After listening to Qianyu's analysis, Yahiko was completely confused.

"Could it be...Is it wrong that we are committed to peace in the ninja world? Can't this ninja world usher in peace?"

Qianyu looked at Yahiko who looked depressed and said,"It's not wrong for you to want to work for peace, but it's wrong at the time. If it's a peaceful time now, then it's not wrong.

But now it's a war, and your peaceful speech violates the interests of the current authorities, so it's wrong."

Yahiko frowned and asked,"But isn't this self-contradictory? In peacetime, we are not needed at all."Qianyu sighed and said,"Yahiko, it's rare to have such a naive person like you in this complex ninja world. Why does the war start? There are conflicts, contradictions, unequal interests, social injustice and other reasons.

Since the war has already started, it means that the contradictions are no longer reconcilable and can only be resolved through fighting.

Since it is no longer reconcilable, do you still think that everyone can end the war by sitting down and talking?

If sitting down and talking can end the war, then how should the losses and deaths of the war be calculated?

War will only end when one side wins. Do you understand now?"

Yahiko clenched his fists tightly together.

He really didn't want to understand.

But his current experience told him that Chiyu was right.

Because of the peace talks he proposed, the Akatsuki organization was completely doomed.

Yahiko looked at Chiyu unwillingly:"Is there no way to achieve long-term peace?" Chiyu shook his head and said,"No, but what your companions want to do now is to make the ninja world have a long period of peace."

Yahiko was stunned:"Companions?"

Yahiko immediately reacted:"You are talking about Nagato and Konan, that's great, I said Nagato is the savior."

Yahiko's tense spirit suddenly relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face.

Chiyu also showed a subtle smile on his face:"Don't you want to know what method Nagato used?" Yahiko asked curiously:"What method?"

Chiyu smiled maliciously:"Nagato has now determined that as long as there is this cursed world, there will be no real peace, and people will never understand each other.

So now he plans to collect the tailed beasts, develop new forbidden techniques, create tailed beast weapons, gain the power to destroy a country in an instant, rely on human fear of those pains to suppress wars, guide the world in a painful way, and let the world move towards peace."

As of now, Nagato would not have this plan.

This plan was decided by Nagato after Uchiha Obito proposed it to him.

But what would happen if he told Yahiko in advance?

Chiyu had no intention of letting Yahiko meet Nagato.

After hearing this, Yahiko was stunned:"How could this happen?...Why is Nagato so extreme?..."

Chiyu asked doubtfully,"Why do you look so unbelievable? To be honest, Nagato's way of peace is the most likely to be achieved. As long as weapons exist, people will be wary and no one will dare to act rashly. They will honestly achieve peace under Nagato's rule."

Yahiko grabbed his head,"No, no, no, this kind of peace is not peace."

Chiyu asked,"Then what kind of peace do you want?"

Yahiko replied,"The peace I imagine is a peace of mutual understanding between people."

Chiyu sneered,"You're really fooled by Jiraiya's empty promises. This kind of peace is impossible. You said that the peace you imagined was a peace of mutual understanding between people, so why did you hit me with your fist in the beginning? Since it is mutual understanding, why don't you understand me? You haven't done it yourself, so why do you ask others to do it?"


Yahiko wanted to refute, but he couldn't.

Chiyu walked in front of Yahiko, looked at Yahiko and said,"Yahiko, your so-called peace is impossible to achieve, and I tell you, if it weren't for Nagato being used, I wouldn't save you, because Nagato's method of peace is the most likely to be achieved, and your existence will interfere with Nagato's..."

Yahiko asked anxiously:"Used? You said Nagato was used, what's going on?!"

Chiyu asked back:"How do you think Nagato got the Rinnegan?"

Yahiko immediately replied:"Of course he was born with it." Chiyu sneered:"Born? Then Nagato should be from the Uchiha clan." Yahiko was puzzled

:"What do you mean? How could Nagato be from the Uchiha clan!"

Chiyu opened the Mangekyō Sharingan in both eyes:"Because the Rinnegan is the final form of the Uchiha clan's Sharingan."

Yahiko was stunned:"The final form of the Sharingan...Could it be that Nagato is really from the Uchiha clan?"

Chiyu's mouth twitched. He now firmly believed what Baishe said about Yahiko being stupid.

Chiyu said unhappily:"Uchiha people all have black hair, no other hair color. Nagato is from the Uzumaki clan."

Yahiko's mind was very confused now:"Uzumaki clan? But...Then why does Nagato have the Rinnegan?"

Qianyu replied,"Why? Of course someone gave it to him. Ever since Nagato got the Rinnegan, he has been caught in a conspiracy. If this continues, Nagato's final outcome will only be death."

Yahiko's pupils shrank suddenly, and he asked anxiously,"Who gave Nagato the Rinnegan? What is the conspiracy?"

Qianyu shook his head and said,"I won't tell you now. If you go to find Nagato now, then you and Nagato will die immediately, because you have hindered the plan of the person behind the plot, and Nagato has lost the value of his existence."��

Nagato's value lies in the Samsara Eye. If the Samsara Eye can be given to Nagato, then it can also be given to others to continue the plan."

Yahiko collapsed to the ground and murmured,"Why is this happening?..."

Yahiko suddenly stood up and held Chiyu's shoulders tightly with both hands:"You must have a way, right? You saved me, you must want me to do something for you, as long as I can save Nagato, I can do it!"

Chiyu looked at Yahiko and smiled:"Now you are quite smart, yes, I do have something for you to do, but there is a prerequisite for all this, that is, before I finish my business, you must not meet Nagato and Konan.

This time may be five years, maybe ten years, maybe forever.

Can you do it?" Yahiko's hands that were holding Chiyu's shoulders were trembling.

He was silent for a long time, as if he had made up some kind of determination.

He looked directly into Chiyu's eyes and asked:"Then can you promise me that Nagato and Konan will be fine?" Chiyu nodded and said:"As long as you can do it, then I can do it too.


Yahiko took a deep breath and said firmly:"Okay, then I promise you!"

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