In the woods at the edge of Konoha, thunder rumbled continuously.

In a large area of the woods, trees fell and flames burned.

Qianyu, who had performed the last sword form of Thunder Breathing, stood there motionless.

Qianyu, who had been tortured for a long time, finally heard the sound of nature.

[The Thunder Breathing simulation has been successful, the rewards have been distributed, and the system will release the takeover status. ]

When Qianyu took over his body again, he fell to the ground, curled up on the ground and twitched....

It hurts everywhere.

It hurts so much that Chiyu doesn't even have the strength to shout.

Chiyu regrets now that when she let the system take over her body, she shouldn't have chosen the forest.

Because now Chiyu can't even move a finger, and there are flames all around.

If she doesn't find a way to save herself, she will be burned to death here.

After lying on the ground for a while, Chiyu felt her body getting hotter and hotter.

The will to survive made Chiyu move.

Fortunately, there was a small river in the place Chiyu chose, and she could be saved as long as she crawled into the river.

But Chiyu crawled very slowly, and Chiyu felt the fire burning her butt.

Just when Chiyu was about to crawl into the river, several figures fell in front of Chiyu.

Chiyu raised her head with difficulty, and when she saw the leader, her pupils shrank.

The third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Although Chiyu guessed that the people of Konoha would notice the situation here, she didn't expect Sarutobi Hiruzen to come here in person.

But at least she should be saved, and we'll talk about what happens later.

As soon as Chiyu's tense spirit relaxed, she fainted immediately.

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and looked at Chiyu, his eyes full of confusion.

The situation here was obviously an attack left by a lightning ninja.

And there was only Chiyu here, and Chiyu's hands were obviously burned by the use of lightning ninjutsu.

But the damage caused around here is difficult even for a Chunin.

Chiyu, a student who is still studying in a ninja school, can do such a thing?

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt very incredible.

For Chiyu, Sarutobi Hiruzen's senses are not good, but actually not bad. Although Chiyu's parents defected from Konoha before, to be honest, it was not a betrayal of Konoha, but an elopement.

It was a conflict between Chiyu's parents and the Uchiha clan, not a conflict with Konoha.

It's just that the Uchiha clan did not recognize Chiyu, and the villagers of Konoha vented their resentment towards the Uchiha clan on Chiyu.

Now the villagers of Konoha are increasingly resentful of the Uchiha clan, and there are signs of irreconcilable differences.

However, the current situation in the ninja world is not as peaceful as it seems. War may break out at any time, and Konoha still needs the power of the Uchiha clan.

Therefore, Sarutobi Hiruzen cannot take action against the Uchiha clan for the time being.

On one side are the villagers, and on the other side are the Uchiha clan, so Sarutobi Hiruzen directly chooses to ignore the existence of Chiba.

Now Sarutobi Hiruzen cannot be 100% sure whether this is caused by Chiba, but if it is, then Sarutobi Hiruzen will have to re-evaluate the value of Chiba.

Sarutobi Hiruzen narrowed his eyes as he looked at the unconscious Chiba.

Moreover, there are very few lightning ninjas in Konoha. If this is caused by Chiba, it means that Chiba has mastered a powerful lightning ninjutsu.

Chiba has not left the village since his mother brought him back to Konoha, so the lightning ninjutsu mastered by Chiba was obtained outside the village.

If such a ninjutsu is taught by Konoha's ninjas who can use lightning ninjutsu, Konoha's strength will be greatly improved.

Sarutobi Hiruzen ordered the Anbu around him:"Put out the surrounding flames, and then take him to the Ninja Hospital for treatment."

After the order was given, the Anbu ninjas used water ninjutsu to put out the surrounding flames.

One of the Anbu picked up Chiyu and took him to the Ninja Hospital....

Uzumaki Mito's mansion.

Uzumaki Kushina, who was rejected by Chiyu, returned to Uzumaki Mito's mansion in a daze.

Uzumaki Kushina, who had just come to Konoha, lived with Uzumaki Mito.

Uzumaki Mito saw Uzumaki Kushina coming back and asked with a smile:"Kushina, how was your first day at the Ninja School? Did everything go well?"

Uzumaki Kushina pursed her lips and called out aggrievedly:"Grandma Mito."

Uzumaki Mito saw that Uzumaki Kushina looked aggrieved, so she stepped forward and picked up Uzumaki Kushina, sat on the couch, and asked:"What happened?"

Uzumaki Kushina told Uzumaki Mito that she was nicknamed Tomato in class, and then she beat up those who bullied her, and that she wanted to make friends with Chiyu but was rejected.

Uzumaki Mito murmured:"Chiyu?"

Hearing Uzumaki Mito's murmur, Uzumaki Kushina asked curiously:"Grandma Mito, do you know Chiyu?"

"Yes, I have heard of it."

Uzumaki Mito's voice was a little low.

How could he not know her?

Chiyu's father was from the Senju clan, and was from the same clan as her husband, Hashirama Senju.

But since the founding of Konoha, Hashirama Senju, as the patriarch of the Senju clan, had disbanded the Senju clan, and all the clan members intermarried with the villagers of Konoha, and had already disappeared among the crowd.

When Chiyu's parents defected from Konoha, Uzumaki Mito had asked Sarutobi Hiruzen for mercy.

But he was unsuccessful, because Chiyu's mother was from the Uchiha clan.

As the Uchiha clan is the largest clan in Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the Hokage, had to give them face.

Later, Chiyu After returning to Konoha, Uzumaki Mito also proposed to adopt Chiba, but was rejected by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The reason given by Sarutobi Hiruzen was Uzumaki Mito's identity and Chiba's identity.

Chiba's parents were traitors and were not recognized by the Uchiha clan.

As the wife of the first Hokage, Uzumaki Mito was not suitable to adopt a child whose parents were traitors and abandoned by the Uchiha clan.

At that time, Uzumaki Mito was still lamenting that Sarutobi Hiruzen, who succeeded the Hokage, became a little strange to her.

Uzumaki Mito stroked Uzumaki Kushina's hair and asked,"Do you know why Chiba refused to be friends with you?"

Uzumaki Kushina said aggrievedly,"He said, 'I am isolated by the whole village. If you make friends with me, you may also be isolated by everyone.' Then he asked me to change a seat after returning to school and left."

Uzumaki Mito's eyes flickered:"Isolated by the whole village?..."Alas, Monkey, Chiyu has done nothing wrong."

Uzumaki Mito sighed deeply, feeling sad about Chiyu's current situation.

But now she can't do anything to change Chiyu's current situation.

Looking at Uzumaki Kushina who looked unhappy, Uzumaki Mito became thoughtful.

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