Chiyu and the leader of the soup ninja were covered by dust, and no one else could see the situation clearly.

Now, those who were paying attention here wished they had Byakugan so that they could see who won and who lost at the first time.

The ninjas of Konoha naturally favored Chiyu.

After all, Chiyu seemed to be evenly matched with the leader of the soup ninja, and did not fall into a slump, and even injured the leader of the soup ninja.

The Cloud Ninja and the soup ninja were more optimistic about the leader of the soup ninja.

Because they observed that although Chiyu and the leader of the soup ninja seemed to be evenly matched, and had the upper hand several times, they could also think of good ideas in the battle.

But the leader of the soup ninja successfully resolved Chiyu's attack every time with experience.

And even they could see that Chiyu's chakra was running out.

Chiyu's strength seemed to have reached the level of a jonin, but his chakra did not seem to be there yet, and at most it was a chakra of a special jonin.

They believed that the leader of the soup ninja could successfully resolve Chiyu's attack this time.

As long as this attack was resolved, Chiyu, who had no chakra, would become a fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered at will.

At the same time, they were also a little worried. What if the leader of the soup ninjas couldn't withstand Qianyu's attack this time?

At this time, a gust of wind blew, blowing away the dust around Qianyu and the leader of the soup ninjas, and finally everyone could see the situation in the field clearly. Qianyu knelt on one knee on the ground, gasping for breath.

Not far away, the leader of the soup ninjas fell to the ground in a very embarrassed manner.

The clothes on his body were burned by the high temperature of lightning and had many holes.

The soup ninjas and the cloud ninjas were shocked. The leader of the soup ninjas was defeated?!

But what surprised everyone was that there was no burning or knife wound on the body of the soup ninja leader.

There were many wounds on the body of the soup ninja leader, which looked more like wind escape ninjutsu, and Qianyu's attack just now was obviously a thunder escape ninjutsu, which was puzzling.

However, Minato Namikaze widened his eyes and had analyzed what had just happened.

There is no doubt that Qianyu's attack just now was empty!

As for why Qianyu's extremely fast and powerful attack failed, it was because of the vacuum jade released by the soup ninja leader at the end.

The soup ninja leader had released the vacuum jade many times before, but Qianyu dodged them all.

The soup ninja leader knew that he could not resist Qianyu at all, nor could he avoid it, so the target of the final vacuum jade was not Qianyu, but the ground beneath his feet. He used the storm generated by the vacuum jade hitting the ground, and used the storm to blow his body away to quickly avoid Qianyu's attack.

Although this also injured the soup ninja leader, it was better than being beheaded by Qianyu.

The soup ninja leader struggled to get up from the ground, vomited a mouthful of blood, looked at Qianyu who was kneeling on one knee on the ground, and said in a hoarse voice:"You can't stand up anymore, right?..."

Qianyu coughed violently a few times.

Just as the soup ninja leader said, he now had difficulty standing up, and every inch of muscle in his body seemed to be torn apart and painful.

Although Qianyu had learned the final Seventh Form, Fire Thunder God after a systematic simulation, Qianyu had never mastered it before. He failed more often than he succeeded in training.

This time, Qianyu finally mastered it, but because there was not much chakra left in Qianyu's body, it exceeded the load of his body.

Qianyu looked at the soup ninja leader not far away and sighed:"As a village leader, you are really experienced in combat, and you are also decisive.

You actually thought of this way of losing both sides to avoid my attack.

" The soup ninja leader twitched his mouth:"Isn't that what ninjas are like? In a desperate situation, you have to take a gamble, but I won the gamble, but there is one thing I am curious about.

When you drew your sword just now, the distance of the ninja sword didn't seem to be enough to behead me.

Was it a mistake?"

Qianyu used the ninja sword to support himself and force himself to stand up. Even after standing up, Qianyu's body was trembling slightly.

The pain of muscle tearing made Qianyu's face pale.

Qianyu said weakly:"In our plan, anyone in the Hidden Tang Village can die, but you can't die."

The leader of the Hidden Tang Ninja was stunned for a moment, and was even more puzzled:"I can't die? Why?..."

The leader of the Tang Ninja suddenly sighed:"Forget it, I don't want to know anymore, this time it's really over. I don't want to kill you, you are too good, as long as you keep growing, you will definitely become a strong man in the ninja world.

But you killed so many ninjas in our Tangyin Village. As the leader of Tangyin Village, I must kill you to avenge them!"

Qianyu sneered:"Don't say such polite words on the battlefield. We are enemies. Who are you insulting by saying such words? And......"Who said you won?"

The leader of the soup ninjas frowned and looked at Qianyu. At this time, Qianyu could still say such words. It was obvious that she had already struggled to stand up, right? The leader of the soup ninjas ignored Qianyu and took out a kunai, ready to kill Qianyu.

After seeing this, Minato Namikaze moved his body and wanted to save Qianyu.

But Minato Namikaze suddenly stopped.

He remembered Daigo's death and what Qianyu said before, 'I died because I was incompetent, so there is no need to bother you.’

Minato Namikaze was struggling in his heart.

He didn't want to save Chiyu. Chiyu was right, he hated him. Not just a little bit, he really hated him.

Especially after Chiyu gave Daigo a detonating tag, causing Daigo to die together with the

Cloud Ninja. But Minato Namikaze, who was determined to become Hokage, told himself that his decision not to save Chiyu was wrong.

At this time, the leader of the soup ninja had already shot the kunai in his hand at Chiyu.

Looking at the kunai shot by the leader of the soup ninja, Minato Namikaze moved his body again. Minato Namikaze felt that he was wrong. Regardless of whether Chiyu was wrong or not, Chiyu was fighting for Konoha at this moment. Even if Chiyu had different ideas from him, he should not stand by and watch her die.

If he chose to stand by and watch her die, wouldn't it be tantamount to violating his own ideas?

Minato Namikaze tried his best to rush towards Chiyu.

But the distance between him and Chiyu was really far.

It was too late....


Namikaze Minato suddenly stopped again, frowning as he looked at the kunai that the soup ninja leader shot at Chiyu.

Why did this kunai feel like...Off?

The kunai that the soup ninja leader shot was nailed to the ground next to Qianyu.

However, in the eyes of the soup ninja leader, his kunai did not miss, but went straight to Qianyu's head.


When the kunai hit Qianyu, her body suddenly became illusory, until it disappeared and reappeared in another place. The

Tang Ninja leader's face suddenly changed, and he blurted out:"Illusion?!"

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