In a moment, several Anbu surrounded the shadow clone. The pair of eyes made of blood and black showed no fear. After scanning the surroundings, he answered loudly:

"Isn't this the truth? The village strictly forbids me to participate in the battle, and forbids Uchiha to approach the Nine-Tails. Isn't this the order of the Konoha high-level?"

"Forget it, the treatment is over, and I don't want to waste any more words with you, let's go."


The white mist dissipated, and the shadow clones disappeared. Many medical ninjas were also directing the other ninjas to send the injured to the hospital.

In the eyes of the villagers, behind Uchiha Kagetsu, on the black cloak fluttering in the wind, the bright flame fan was clearly visible.

"The Konoha high-level officials banned that person from participating in the battle. How could they make such a decision? What were the Third Hokage and the Hokage advisor thinking?"

"Who knows what the above person is thinking? He is probably afraid of something."

"Damn it, if Shunshin Gengetsu had taken action earlier, she wouldn't have to die. Those guys are only concerned with factional fighting!"

Feeling that the expressions of the villagers around them were getting more and more unfriendly, the Anbu ninjas had to quickly catch up, avoiding the gazes of many villagers, and temporarily escorted Huayue to the interior of the Hokage office building.

On the other hand, in the meeting room of the Hokage office building.

Konoha F4 gathered together, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the three Hokage advisors were silent, and they all saw the fear and worry in their eyes.

"I never thought that after the death of the first Hokage for many years, he could still witness the moment of Susanoo with his old body, which is comparable to Uchiha Madara's talent?"

After a moment of silence, Danzo spoke first, which made Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En tremble with fear. How could they not be afraid after seeing the mythical scene with their own eyes?

"This time the Nine-Tails suddenly rioted, the situation was very strange, the Nine-Tails appeared not in the secret base where the Jinchūriki gave birth, but directly in the Konoha Village"

"In other words, it is very likely that a traitor within Konoha Village has taken action......."

After a lot of talking, every sentence did not mention any names, but pointed to the only clan in the village that could control the Nine-Tails with their pupil power, the Uchiha

"We can't jump to conclusions yet. If we want to find out the truth and give the Uchiha clan a clean name, we just need to ask Uchiha Kagetsu."


Danzo slammed the table and shouted, fear and gloom flashing in his eyes.

"Do you know what you are doing? There is no better opportunity than now. While Uchiha Huayue is locked up, it is the right thing to do to kill him directly."

"Are you going to ignore Uchiha Madara's power and his dangerous thoughts? Hiruzen!"At this moment, even the two Hokage advisors agreed that it was their duty as Hokage advisors to eliminate the harmful factors that could threaten the village.

"Things are not that simple. Uchiha Kagetsu's actions can still prove his recognition of Konoha and the Will of Fire. In comparison, where were you at that time, Danzo!"

As if to vent his anger at the loss of his beloved wife and the successor of his will, the usually mild-tempered Third Hokage flew into a rage.

Knowing that he was in the wrong, Danzo kept silent, and the two advisors beside him also persuaded him.

"Calm down, this is not your character, Monkey, what Danzo said makes sense."

"Many ancestors have passed down the village to our generation, and we cannot let Konoha be destroyed in our hands, but Uchiha Kagetsu is not a ninja who can be killed just by killing each other."

Mitomon Yan nodded slightly.

"The Flying Thunder God Technique, which is as famous as the Yellow Flash, cannot guarantee that we can kill instantly. If we fail, Konoha will face unprecedented revenge."

"I don't agree. How can we treat him as the culprit of this incident when the matter has not been investigated clearly?......"

After several arguments, Konoha F4 reached a temporary agreement and moved to the temporary prison, hoping to get clues from Huayue.

At the bottom of the Hokage's office building, Huayue's eyes were blinded by the sealing bandage. She smiled and heard the footsteps approaching.

"Have you discussed everything?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat down at the main seat with a solemn expression and nodded slightly.

"We want to know whether your pupil power can control the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, and whether it was the Uchiha clan who brought the Nine-Tailed Fox into the village and started this turmoil."

Tilting her head to one side, feeling the solemn gazes of many people, Hua Yue chuckled twice.

"Yes and no. I did feel the Uchiha's eye power and the Mangekyō Sharingan on the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, but among the current Uchiha clan, there is no one who is capable of hiding the existence of the perception barrier......."

Before he finished speaking, Huayue paused, and Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent for a while, and involuntarily raised his voice a little.

"It doesn't matter even if it's a guess. Who is he? Is he a former defector ninja?"

Under the inquiring eyes of Konoha F4, Huayue continued

"Who else in the Uchiha clan has the ability to hide from the perception barrier and summon the Nine-Tails with space-time ninjutsu? Of course, it is Uchiha Madara."

"But, is he really Uchiha Madara? It has been more than a hundred years since the first Hokage. He is really a terrifying guy."

The fog was thick and thick, and it was hard to tell the truth from the lies. Even Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had experienced a lot, was stunned.

"In other words, it is very likely that he is the successor of Uchiha Madara, his child or the Uchiha bloodline left behind. He wants to avenge his ancestor or father, so this possibility cannot be ruled out."

Mitomon En gave his own opinion, and Utatane Koharu frowned without leaving a trace, and refuted

"Impossible, Uchiha Madara was killed by the First Hokage in the battle at the Valley of the End, and his body was hidden in a corner unknown to anyone by the Second Hokage, how could it be possible?"

A burst of laughter���After hearing what Koharu Utatane said, Kagetsu straightened her back and spoke with a startling statement.

"Have you heard of the forbidden technique of using pupils without looking, which can rewrite reality and lean towards one's own advantage, Izanagi?"

After a night, the expressions of the F4 members of Konoha were solemn, as if they were facing a great enemy. Sarutobi Hiruzen hesitated for a moment, and then made a judgment on Kagetsu before leaving.

"From today on, Konoha Anbu specialists will monitor your actions. This is necessary to avoid the situation where the thief cries"Stop thief".

"Come in. From today on, the task of monitoring Uchiha Huayue will be handed over to you. Leave here."

The sealing ritual was released, and a slender figure walked out of the darkness. She had purple hair down to her waist, a long sword on her back, and a hint of deep worry flashed under her animal mask.

"It's you, you joined the Anbu, Xi Yan"

"Sorry, please don't call me by my name in front of the Anbu members. From today on, I will monitor you 24 hours a day without any personal feelings involved."

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