After Chiba and other Konoha ninjas advanced ten kilometers, they temporarily set up camp on the spot.

In the past few days, there were constantly cloud ninjas coming to investigate their situation.

However, because there were traps all around and there were ninjas patrolling, no battles occurred.

Chiba was quite relaxed these days, and he didn't need to do some trivial things at all.

So Chiba has been practicing these days.

On the third day after the camp was stationed, news came from Yuyin Village.

Yuyin Village resumed its neutral position and stated that it would no longer participate in the battle between Yuyin Village and Konoha, and Yuyin Village would no longer accept the stationing of cloud ninjas.

For this result, Chiba, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya were not surprised.

After all, the battle that broke out in Yuyin Village a few days ago had already seriously damaged Yuyin Village.

If Kuroiwa Tatsuji was smarter, he would understand that in the war between them and Yuyin Village, a small Yuyin Village was not qualified to stand on the side.

He could only accept Orochimaru's suggestion and restore neutrality.

In this way, Yuyin Village can still survive in this war that has not yet started.

But this relaxing life only lasted for four days.

On the fifth day,

Orochimaru asked Chiba to go to his tent.

There were still only Orochimaru and Jiraiya in the tent, and now he was added.

After seeing Chiyu coming, Orochimaru said seriously:"Two kilometers away from our base, the Cloud Ninjas have begun to gather." Jiraiya asked solemnly:"How many people are there?"

Orochimaru replied:"It is roughly estimated that there are fifty ninjas. It seems that they intend to find out our situation this time. However, this time is later than I expected. I thought they would take action two days ago." Jiraiya asked:"Orochimaru, then rely on the traps we set and fight and retreat?"

Orochimaru nodded and said:"Yes, the traps we set in the past few days are the main means to stop the Cloud Ninjas, but this alone is not enough.

Because the configuration of the fifty or so Cloud Ninjas is still unclear, Jiraiya, you and I will guard the rear and stop the Cloud Ninjas as much as possible."

Jiraiya frowned slightly:"Will you guard the rear with me? But who will be in the front to command the team forward?"

Jiraiya suddenly paused and looked at Chiyu.

Chiyu pointed at himself in confusion:"Should I lead the team forward?"

Orochimaru nodded and explained:"Yes, here, Chiyu is the only one who has leadership ability. Even if we fight and retreat, we can't retreat too fast. Although there are traps, we can't rule out the failure of the traps, being discovered, and other factors, so Jiraiya and I will guard the rear to ensure the speed of the Cloud Ninja's pursuit.

Chiyu, your task is to guide the ninjas to retreat, but there will definitely be Cloud Ninjas who will take a detour to the front, and then you will have to organize the ninjas to counterattack.

Chiyu, in the next war, you will sooner or later become a leader to command the battle, so this time you should adapt in advance."

Chiyu's expression was a little subtle.

Just because Orochimaru thinks so highly of him, Chiyu also knows that he will become a leader sooner or later.

Chiyu thought it would start with those five unlucky Uchiha guys, but he didn't expect it to be so fast, and he would directly lead 32 ninjas.

Jiraiya agreed,"Indeed, here Chiba is more suitable to lead the ninjas and command them to retreat."

At first, when Jiraiya heard Orochimaru say 'only Chiba has leadership ability', Jiraiya wanted to refute it.

Jiraiya felt that Minato Namikaze's leadership ability was also very good. After all, Minato Namikaze was the commander in several previous missions.

But compared with Chiba, Minato Namikaze's leadership level is indeed much worse.

Leadership ability is directly linked to the overall situation. Minato Namikaze's overall situation can only be said to be good, and Minato Namikaze's creed is mainly based on companions. It is indeed not appropriate for Minato Namikaze to be a leader.

Chiba felt a little pressured.

It was the first time for Chiba to lead and command more than 30 people at once. Chiba agreed to accept the leadership of the five Uchiha Chunins because he was unhappy with the Uchiha clan and wanted to make things difficult for them.

Orochimaru said,"Chiba, there is no need to feel pressured, you just need to perform normally."

Chiba nodded and agreed,"Teacher Orochimaru, I understand, I will command them to retreat"

"Very good, then the next step will be easy, Jiraiya, go and call everyone to assemble!"

"OK, I will go gather all the people now!"

Jiraiya hurriedly left the tent and asked all the ninjas to gather together.

Orochimaru stepped forward and patted Chiyu on the shoulder, encouraging her:"We are very short of people now. You have this talent, you just need to use it normally. Let's go."

Orochimaru took Chiyu out of the tent...

All the ninjas have been assembled.

Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Chiyu stood at the front of the team.

Orochimaru announced:"The Cloud Ninjas have assembled nearly fifty ninjas to prepare for action, and we are about to start retreating. Jiraiya and I will stay at the back of the team to resist the pressure from the Cloud Ninjas.

You just need to retreat according to the plan. The next person to lead and command you is Chiyu, and he will lead you to retreat!"

Hearing that they would have to follow Chiyu's orders to retreat, everyone looked at each other and began to whisper.

Chiyu stepped forward and said with a cold face:"I know you have complaints about me commanding you, but this is an order, so you have to accept it!

From now on, all of you will obey me, and my orders are absolute! If you disobey my orders, then if you die, don't blame others!

If it's because of any of you who disobeyed the order���And if he drags down others, I will kill that person first without the enemy taking action!

You should know clearly that I am capable of doing such a thing. After all, in your eyes, I am such a cold-blooded person."

In the team, Minato Namikaze's brows were tightly furrowed together.

Jiraiya looked at Chiba's back, his eyes were dazed, as if he saw a smaller version of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya came to the end of the team.

And Chiba also began to give orders

"Everyone check your ninja tools. During the retreat, you need to set traps!

32 people, divided into two teams, 16 people in each team. One team continues to maintain the formation with 1 shadow clone and 5 clones, while the other team sets traps, and then switches in a cycle.

No matter what happens in the rear, I didn't ask you to participate in the battle, and no one is allowed to join the battle!

If you understand, then wait for the Cloud Ninja to take action, and then follow me!"

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