At this point, even if Sarutobi Hiruzen is reluctant, it is difficult to find someone in Konoha Village who can represent Konoha's attitude and is worthy of the attention of the Fourth Raikage and Kumogakure.

"However, someone must accompany you, and you are not allowed to take the initiative to declare war. The choice of person is up to you......."

"Third Hokage, I will go with you. This matter concerns the attitude of the Hyuga clan, and the Hyuga clan must also send people to follow. What do you think?"

On the side, Hyuga Hiashi took the initiative to volunteer, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Seeing this, Hyuga Hiashi also hurriedly expressed his attitude.

"In this case, as the head of the Hyuga clan, I should......"

"Shut up, Hiashi, you are the patriarch of the main family, and you have the responsibility to protect the Hyuga Byakugan. How can you personally put yourself in danger?"

The Hyuga elder took two steps forward and nodded slightly to Hiashi.

"The dignity of the Hyuga clan is in your hands, Hizashi"

"I know." After saying that

, Hyuga Hizashi turned his head away, and a flash of long-lost memories flashed in his eyes.

���Looking back, the three-eyed demon fox, a combination of red and white, seemed to be wandering in Konoha with no purpose.

"What do you want to be? A lonely bird with broken wings, imprisoned in a cage, or a star that tears open the night with fangs and blood, burning with blood and fire?"

Now, the two strange figures gradually overlapped, and under the mask, there seemed to be the temptation of the devil, quietly waiting for the fish to take the bait. Beside

Hinata Hizashi, little Ningji looked at Huayue's figure, his eyes full of gratitude.

If it weren't for this weirdo in front of him, he probably wouldn't even know when his father died, let alone there would be no room for redemption.

Taking in everyone's expressions and moods, the corners of his mouth under the mask slightly outlined an inexplicable arc.

The next day, there was a hint of fish belly white in the east, and Hinata Hizashi, who was full of thoughts, saw the figure who had been waiting for a long time at the entrance of the village.


"If you have anything to ask, I'll ask you after we get out. I'm leaving."

The scene changed, and in the blink of an eye, they appeared in the territory of the Land of Lightning.

The mountains were towering into the clouds, and the peaks were steep and precipitous, like swords piercing the sky. Lightning and thunder could be heard from time to time.

Hinata Hizashi was stunned in place. In an instant, he arrived at the Land of Lightning from Konoha Village. This was the Flicker of Flicker of Gengetsu. He was worthy of being a genius Uchiha who could be as famous as the Yellow Flash.

"Ask now."

For a moment, Hyuga Hizashi was speechless, not knowing how to start. The two were silent for a long time, and Hizashi finally woke up from his thousands of thoughts.

"A lonely bird with broken wings, imprisoned in a cage, or a star that tears the night open with fangs and blood, burning with blood and fire? What does this mean?"

"Haha, it’s freedom, do you want freedom?"

He was startled at first, then Hyuga Hiashi could not believe it, and slowly took off the forehead protector. The green bird in the cage curse seal, the shame of the Hyuga branch family, appeared in front of outsiders.

"The bird in a cage is a curse that binds the brain nerves. If it fails, the recipient will die. At the same time, it destroys the structure of the white eyes. Even you......"

"Success or failure depends on whether you are willing to believe it, or whether you want your son to follow in your footsteps and become a scapegoat for the family in the future."

Hiashi's face turned pale when someone hit him in the heart, and he only heard a crisp and pleasant sneer from behind the demon fox mask.

"The children of the main family will always be the main family, and the son of a scapegoat can only be a scapegoat. Even if I save your life now, what about the future?"

"The future of ninjas is uncertain. One day, a scene like this will happen again. Do you want your children to be like you or take the path to freedom? Wait until the matter of Kumogakure and then tell me your decision."At the same time, in Konoha Village, the former Anbu training class, and the Root headquarters

"What was that old fool Sarutobi Hiruzen thinking? He actually let Uchiha Kagetsu leave Konoha. Did he have Alzheimer's disease? Bastard!"


The cane in his hand fell heavily, and even the stone floor was knocked out with some spider webs. The eyes covered by the bandages flickered with murderous intent.

Uchiha Madara's life and death were unknown. The second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama hid the body of his teacher and boss. Danzo also dug up the place where his body was hidden, but it turned out to be empty.

At this critical moment, although Danzo did not like the existence of the Uchiha, he still wanted to use the power of the Uchiha clan, or more precisely, the power of Uchiha Kagetsu, to stop Uchiha Madara and seize the throne of Hokage. It was not until a long time later that it was confirmed that Uchiha Kagetsu was responsible for resolving the recent conflict with the Hidden Cloud Village. Danzo curled the corners of his mouth and laughed up to the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha......"

The Root Ninjas were puzzled when they saw Danzo's unusual behavior, but they did not ask him because of the Root's order.

"You want Uchiha Kagetsu to solve it for you. You are really cunning. But it is true. The whole ninja world has forgotten those two people for too long. Let them see the power of the ninja god."

Sneered again and again. Even if a ninja is destined to sever his emotions, he will inevitably leave a bond. This bond is the invisible chain that binds his actions.

Danzo turned and left, walked to the desk, and three documents appeared in the dark. The figures on them were Hongdou and the other two.

"Don't be impatient, they are all good at it, start with the easiest target and observe secretly......"

The cold kunai was fixed on the photo of Kurenai Yuhi, Danzo's eyes flickered. He did not intend to follow Sarutobi Hiruzen's gentle corruption to make Uchiha trust Konoha and voluntarily serve the village.

In the world of ninja, only power and darkness are the right way.

Kumogakure Village, the office of the Raikage.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the desk shattered. A well-built black secretary in linen sighed.

Since the Fourth Raikage took office, countless wooden desks have been replaced. Now they have to be replaced again, and it is estimated that they will also have to replace glass desks.

"Damn Konoha, you said that Kumogakure was plotting to obtain a bloodline limit, that you didn't sign the agreement in good faith, and that you vowed to fight against the evil forces in the ninja world. Did you kill Danzo?"

"Please calm down, Master Ai.

The Yellow Flash of Konoha died in that accident.

Konoha now absolutely dares not to go to war with Kumogakure.

Please wait patiently.

"The green eyes flickered with complacency.

With Konoha's consistent attitude, and the compensation received from the Third Ninja World War has not yet been transformed into combat power.

Even if a war really breaks out, the balance of victory will definitely tilt towards Kumogakure.

The spies lurking in the dark clearly know that Shunshin Huanyue has a trust rift with the top leaders of Konoha, and even if a war breaks out, he may not be sent to the battlefield.

The corners of the sackcloth-clothed man's mouth curled up, with an expression of victory in hand.

Suddenly, the pure white rising from afar constantly stimulated the sense of crisis of everyone present.

The snow-white light illuminated the sky, swallowing up thousands of towering peaks in front of the Kumogakure Village in one fell swoop. The terrifying sky and earth shook, and the unprecedented earthquake made the entire continent shaky, and it was not until a long time later that it recovered as before.

Smoke and dust scattered, and the pure white crow Tengu standing between heaven and earth overlooked the village below with a silent expression.

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