After Chiyu separated from Uzumaki Kushina, Chiyu returned to Orochimaru's base.

Orochimaru was also packing up the things in the base.

Seeing Chiyu coming back, Orochimaru put down the things in his hands, raised a little arc at the corner of his mouth, and asked jokingly:"Don't you want to stay with Kushina for a while?"

Chiyu blushed:"Konoha is not very safe recently, so I sent her home early." Orochimaru continued to pack up, and then asked casually:"Really? Have you decided?"

Chiyu asked doubtfully:"Decision?"

Orochimaru replied:"I guess you should already know why Kushina came to Konoha. You don't have other friends. You will work so hard to become stronger. I think most of the reasons are also for Kushina, right?

Konoha wants Kushina to become the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. Judging from your attitude towards Mito-sama, I think you should be very resistant to this decision. After all, I am also your teacher, and I can guess what you are thinking.

Then you have to make a choice, whether to let Kushina become the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, or to find a way to prevent Kushina from becoming the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

You must make this decision early. Mito-sama's health is getting worse day by day. If it comes to the point where it is a fait accompli, even if you resist this decision, you can't change anything."

Chiyu stared at Orochimaru and was silent for a long time.

Orochimaru seemed not to notice Chiyu's eyes and continued to pack his things.

After a long time, Qianyu asked faintly:"Teacher Orochimaru, I don't understand. You know that sooner or later I will leave Konoha, which I regard as a cage, why do you still train me so hard?

When I leave Konoha, teacher Orochimaru, you and I may become enemies."

Orochimaru looked at Qianyu and chuckled:"Qianyu, I thought you would understand me."

Qianyu's breath was choked.

Indeed, he knew where Orochimaru would go in the future.

But Qianyu really couldn't understand the current Orochimaru. Logically, Orochimaru worked so hard to make such plans for Konoha. In Qianyu's opinion, the current Orochimaru should be loyal to Konoha.

Orochimaru looked at Chiyu with his snake eyes and said,"To me, things like the Will of Fire are not important and can be abandoned at any time.

Because in my opinion, these things will constrain me and make it impossible for me to let go of some things.

Life is too short, and it is a waste of time to be timid because of these things.

But this kind of thing cannot be abandoned just like that. Whether it is me or you, we need an identity to survive in this ninja world, right?"

Chiyu asked,"Then...Teacher Orochimaru, will you help me?"

Orochimaru shook his head:"I can tell you clearly that if it is just as a master and apprentice, no, but if you can pay the benefits that can make me excited, then we can cooperate as partners."

Qiyu's mouth curled up a smile:"Teacher Orochimaru, then I can also tell you clearly that my choice has been made long ago, and I have also thought of a way. I also hope that in the future, I can cooperate with Teacher Orochimaru as a partner."

Orochimaru smiled and said:"Then I look forward to that day, but Kushina, as the second candidate for the Nine-tailed Jinchuriki, is very important to Konoha. I am very curious about what method you think of?"

Qiyu's eyes flashed with brilliance:"Now that Mito-sama is still alive, Kushina is just a candidate for a spare container. Konoha is looking at Kushina's special physique of the Uzumaki clan and as a spare container, the spare container of the Uzumaki clan, sometimes it's not good to have one more?" Orochimaru was surprised:"Oh? It seems that you have found the members of the Uzumaki clan who were lost outside."

Qianyu shook his head and said,"No, I haven't found it yet, but I have clues. I believe that if I look carefully at that time, I will definitely find it."

Orochimaru suddenly asked,"What if I can't find it?"

Qianyu pondered for a while, and replied seriously,"It depends on my strength at that time."

Orochimaru looked at Qianyu, and the smile on his face couldn't be stopped at all:"You are really determined, Qianyu."

Qianyu said in a deep voice:"But I believe that that moment will not come so early. I still have time. I just need to improve my strength now. What will happen in the future will naturally develop in the future. By then, I will definitely think of more ways."

Orochimaru agreed,"Indeed, the greater your strength, the more choices you will have.

Qianyu, you are very smart, and your strength is getting stronger and stronger. The memories of the three cloud ninjas have been analyzed, two special ninjas, one ninja, and the three ninjas disguised as pirates are spies sent by the Hidden Mist Village to explore the Land of Fire, and they have also confessed.

With such achievements, if nothing unexpected happens, you will be a Chunin from tomorrow. If it weren't for the fact that we are not in wartime yet, you might have already been a Special Jonin or Jonin."

Qian Yu was not surprised that he could become a Chunin.

Because he wanted to be promoted, he planned to capture the three Kirigakure spies alive and bring back the heads of the three Kumogakure ninjas.

"Well, have a good rest tonight. After that, we will go to the battlefield of Hot Spring Country and there will be no time to rest."

"Yes, Master Orochimaru."

Qianyu said goodbye to Orochimaru and returned to his room.

Lying on the bed, Qianyu recalled the conversation he had just had with Orochimaru.

The conversation between him and Orochimaru was already a small stall.���.

Chiyu is now very sure that Orochimaru is about to start developing the technique of immortality by any means necessary.

In this case, Chiyu doesn't need to worry about Orochimaru anymore.

It can be said that he and Orochimaru are now on the same page.

The next day.

Before dawn, Chiyu and Orochimaru went to find Sarutobi Hiruzen first, and as expected, Sarutobi Hiruzen awarded Chiyu the title of Chunin.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen said a few words to Orochimaru, Chiyu and Orochimaru went to the gate of Konoha to prepare to leave the Land of Fire and go to the Land of Hot Springs.

In front of the gate of Konoha, Chiyu met someone who was expected but unexpected.

Uzumaki Kushina.

Chiyu walked in front of Uzumaki Kushina and rubbed Uzumaki Kushina's cheeks, which were slightly red from the cold in the early morning.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

"I can't sleep when I think about you, Qianyu, going to the River Country for a long time, and I also want to see you off."

"Don't worry about me, and I will write a letter and let my snake bring it to you, and when you miss me you can also let the snake that comes to find you bring the letter to me."

Uzumaki Kushina stretched out her little finger:"Then it's a deal!"

Chiyu hooked Uzumaki Kushina's little finger:"Ah, it's a deal!"

After saying goodbye to Uzumaki Kushina, Chiyu and Orochimaru set foot on the battlefield towards the Land of Hot Springs.

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