Orochimaru suddenly appeared on the training ground and said that Sarutobi Hiruzen liked him very much and wanted Orochimaru to accept him as his disciple.

Chiyu's brain almost crashed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen liked him very much, Chiyu could see it.

Because it had been more than once that Sarutobi Hiruzen reminded Chiyu that he could apply for the graduation exam in advance and become a formal ninja.

But Chiyu pretended to be confused and got away with it. Chiyu was unwilling to graduate early and become an ordinary ninja to perform those low-level tasks. In Chiyu's opinion, it was a complete waste of time.

Unless Sarutobi Hiruzen could clearly indicate that he could directly participate in combat missions after graduation. If

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not make it clear, Chiyu would not gamble on that probability.

If Chiyu lost the bet, he would have to pick up garbage.

But Chiyu did not expect that Orochimaru would come to her in person when she was about to take the graduation exam in two days.

And it was introduced by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Chiyu suddenly realized that Orochimaru was still one of the most prestigious three ninjas in Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen's proud disciple, and one of the pillars of Konoha.

Orochimaru has not yet experienced being completely beaten by the Sharingan. He is just a Konoha ninja who is eager to learn all the techniques in the world.

But if it is dangerous, Orochimaru at this time is still a little dangerous.

Orochimaru's thoughts tend to be negative because he lost both his parents when he was young, and he witnessed the death of his good friend Kato Dan and his apprentice Nawaki. Now he should have begun to walk into the darkness.

In addition, Orochimaru will also work with the Konoha high-level to conduct research on the Wood Release Bloodline Limit.

And Chiba, who has the blood of the Senju clan, is the best experimental material.

However, the research on Wood Release should only happen after the end of the Third Ninja World War, when the next Hokage is selected.

Chiba doesn't know whether Orochimaru has started to learn the Impure World Reincarnation of the dead and the study of the immortality technique.

In general, the risk of becoming Orochimaru's disciple is not great at present, after all, it was introduced by Sarutobi Hiruzen himself.

And Orochimaru's teaching level is unquestionable.

As the future Uchiha Sasuke is Orochimaru's disciple, Orochimaru not only trained Sasuke very well, but also taught Sasuke to analyze and formulate strategies in the face of the enemy's abilities, leaving a good foundation.

Although Chiyu has now learned the Thunder Breathing Full Sword Form, it is limited to the Thunder Breathing Full Sword Form and the basics taught in the Ninja School.

Therefore, Chiyu's training is just a pure integration of the current abilities, and he has not learned anything new.

As a disciple of Orochimaru, Orochimaru will definitely teach him something new.

And Chiyu also wants to learn about the analysis of the enemy's abilities and the formulation of strategies.

Having made up his mind, Chiyu knelt on one knee and begged,"Please accept me as your disciple, Lord Orochimaru!"

Orochimaru chuckled and said,"Although I am very interested in you, and the old man also hopes that I can accept you as my disciple, it does not mean that you will definitely become my disciple.

I will give you a chance. Under the awareness that if you don't kill me, you will be killed. Pass my test. As long as you pass the test, you will be my disciple, Orochimaru."

Chiyu stood up and asked,"I understand, Lord Orochimaru, so the test will start now, right?"

Orochimaru nodded slightly,"Yes, it will start now."

The moment Orochimaru finished speaking, Chiyu immediately retreated and distanced herself from Orochimaru. She placed her right hand on the handle of the sword, condensing her chakra, and her hands and feet were already flashing with lightning.

Orochimaru was very satisfied with Chiyu's behavior. He did not drag his feet. After learning about the test, he immediately prepared for battle.

""Thunder Breathing·First Form·Thunderbolt Flash!"

Qianyu burst out in one breath, like thunder tearing through the air, approaching Orochimaru at high speed, and slashed at Orochimaru with a very fast attack at a speed that could not be seen even by the naked eye.

However, after Qianyu slashed, he did not feel that he had hit a solid object with the sword.

He slashed in the air.

And Orochimaru was no longer in front of him.

Qianyu frowned, what a fast body-flicking technique.

Orochimaru's voice sounded from the side of Qianyu:"The speed is good, but the weakness is also quite obvious. You can't change direction in the middle of the way. You can only be in a straight line. As long as they see through your attack and change direction before your attack arrives, even if it's only one body length away, your attack will miss."

After Orochimaru made a seal, he aimed his arm at Qianyu

""Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

Orochimaru instantly summoned several snakes on his arms, and these snakes rushed towards Qianyu.

Qianyu immediately turned around and faced Orochimaru head-on.

"Breathing of Thunder·Form 4·Distant Thunder!"

Dazzling blue lightning burst out from Chiyu's body, and he attacked Orochimaru at extremely fast speeds. After approaching Orochimaru, he swung the blade to slash at high speed.

The snake summoned by Orochimaru was electrocuted by the lightning on Chiyu before it even touched Chiyu.

Chiyu slashed at Orochimaru at high speed, but Orochimaru dodged Chiyu's slash with ease.

Orochimaru commented:"This move sacrifices some speed, but increases the strength of the change in the nature of the Lightning Release Chakra, and the power is not bad."

While dodging Chiyu's slash, Orochimaru quickly formed seals with both hands.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

Orochimaru blew out a strong wind from his mouth.

Although Wind Style: Great Breakthrough is a C-level ninjutsu, the size of the scale varies according to the ability of the caster.

When used by an excellent ninja, the wind has the destructive power to blow down a century-old tree.

And Orochimaru is naturally an excellent ninja. The strong wind blew, and Chiyu was blown away directly.

At the same time, because the wind style restrains the lightning style, in the strong wind, the lightning flashing on the surface of Chiyu's body was blown away by the strong wind.

Chiyu, who thought he was going to be blown far away, suddenly stopped in the air.

A snake was wrapped around Chiyu's body, and the tail of the snake was wrapped around Orochimaru's arm.

Chiyu was like a kite, floating in the air.

Just when Chiyu wanted to break free from the snake's restraints, Orochimaru pulled it hard, and Chiyu rushed towards Orochimaru uncontrollably.

Orochimaru punched Chiyu in the abdomen, and Chiyu flew backwards instantly.


Chiyu's eyes widened, and she felt like she was going to vomit stomach acid.

Chiyu fell heavily to the ground, and rolled twice before stopping.

Orochimaru was still calm and composed, and commented:"Your ability to respond on the spot is not enough. When I used the Shadow Snake Limb, before I released the Wind Style, and when I pulled you over, you had a chance to escape or fight back."

Chiyu covered her abdomen and stood up from the ground. She took a deep breath, adjusted her state, and directly opened her Sharingan.

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