"Orochimaru is destined to not become the Fourth Hokage. He does not have the most important condition to become the new generation of Hokage......."

This kind of words, this kind of mild and decadent argument, Danzo snorted coldly, even if he is the dark of Konoha, he also has the vision of swearing his existence in the sun

"What conditions? Those mild, old-fashioned tones? Sarutobi Hiruzen, it was this old-fashioned thinking that caused us to suffer such huge losses in this Ninja World War!"

"No! What Orochimaru lacks is the trust of many jonin in the village, and most importantly, the support of the jinchūriki."Sarutobi

Hiruzen sighed deeply, and many members of the Fire Country talked about it, and they looked wary of each other, as if they were unwilling to mention that old matter.

During the Second Shinobi World War, the Fire Country was unable to take care of itself and was unable to support the Uzushio Clan, who was a distant relative of the Senju Clan, which indirectly led to the destruction of the Whirlpool Country.

Uzumaki Kushina, who succeeded the wife of the first Hokage and became this Jinchūriki, was none other than Namikaze Minato's wife.

When Danzo heard Sarutobi Hiruzen mention the vote of confidence between the jinchūriki and the jonin of Konoha, he was even more furious. If Orochimaru had any popularity in the village, the matter of the Fourth Hokage would have been almost certain.

"How can a Hokage who is not trusted by the ninjas in the village be considered a qualified Fourth Hokage? Orochimaru is indeed a genius, but he is a genius during the war."

"Now, Sand, Mist, and Soil have signed armistice treaties with Konoha one after another, and Konoha will usher in unprecedented peace in the future."

"Therefore, the ninja who can become the Fourth Hokage needs to be someone who can completely gather people's hearts and unite everything!"

The Fire Country Daimyo gently shook his folding fan and nodded slightly.

"So, who does the Third Hokage plan to nominate?"

"Namikaze Minato, who had made countless achievements on the battlefield, was trusted by most of the Konoha ninjas. Most importantly, the current Jinchūriki Uzumaki Kushina was his wife, and Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, was also his teacher."

The daimyo tapped his folding fan and suddenly realized something.

"Jiraiya? Actually, I'm also optimistic about him, but unfortunately I heard that he left the village to travel. In that case, the Fourth Hokage will be succeeded by Minato Namikaze."

The folding fan swayed gently, and the breeze made the irritable Fire Country Daimyo feel a little cool. The wealth given to him by Orochimaru was only enough for him to give a suggestion once.

The relationship between the Fire Country and Konoha is nominally subordinate, but in fact, the Fire Country only controls and provides resources to Konoha.

The former Hokage, against all odds, was determined to support a successor who he thought was suitable to the position of Hokage, and he had no suitable reason to stop him.

After getting a definite answer, Sarutobi Hiruzen's tense heartstrings also relaxed. What if the Daimyo disagreed and the resources were cut off? Konoha might go through a difficult time.

But even so, he would risk his life to push Minato Namikaze to the position of Hokage. If he falls into the hands of Orochimaru, who knows what he will do with his ambition hidden in his heart.

The important decision was made, and the council members were relieved. They all contributed. Even if Orochimaru had some ideas in secret, what could he do? No one could blame them.

Danzo suddenly stood up, turned around and walked to the outside, his back disappeared into the darkness, without saying a word.

Looking at Danzo's back, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed softly.

‘I am the trunk of the tree, and the branches and leaves are the buds and pillars of the tree. You are the root hidden under the trunk, invisible to the sun.’

‘However, if you indulge in darkness too much, one day you will be swallowed by it yourself.......’

At the same time, in Konoha Village, in Orochimaru's laboratory.

It was almost dawn, but still dark. Huayue looked at Orochimaru, who was smiling but still disgusting, for a long time without saying a word.

After a moment, the snake slowly opened its mouth, and a secret scroll came out of its mouth.

"How about it?"

"Haha, I failed. The Third Hokage would rather fight the Daimyo than let me, his disciple, become the Fourth Hokage.

Without any hesitation, the secret scroll in his hand burned to ashes. Orochimaru seemed to have expected this, and there was no discouragement or loss in his eyes.

"What are you going to do?"

"Snakes that temporarily leave the village for a while and wait for prey often have unimaginable patience. The specimens you provided are very valuable and worth my quiet time until I can figure out a suitable way to use them."

Hearing this, Huayue immediately understood that Orochimaru had no intention of submitting to the new generation of Hokage, and he was even more unwilling to be interfered with by others in his experimental field for exploring the truth of the world.

"Really? Then I wish you a safe journey."

Seeing that Huayue rejected his invitation without any hesitation, Orochimaru looked surprised.

"If you want to achieve your ideal, you can't stay in this rotten Konoha, unless you dare to conduct experiments under the nose of the new generation of Hokage, or......Have you found a feasible path?"

Orochimaru was not completely unaware of Kagetsu's research and actions in secret, and even supported it. There are thousands of paths leading to eternal life, and no one can say which path is smoother. Learning from others' ideas can also bring inspiration to yourself.

"The same is true. Besides physical energy, isn't there only spiritual energy left in chakra? Purely relying on natural energy to sustain life, the human body's ability to endure is far inferior to that of the summoned beast......."

"If the immortal who has lived for thousands of years could......"

Before he finished speaking, Orochimaru was afraid and immediately shut his mouth. The old white snake in the Ryuchi Cave that had existed for more than a thousand years was not something that could be easily provoked.


Then I'll leave first. I 'll take over the lab you left in Konoha Village.���Seeing his years of hard work, Orochimaru was about to sneer, but suddenly he thought of something and revealed a strange smile.

"What do you think Hongdou will choose?"

Hua Yue paused, without looking back, but laughed softly.

"What do you think?"

When the figure disappeared, Orochimaru's eyes flickered, and he immediately looked at the experimental sample in his hand that was not yet in a stable state and was the key to the Sage Mode.

"Hehehe, the white snake is a symbol of rebirth. Even if the experiment has not been completed, it is enough to plant the seeds of revival. Third Hokage, you will regret your choice today."

A few days later, the news that Sarutobi Hiruzen resigned and Namikaze Minato was about to succeed the Fourth Hokage spread throughout Konoha Village.

As soon as the news came out, those who were secretly stirring and raising their thoughts disappeared. Namikaze Minato was in a good time. Whether it was strength or fame, he could make the restlessness in the dark cease.

The next day, in Orochimaru's laboratory, Hongdou was stunned, looking at the teacher who made her feel unfamiliar, and shook her head repeatedly.

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