Technique, the instant body technique of the Instant Body Phantom Moon, which is not similar to mine, using the Sharingan to create an instant body illusion, a real space-time ninjutsu!"Shisui turned his sight and saw the mist in the distance, with no end in sight. I don't know how many ninjas from the Hidden Mist Village are lying in ambush in it.

"Is the illusion of the moon of the instant body illusion also the eye technique of the kaleidoscope? What kind of eye technique is it?"

Although he was full of curiosity, Shisui still stayed where he was, waiting for Huayue to rescue all the hostages.

At the same time, in the thick fog where one could not see one's hand in front of one's face, a deep purple fairy mask quietly emerged, and a strange white mist scattered, mixing with the water mist.

In the center of the isolated island, many Konoha ninjas who were knocked unconscious were tied together in twos and threes, and each of them had at least a few detonating tags on their bodies.

The Kirigakure ninjas were fully armed, surrounded the hostages, and waited for the arrival of the enemy.

"I say, will that guy, Shun Shen Huan Yue, really come? How could someone be so stupid as to come here when he knows it's a trap?"

"Who knows? The other party is capable of defeating the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. Maybe he will come here to die because of his superior ninjutsu skills."

"Hahaha, if that guy dares to come, let him see the Mist Hidden Mist Formation of Kirigakure. But no idiot would come here to seek death......."

Before he finished speaking, a figure walked out from the thick fog. He was dressed in black and had a three-eyed fox mask on his head. His cloak fluttered in the wind.

"That mask, that symbol, it's him! Shunshin Huanyue, I didn't expect the rumors to be true, Shunshin Huanyue, the guy who killed countless ninjas in Kirigakure, is actually a teenager?"

"Idiot, no matter how talented the young ninja is, he will become history after today. It is our duty to let him sleep in the water and feed the sharks."

A pair of malicious eyes swept over the gradually approaching figure, and Huayue strolled leisurely in the garden, as if entering an empty space.

"Where are the hostages? Where are the Fourth Mizukage and the two Seven Ninja Swordsmen who managed to escape from my hands?

Looking around, as if everything was so natural, Huayue said calmly, waiting for the other party's answer.

"Damn, arrogant little brat, who do you think you are? How dare you use such a tone......"

Many ninjas rushed forward and surrounded Huayue. Each of them looked cruel, as if they wanted to tear Huayue into pieces.

"kill him!"

"No, it's too easy for him. We can torture him to get the Flying Thunder God Technique. This guy is from the Uchiha clan, so he should have opened the Sharingan. Just dig out his eyes and eye shafts."

Everyone regarded him as a mortal enemy. Even before Huayue died, they were planning to get the spoils from him, as if they were determined to win.

However, Huayue didn't even look at him. She turned her head and looked at the camp where many hostages gathered, and said indifferently

"Come out, Biwa Juzo, Xiguashan Pufferfish, and the Fourth Mizukage. I never thought that the two of you would escape from my hands."

That day, Kagetsu was in a hurry to treat Might Dai and had no time to check the body's life or death. She just hurriedly took the seven ninja swords away, but she didn't expect that there would be a fish that slipped through the net.

"Uchiha brat, I'm really grateful for your care that day. My wound is still aching until now, and it's all thanks to you!" The

Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost appeared in the thick fog, its ferocious shark teeth flashing coldly, staring at Hua Yue's every move, not daring to be careless at all.

"Be careful, this guy's instant body technique is really tricky, I don't want to lose a few more teeth."

During the conversation, Biwa Juzang followed closely behind, constantly waving the ordinary ninja sword in his hand, and seemed very dissatisfied with the weight of the weapon in his hand.

"Who would have thought that the Shunshin Huanyue, who had recently become famous in the war, was actually a little kid."

The Fourth Mizukage Karujutsu Yagura slowly appeared, surprising Huayue for a moment, and then laughed and joked

"What! You have a face like a little devil, and you still have the right to criticize others? Don't be ridiculous, I will kill you and the hostages together, or agree to negotiate, it's up to you."

Hua Yue's words seemed to suggest���The taboo that cannot be mentioned, the originally calm Fourth Mizukage gnashed his teeth

"What nonsense are you talking about! I have a wife and a son, not some little devil. You little Uchiha devil, if you want us to release them, you can kill yourself in front of us......."

Huayue shook her head helplessly and said to herself

"If the negotiations break down, then you should accompany them and dance together on the Naihe Bridge, Immortal Technique: Big Spiral Wheel!"

"This technique, be careful! Water escape·Water mirror technique!"

Pure white and pure white flashed, swallowing up the thick fog and the isolated island. In a trance, Kujiya felt that he was lingering with an inexplicable sense of disobedience, but then he was shocked by the figure that reached the sky and the earth.

"What is going on?"

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