Chiba and Uzumaki Kushina followed Jiraiya and Tsunade to the Hokage building.

Jiraiya didn't even knock on the door, but pushed it open and shouted,"Old man, Tsunade and I are back!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen had a kind smile on his face, took a sip of his pipe and said,"It's good to be back, it's good to be back."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Chiba and Uzumaki Kushina behind Jiraiya and Tsunade, and said in surprise,"Chiba, Kushina, why are you here too?" Chiba glanced at the crystal ball on Sarutobi Hiruzen's desk.

I didn't see the crystal ball when I came to the Hokage's office last time. Now that the crystal ball appeared, it meant that Sarutobi Hiruzen must have been using the crystal ball to observe Konoha just now.

Then, Sarutobi Hiruzen must have known the situation at that time.

Ha, now he's pretending.

Chiyu took the initiative to say,"Hokage-sama, Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama brought me here to question me."

Upon hearing Chiyu say 'question me', Uzumaki Kushina got anxious first,"Hokage-sama, Chiyu did nothing wrong in this matter, he just wanted to help me!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen pressed his hand,"Tell me slowly, tell me what happened first."

Chiyu, Jiraiya and Tsunade narrated the whole story.

Sarutobi Hiruzen put down the pipe in his hand, the kind expression on his face disappeared, and he looked at Chiyu with a serious expression.

Uzumaki Kushina was about to speak for Chiyu, but Chiyu pulled her hand and stopped her.

Chiyu shook her head at Uzumaki Kushina.

Uzumaki Kushina looked at Chiyu with a tangled expression, her mouth moved, and finally she didn't say anything.

Just when Chiyu was about to speak, Tsunade said unexpectedly:"Old man, Chiyu knows that he was wrong in this matter, and it was also because those two brats were wrong first, and it didn't cause any big mistakes. Let's just let this matter end."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at Chiyu and asked:"Chiyu, do you know you are wrong?"

Chiyu stepped forward and said firmly:"Hokage, I don't think I am wrong!"

Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at Chiyu in astonishment.

Chiyu was given a way out, but he didn't want it. Is he so brave?

Uzumaki Kushina was also very anxious. In the situation just now, Chiyu might have admitted his mistake and the matter would have passed!

Sarutobi Hiruzen's aura was fully open, and his voice became a little lower:"Don't you think you are wrong?"

Chiyu said stubbornly under the pressure of Sarutobi Hiruzen:"Yes, I don't think I am wrong. I told Hokage at the beginning that I want to protect Konoha...."

Before Chiyu finished the next words, Sarutobi Hiruzen said:"But what you did is contrary to protecting Konoha!"

Chiyu argued:"I want to protect Konoha, I want to protect the people and things that should be protected, not those who attack their companions!

Konoha has strict rules, you must not attack your companions, but that person has violated the rules! So I don’t think I did anything wrong!

A person who can bully the weak, as a Genin, used a true kunai on Kushina, a student who just enrolled, I don’t think there is any need to protect!

This kind of person, in my eyes, is a cancer to Konoha! He is now Tian can do something to Kushina, and he can do something to others in the future. No one wants to trust such a person. Everyone says that I am a traitor, but no matter how I am abused or bullied, I have never thought of doing something to them, because in my eyes, they are companions, and I will never do something to my companions.

I will use my actions to make them trust me and recognize me, so my actions are not contrary to my original intention of protecting Konoha!

On the contrary, the person who betrays the trust of others and attacks his companions is the most hateful!"

Jiraiya and Tsunade were very surprised to hear Chiyu's words.

A 9-year-old child actually has such awareness.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's momentum also dissipated.

Chiyu's explanation is quite powerful.

Chiyu has indeed been abused and bullied in Konoha over the years, but he has never really done anything.

The most important thing is that Sarutobi Hiruzen saw from the crystal ball that Chiyu opened the Sharingan.

Chiyu not only has a talent in ninjutsu, but also awakened and opened the Sharingan.

There has never been a person in the Uchiha clan who opened the Sharingan at this age in Sarutobi Hiruzen's memory.

Mastering a set of A-level ninjutsu and with half of the Uchiha clan's bloodline, he opened the Sharingan at the age of 9. This talent is quite a monster.

With such a talent, it is almost certain that he will become the top ninja of Konoha in the future and can become the pillar of Konoha.

And Chiyu seems to be impeccable in terms of character.

Judging from his current performance, Chiyu can be regarded as loyal.

Sarutobi Hiruzen pondered for a while and said,"Even if they did something wrong, there are Konoha police forces to enforce the law. You have no right to use lynching on them.

But it is true that they were wrong first, and at the same time you wanted to help Kushina who was being bullied. So, you go home and reflect on it for three days, and this matter will be over."

Uzumaki Kushina's expression suddenly became happy, and she immediately thanked Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Thank you, Lord Hokage!"

Chiba also bowed and said,"Thank you, Lord Hokage."

In Chiba's view, admitting mistakes and letting this matter pass is a choice that can only be made if there is no other way.

Finding a way to make this matter prove his loyalty to Konoha is the best choice.

Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen knows that he has selfish motives, what can he do? Everyone has selfish motives. As long as they don't touch Sarutobi Hiruzen's taboos, it's fine.

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand,"Okay, you go back first."

Chiba and Uzumaki Kushina left the Hokage's office hand in hand.

Jiraiya looked at the backs of the two people leaving and sighed,"The kids nowadays are really more evil than the other. They have mastered such fast ninjutsu and opened their Sharingan."

Tsunade also echoed,"I heard that the Uchiha clan needs strong emotional stimulation to open their eyes.

Because Kushina was bullied, Chiba opened her Sharingan.

It seems that Kushina is very important to Chiba.

" Sarutobi Hiruzen took a sip of his pipe in frustration.

He wanted Jiraiya's future disciple Minato Namikaze to become a bond that Kushina Uzumaki would recognize as Konoha.

Now that Chiba and Kushina Uzumaki have such a good relationship, why does it feel like Minato Namikaze has no chance.

Chiba left the Hokage building and took Kushina Uzumaki back to her home.

Kushina Uzumaki breathed a sigh of relief:"That's great Chiba, you only need to stay at home for three days and you'll be fine."

Chiba asked Kushina Uzumaki to sit on the sofa and said to Kushina Uzumaki with a serious expression,"Kushina, I don't want to lie to you..."

Uzumaki Kushina tilted her head and looked at Chiba in confusion, not understanding what Chiba had lied to her about. Jiraiya and Tsunade, who had not returned for many years, were in the Hokage's office. At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen must be reminiscing with them, so he would not use the crystal ball to spy on them. So

Chiba told Uzumaki Kushina frankly,"Kushina, everything I said in the Hokage's office was a lie."

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