Gai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu encountered the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist and were in danger.

Might Dai arrived in time and stood in front of Gai and the other two.

"Dad?!" Kai looked at Might Dai in disbelief:"Dad, what are you, a Genin, doing here?"

Might Dai also felt that the seven people in front of him were tough guys, and said seriously:"Stop talking, you guys run, I'll buy time!"

Kai was stunned for a moment, then anxiously said:"Let's run away...Dad, the opponents are all jonin, and they are the Seven Ninja Swordsmen! Dad can't beat them alone!"

Might Dai said seriously:"I have the Death Gate Eight Gates Ninja Formation!"

Kai's pupils shrank:"But that trick..."

"Self-restraint!" Might Dai gave Kai a thumbs up:"Now is the time to protect the most important thing to you with all your might!"

"This is my way of survival for which I risk my life! Open! The Eight Gates Formation!"

Red steam burst out from Might Dai's body, and the powerful aura startled the seven members of Kirigakure.

Chiyu, who was fighting in the distance, felt a powerful breath and immediately began to use his Observation Haki.

Chiyu, who had no idea what was going on, had a serious expression on his face. With such a powerful strength, could it be that the Kirigakure Village had sent some powerful ninja?

Chiyu rushed towards the sensed location.

Kai stared at Might Dai's back in a daze, tears already streaming down his face unconsciously:"Dad..."

Might Dai endured the pain of opening the Death Gate, forced a smile and encouraged:"Gai, the real victory is not to defeat the strong, but to protect the most important thing to you. As a beast of Konoha, work hard to grow up. Before that, let me burn the flames to illuminate you and let the new leaves sprout!"

Kai bit his lips with his teeth, his eyes gradually became firm, wiped his tears with his hands, and said to Might Dai:"Dad, you will always be my pride! Xuanjian, Ebisu! Let's go!"


Genma Shiranui and Ebisu looked at Might Day with some worry.

They didn't know what the Eight Gates Formation was, but they definitely couldn't defeat the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Gai knew the consequences of opening the Death Gate, and said seriously:"My father has made up his mind, and we can't let him down."

Gai, Genma Shiranui, and Ebisu turned around and left the battlefield.

Might Day's eyes were slightly moist, and he murmured:"You are also my eternal pride."

Might Day looked at the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen looked at Might Day with some fear.

There was no battle yet, but there was a feeling of facing a desperate situation.

Might Day moved, and instantly came in front of Kibada Ayumu, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen holding the double swords, Taiya.

Kibada Ayumu didn't expect Might Day to be so fast, and he wanted to release Taiya in a hurry, but he was still a step too late.


Might Dai threw a punch, but it didn't hit Kiba Tianbu, but it produced a powerful air cannon, which directly hit Kiba Tianbu's abdomen.

Kiba Tianbu immediately vomited a large mouthful of blood, and the whole person fell backwards, knocking down a lot of trees, and finally fell to the ground, smashing a huge deep pit in the ground. Kiba

Tianbu, the user of the double swords, flounder, died on the spot.

The other six people were horrified, and they actually killed Kiba Tianbu with one blow.

"Long Sword Ninjutsu: Earth Spider Sewing!"

Kurishan Kushimaru hid the multiple steel wires of Long Sword: Sewing Needle under Might Guy's feet.

"Explosive Sword Technique!"

Muri Jinpachi swung Explosive Sword·Flying Foam and threw the Explosive Sword·Flying Foam's explosion scroll around Might Guy.



Kurisan Kushimaru and Murisinpachi shouted at the same time.

The steel wires under Might Guy's feet began to sew together. If the sew-up succeeds, then Might Guy's legs will be cut off.

At the same time, all the detonating tags around Might Guy burned and were about to explode.

Might Guy stomped his foot on the ground, and the ground collapsed in an instant, and Kurisan Kushimaru's steel wires were broken.

The storm blew away all the detonating tags around Might Guy.

Might Guy was in great pain at this time.

Just now, just one shot of Evening Elephant had fractured the bones of his arm.

Might Guy gritted his teeth and used Evening Elephant again on Kurisan Kushimaru and Murisinpachi.

Because the speed of the air cannon was too fast, Kurisan Kushimaru and Murisinpachi could not dodge at all and were hit hard.

Kurisan Kushimaru and Murisinpachi's bones were all burned. All of them were shattered in an instant, and two bottomless pits appeared on the ground again. In just a short while, three of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were killed.

Biwa Juzo, Xiguashan Puffer Demon, Kurochu Raiga and Tongcao Yebairen were suddenly terrified.

They couldn't beat them, it was impossible for them to lose.

Now the four of them had only one idea in their minds.

Escape! Escape quickly!

The four of them turned around and ran without hesitation.

Might Day's body was actually in very bad condition at this time, and both of his arms were completely broken.

Might Day's physical fitness had just reached the level of opening the Death Gate, so he couldn't hold on for long.

Looking at the fleeing Biwa Juzo, Xiguashan Puffer Demon, Kurochu Raiga and Tongcao Yebairen, Might Day showed a relieved smile:"Kai, it's up to you next."

Might Day struck a stance, and the red steam all over his body became more vigorous....

"Is this the Death Gate of the Eight Gates Ninja Formation?"

Qian Yu had already arrived here and was very surprised to see Might Dai with red steam coming out of his body.

"So...The four guys who escaped seemed to be the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and three of them had been killed."

Qianyu had not thought that he would be able to witness Might Dai's attack, but he did not expect that it would be such a coincidence that he could witness it.

Looking at the three large pits around him, Qianyu was amazed in his heart, the power was really great.

Qianyu sat on the tree trunk to watch the battle and witnessed the end of Might Dai.

Might Dai put his hands on the ground and made a starting position.


The red steam from Might's body rose to a higher level again, and the ground around him cracked because of the red steam.

The red steam began to turn into a dragon shape.

Qianyu's pupils shrank sharply.

Such a powerful chakra.

Such a powerful chakra, this dragon-shaped chakra, then this move is...

Mighty rushed forward at high speed, and in the blink of an eye he was behind the grass bait man.


Mighty kicked the grass-bearing wild-bait man on the back. The grass-bearing wild-bait man seemed to be broken.

Mighty kicked the grass-bearing wild-bait man and slid for a long distance. Wherever he passed, gravel splashed and dust rose into the sky. The

Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost only touched a little dragon-shaped steam and was blown away directly.

Mighty kicked the grass-bearing wild-bait man until he kicked it to the mountain, and then he stopped.

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