Uzumaki Kushina found Uzumaki Miyuki and sincerely said"I'm sorry" to her.

Hearing Uzumaki Kushina's apology, Uzumaki Miyuki was surprised and said:"Why do you want to apologize to me? If it's about the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, there's no need at all, because I wanted to do it myself."

Uzumaki Kushina said guiltily:"Chiyu has told me everything, I already know it, it was Chiyu who found you from the Land of Grass and brought you to Konoha, and I also know about the deal between you and Chiyu...."

Uzumaki Miyuki's eyes widened slightly, and she asked in confusion:"Qianyu told you? How could it be? According to his personality, he should not let you know and let you worry and feel guilty."

Uzumaki Kushina twisted two fingers together:"Actually, I saw that Miyuki and Qianyu may have known each other for a long time, and then I asked Qianyu, and Qianyu told me everything."

Uzumaki Miyuki laughed dumbly and took a long breath:"So you saw it, Kushina, but even so, there is no need to apologize to me, because this itself is a transaction, Qianyu gave I want the life I want, and I become a Jinchūriki."

Uzumaki Kushina shook her head:"But Chiba told me that when he brought you to Konoha, he didn't tell you that he brought you to Konoha because he wanted you to become a Jinchūriki. Chiba talked about the dangers of Jinchūriki. Almost anyone who becomes a Jinchūriki will be discriminated against by the whole village, because most people think that Jinchūriki is a monster. As long as the Jinchūriki loses control of his emotions, he will transform into a tailed beast and put them in crisis again.

Moreover, the Jinchūriki and the tailed beasts are hostile to each other, and there is also the risk of having their consciousness corrupted by the tailed beasts...."

Uzumaki Miyuki interrupted Uzumaki Kushina and said,"Kushina, do you know what kind of life I lived before? I said that I lived a life of displacement and fear, but this is not enough to describe all of me.

After the fall of the Whirlpool Kingdom, I and some of the surviving tribesmen went to the Wave Kingdom, the Tea Kingdom, and the Taki Kingdom....We have lived here, but we dare not stop.

Because after our identities are discovered, we will be captured without exception, interrogated about the sealing technique of our Whirlpool Country, and study our physique.

Moreover, the physique of our Uzumaki clan can awaken a kind of ability called"physical healing". By biting our skin, we can quickly restore our own or others' chakra and injuries.

After being discovered, we will be used as healing tools and live in hell forever.

I kept walking and walking, and later, I was the only one left. I came to the Grass Country and found a place to live in seclusion.

But the days of peace did not last long, and the war began. I was forced to take the risk and go to the Grass Village. If I didn't go to the Grass Village, I would probably starve to death. If

Qianyu hadn't found me, I might not be able to leave the Grass Village, because I could feel that someone had already set his sights on me.

When Qianyu found me and directly pointed out that I was a member of the Uzumaki clan, I still don't want to think of that fear.

When I learned that Chiyu was going to take me to Konoha, I was still very resistant, because I hated Konoha, hated Konoha for standing by and watching, and I was also afraid, afraid that Konoha would use me, the Uzumaki clan, as a tool like everyone else.

When I learned from Chiyu that you, who was also a member of the Uzumaki clan and Chiyu's fiancée, were also in Konoha, I agreed.

After coming to Konoha to live, I fell in love with the life here, because it allows me to live a stable life without having to worry.

Compared to the previous life, I would rather become a Jinchūriki, and the Third Hokage also promised me that my becoming a Jinchūriki would be a secret, and only a few people would know that I became the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki.

So, Kushina, you are worried that I will be discriminated against, which should not happen, and my progress in learning the sealing technique is also very fast. Mito-sama said that with the sealing technique and the physique of our Uzumaki clan, the tailed beasts will not get out of control.

So, Kushina, you don't have to worry about me at all, and you don't have to feel guilty about me. I didn't lie, and this is indeed what I want.

Otherwise, if I don't want to, it will never be my turn to be the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. You should understand that, Kushina."

Uzumaki Kushina opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but the words couldn't come out.

Uzumaki Miyuki smiled:"Kushina, actually I envy you." Uzumaki Kushina looked at Uzumaki Miyuki in surprise.

Uzumaki Miyuki smiled and explained:"Because Chiyu likes you very much, he is willing to do anything for you. I think everyone will envy such feelings."

Uzumaki Kushina's face became a little rosy:"Yes, I have always been very fortunate to have Chiyu always by my side. By the way, Miyuki, are you and Namikaze Minato together?" Uzumaki Miyuki nodded slightly:"Yes, we are together."

Uzumaki Kushina was surprised:"When did it happen? Why is it so sudden?"

Uzumaki Miyuki narrated:"Not long ago, in fact, I have been in contact with him before. He is a very nice person, very sunny, handsome, and gentle. I have a very good impression of him.

Half a month ago, because the mission required a ninja with sealing skills, I was assigned to Minato's team. We were attacked by the Rock Ninja, and it was Minato who protected me. Then it was natural for Minato and I to be together."

Uzumaki Kushina smiled slightly:"That's good."

Although Uzumaki Kushina looked down on Namikaze Minato, since Uzumaki Miyuki and Namikaze Minato were together, she would definitely choose to bless them.

Uzumaki Miyuki said to Uzumaki Kushina seriously:"Kushina, you really don't need to feel guilty about me."

Uzumaki Kushina took Uzumaki Miyuki's hand:"Thank you, Miyuki"

"Well, Chiyu finally returned to Konoha, you should go and accompany him."

Uzumaki Kushina stood up and said,"Then I'll leave, Chiyu and I will come to see you tomorrow."

Uzumaki Miyuki nodded and said,"Okay, I'll wait for you at home tomorrow. Speaking of which, you haven't brought Chiyu to my house yet."


Uzumaki Kushina left Uzumaki Miyuki's home.

Uzumaki Miyuki looked at Uzumaki Kushina's back as she left and pursed her lips.

After so many years of wandering in the ninja world, Uzumaki Miyuki could easily see through some things.

The first meeting between Namikaze Minato and her was too coincidental, and coupled with the fact that she was about to become the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, it was basically certain that Namikaze Minato was approaching her intentionally.

However, Uzumaki Miyuki still chose Namikaze Minato because she could feel that Namikaze Minato really liked her.

But Uzumaki Miyuki also knew that Namikaze Minato would not choose her unswervingly like Chiba.

Because Namikaze Minato loved Konoha more.

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