"It appears again, this unlucky thing"

"Oh, even though I have Uchiha blood, I am still a stray dog!"

"Shh, you're risking your life. If they hear you, you might be thrown into jail."

"The descendant of a defected ninja will definitely be a traitor in the future. The Hokage is too kind to take this guy in."...

Chiyu lowered his head slightly and walked on the streets of Konoha with a gloomy look.

Chiyu has been in this world for 9 years and has been in Konoha for 5 years.

In 9 years, Chiyu has gone from excitement at the beginning to resentment now.

Just like what those villagers who sneered at him said, Chiyu has the blood of the Uchiha clan in his body.

But Chiyu is not recognized by the Uchiha clan.

Because in order to protect the integrity of the bloodline, the Uchiha clan all marry within the clan.

But Chiyu's parents are not.

Chiyu's mother is from the Uchiha clan, and his father is from the Senju clan with the blood of the Senju clan.

If Chiyu's father was an ordinary person, maybe Chiyu's life would not be so miserable, and the Uchiha clan might recognize him.

But Chiyu's father is from the Senju clan, the mortal enemy of the Uchiha clan.

When Chiyu's mother was pregnant with Chiyu, the clan leader and elders of the Uchiha clan knew about it, and immediately confined Chiyu's mother to her house, and also wanted Chiyu's mother to abort Chiyu.

After Chiyu's father knew about it, he quietly slipped into the clan land of the Uchiha clan, took Chiyu's mother away, and left Konoha.

Of course, the Uchiha clan could not let the blood of the Uchiha clan flow outside, so they immediately reported it to the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately declared Chiyu's parents as traitors and sent the Anbu to hunt them down.

Chiyu's parents still managed to escape and lived in seclusion in a village without ninjas. After Chiyu was born, they lived happily together for four years.

Those were also the happiest four years for Chiyu.

But an accident came.

A group of powerful beasts broke into the village. In a village without ninjas, no one could resist the beasts.

Chiyu's mother was forced to use the Sharingan and fought off the beasts with Chiyu's father.

However, the disaster was buried.

Those ninjas seemed to be hyenas that smelled their prey, and all found Chiyu's mother, wanting to seize the Sharingan.

In the fierce battle, Chiyu's father sacrificed himself to protect Chiyu and Chiyu's mother.

Chiyu's mother was also seriously injured. She forced herself to send Chiyu to Konoha, begging Konoha to take her in.

Sarutobi Hiruzen agreed to Chiyu's mother's request. Although Chiyu's parents were defected ninjas, they did not do anything harmful to Konoha. At the same time, Chiyu had the blood of the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan in his body. He might awaken his bloodline limit in the future and could not live outside the Konoha village.

In this way, Chiyu stayed in Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sent someone to take Chiyu to the Uchiha clan and asked them if they were willing to take Chiyu in and recognize Chiyu's identity as an Uchiha.

But the Uchiha clan did not recognize Chiyu's identity as an Uchiha.

So after Konoha arranged a shabby house for Chiyu, no one cared about him anymore.

Chiyu didn't really care about this.

He clearly understood the contradiction between the Uchiha and the Senju clan. He had the blood of the Senju clan in his body, so it was normal for the Uchiha clan not to recognize him.

But at that time, Chiyu, who didn't know that his parents were rebel ninjas from Konoha, thought that everything would be fine after coming to Konoha.

Chiyu naively believed that as long as the Jinchūriki was not involved, the villagers of Konoha should still be quite friendly.

Chiyu, who wanted to live a good life again, was completely broken afterwards.

Because almost all the villagers hated him.

Later, Chiyu finally understood why the people of Konoha Village hated him.

The first reason was that Chiyu's parents were rebel ninjas.

The second reason was the Uchiha clan, or more precisely, the Konoha police force controlled by the Uchiha clan.

At this time, the Uchiha clan, because of the Konoha police force, the reputation and power of the Uchiha clan reached its peak in Konoha.

The main task of the Konoha police force is to maintain the security and stability within the Konoha Ninja Village, to formulate regulations in the village, to strengthen and maintain the order and security of the Hidden Konoha Village, and to arrest people and ninjas with criminal tendencies.

The Uchiha clan, who were arrogant, would be arrested directly on the charge of having criminal tendencies as long as someone said something bad about the Uchiha clan.

This made the villagers of Konoha Village extremely hostile to the Uchiha clan.

However, the Uchiha clan was the largest ninja clan in Konoha, and no one dared to provoke them.

And this resentment was transferred to Chiyu, a child who had half Uchiha blood in his body and did not even have a surname. Chiyu was not Naruto, and he did not have the extreme kindness of Naruto.

After living in this environment for five years, even the most optimistic person would have a broken mentality.

Chiyu really couldn't figure out how Naruto, who grew up in this environment, could choose to forgive.

Not to mention the villagers, even Sarutobi Hiruzen was not as kind, tolerant, and friendly as Chiyu remembered. In the five years that Chiyu was in Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen saw him being bullied by the villagers more than once, but Sarutobi Hiruzen just glanced at him, ignored him, and left as if he had seen nothing.

Gradually, Chiyu was very sure that Sarutobi Hiruzen's kind look was fake.

Now Konoha is a prison for Chiyu.

But Chiyu can't leave this prison.

Because Konoha will not let him leave. Even if Chiba can leave Konoha, he has no power to protect himself. Although

Konoha is not a thing in Chiba's eyes, it must be said that Konoha is the safest place for Chiba. Chiba is very confident that he can change this situation in the future. Chiba

's confidence does not come from his own Uchiha bloodline or Senju bloodline.

Chiba, who only has half of the bloodline, may not be able to open the Sharingan or Wood Release Kekkei Genkai in this life.

Chiba relies on a system called"Witness".

As long as you witness the event, you can get witness points.

But to open the system, the prerequisite is to have 100 witness points.

Chiba has only completed 50 of the 100 witness points in the past five years.

This is thanks to Chiba's enrollment in the Ninja School three years ago, witnessing the enrollment of Minato Namikaze, and getting 50 witness points.

And the other 50 witness points, Chiba can't get them anyway.

This is all because of Chiba's embarrassing identity in Konoha now, which makes Chiba unable to get in touch with other events.

Moreover, it is a peaceful time now, and the Third World War is still far away. There is no event that can allow Chiyu to gain witness points.

However, there is an opportunity in front of Chiyu right now, that is, Uzumaki Kushina will soon enter Konoha and transfer to the Ninja School.

As long as you witness Uzumaki Kushina's admission, you should be able to get 50 witness points and open the witness system.

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