Uchiha Yorito was extremely anxious when he heard that Chiyu left Uchiha Jinno but not him.

Uchiha Yorito defended himself,"Chiyu! I was just too impatient and said something nonsense. Give me another chance and I will definitely obey your orders!" Chiyu looked at Uchiha Yorito jokingly and said with a smile,"I have given you many chances, and I have given you chances again and again. I am very kind to keep these four people.

But in fact, I am a very narrow-minded person. I am very afraid of the revenge of the Uchiha clan, so how can I keep you?

Someone has to bear the consequences of this matter. Unfortunately, you are the unlucky one."

When the others heard Chiyu say that he was very afraid of the Uchiha clan, they rolled their eyes.

If it weren't for the miserable appearance of these five Uchiha ninjas, they would have really believed it.

Uchiha Yorito was still trying to explain, but Chiyu didn't listen to the explanation and turned away.

Uchiha Kyosuke, Uchiha Keiichi and Uchiha Ryuhei followed Chiyu with their heads down.

Although Uchiha Jinno had a broken leg and a broken hand, he still tried his best to limp and follow Chiyu, fearing that Chiyu would find a random excuse to ask them to go back to Konoha. When Uchiha Raito saw Chiyu leaving, he immediately begged Orochimaru.

But Orochimaru didn't even look at him, and said,"Pack your things and you can go back to Konoha," and then left. Uchiha Raito, who had begun to despair, asked Uchiha Kazuo for help.

But if Uchiha Kazuo had a way, he wouldn't have stood here without saying a word. Uchiha Kazuo finally sighed and said to Uchiha Raito,"Raito, go back to Konoha after you treat your leg. Tell the clan leader what happened here, and he shouldn't be too harsh on you." Uchiha Raito was completely stunned, and he couldn't even feel the pain of his broken leg.

He was not afraid of punishment, but he was afraid of other people's strange eyes.

His legs were broken by Chiyu, and he was driven back to Konoha by Chiyu.

How could he hold his head up in the clan in the future?

It is unknown how Uchiha Yorito, who was in a daze, finally accepted the treatment of the medical ninja....

At this time, Qianyu brought four Uchiha to the deserted woods.

Qianyu glanced at the four people with cold eyes and said:"I know you don't like me and you want to kill me, because I feel the same as you.

But I am the captain and you are my subordinates, so you must listen to my orders, otherwise, the punishment will be more than just like that.

If you disobey my orders during the battle, I will kill you directly without mercy.

You know my hatred for Uchiha, so don't be lucky and think that I dare not do anything to you.

But now you still have a chance, you can leave here and roll back to Konoha, you don't have to listen to my orders anymore, what is your choice?"

Uchiha Kyosuke and the other four did not move, indicating that they were willing to stay here and obey Qianyu's orders.

Qianyu nodded:"It seems that you have made your choice, so you have no way out, tell me your names."

The four read out their names one by one.

Qianyu said with his hands behind his back:"Very good, you should know my name very well, so I won't waste time introducing myself here.

I will remind you first, be prepared, the missions I will accept in the future will definitely be very dangerous, and the mortality rate will definitely be very high, but at the same time, I will also get a lot of military merits. I hope you won't hold me back, and I won't deduct your military merits.

Disband now, go treat your wounds, and rest, I won't care about you, I will notify you when there is a mission, disband."

After the voice fell, Qianyu disappeared from the spot.

After Qianyu left, Uchiha Kyosuke and the other four breathed a sigh of relief.

It was really too aggrieved, and too unreasonable.

They started fighting directly without saying a word, and they were still cruel.

Uchiha Keiichi, the youngest among them, was already 19 years old, but he couldn't even raise his head in front of Qianyu, a 13-year-old child.

Now the war has not really started yet, which means they have to work under Qianyu for who knows how long.

Moreover, Chiyu explicitly said that he didn't like them, and they would definitely be bullied in the future.

Uchiha Kyosuke and the other three looked at each other, their eyes filled with confusion about the future.

When they were in Konoha, they were still the superior ones, so why did they become the subordinates on the battlefield?

The four of them sighed at the same time, and helped Uchiha Jinno to find medical ninjas to treat his injuries.

When the four went to heal their injuries, they happened to meet Uchiha Yorito who was also receiving treatment. Uchiha Yorito was in a daze with lifeless eyes.

Several people called Uchiha Yorito several times before Uchiha Yorito came back to his senses.

Uchiha Yorito showed a smile that was several times uglier than crying:"I'm going back to Konoha soon..."

Uchiha Kyosuke and the other three wanted to comfort Uchiha Yorito, but they couldn't say anything when the words came to their lips.

If Uchiha Yorito hadn't threatened Chiyu, he would have been able to stay.

But there are no ifs in this world.

Uchiha Yorito said to Uchiha Kyosuke and the other three:"That Chiyu will definitely make things difficult for you in the future. Do you plan to just follow him?"

Uchiha Ryuhei said helplessly:"What else can we do? Yorito, you have also seen that Chiyu is a completely unreasonable guy, and Lord Orochimaru is also protecting him." Uchiha Yorito

's expression was very unwilling:"Don't we Uchiha people are not welcome here? Then let's just go together!" Uchiha Kyosuke and the other three looked at Uchiha Yorito in surprise. Uchiha Yorito really didn't want to go back to Konoha alone. Going back to Konoha alone and going back to Konoha with five people are definitely different. At least there are people in the same situation as him, and he will feel better.

Uchiha Kyosuke and his three companions were not fools. They had already agreed to become Chiba's subordinates. If they followed Uchiha Yorito back to Konoha, the nature of the matter would be different. They would be deserters.

Then they would not be punished according to the clan rules, but most likely the judgment of Konoha.

Therefore, the four of them pretended to be careless and left with a random excuse.

Uchiha Yorito's proposal was leading them into a fire pit!

Seeing that his own clan members did not support him, Uchiha Yorito was so angry that he unconsciously opened his eyes of single magatama Sharingan, and the single magatama in his pupils kept spinning and gradually turned into two magatama.

Because of the excessive fluctuation of emotions, Uchiha Yorito's Sharingan accidentally evolved into a double magatama Sharingan.

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